Data limit on joins with connect tables?

I am attempting run a query against two tables in a remote database with an inner join. These tables reside in a Progress Database. I have used the CONNECT engine via the ODBC connection that I have set up. The first query had 24 columns returned by the query, I got 930 rows as a result. If I reduce the number of columns that I select, the number of rows returned by the database goes up. Even with only two rows select, I only get about 12,000 rows. The total result should be 14,149 rows. I have used the same ODBC connection with LibreOffice Base and received the full number of rows.

If I query each table individually, I get the full number of rows (The tables have a 1 to 1 relationship with the current data).

I am using MariaDB 10.0.8 32-bit on Windows 7 querying a remote Progress Database.

Is there some sort of data limit? I have noticed that the total number of data points (rows multiplied by columns) is between 20,000 and 24,000.

Answer Answered by Federico Razzoli in this comment.

Probably this won't help you, but... try checking the value of sql_select_limit. If it's != 0, it is the max number of rows that can be returned by a select.

Otherwise, I'd do a simple check. If the number of rows returned by

SELECT * FROM table;

is != the result of


it's supposed to be a bug in MariaDB or in the CONNECT engine. In this case, it would be useful if you file a bug at


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