Step 3: Start and Configure Enterprise ColumnStore 5


This page details step 3 of a 5-step procedure for deploying Single-Node Enterprise ColumnStore 5 with Object storage.

This step starts and configures MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.5 and MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 5.

Interactive commands are detailed. Alternatively, the described operations can be performed using automation.

Configure Enterprise ColumnStore

Mandatory system variables and options for Single-Node Enterprise ColumnStore include:

System Variable/Option



Set this system variable to utf8


Set this system variable to utf8_general_ci


Set this system variable to ALWAYS to always use cpimport for LOAD DATA INFILE and INSERT...SELECT statements.

Example Configuration

log_error                              = mariadbd.err
character_set_server                   = utf8
collation_server                       = utf8_general_ci

Configure the S3 Storage Manager

Configure Enterprise ColumnStore S3 Storage Manager to use S3-compatible storage by editing the /etc/columnstore/storagemanager.cnf configuration file:


service = S3

bucket                = your_columnstore_bucket_name
endpoint              = your_s3_endpoint
aws_access_key_id     = your_s3_access_key_id
aws_secret_access_key = your_s3_secret_key
# iam_role_name       = your_iam_role
# sts_region          = your_sts_region
# sts_endpoint        = your_sts_endpoint
# ec2_iam_mode        = enabled

cache_size = your_local_cache_size
path       = your_local_cache_path

The S3-compatible object storage options are configured under [S3]:

  • The bucket option must be set to the name of the bucket that you created in "Create an S3 Bucket".

  • The endpoint option must be set to the endpoint for the S3-compatible object storage.

  • The aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key options must be set to the access key ID and secret access key for the S3-compatible object storage.

  • To use a specific IAM role, you must uncomment and set iam_role_name, sts_region, and sts_endpoint.

  • To use the IAM role assigned to an EC2 instance, you must uncomment ec2_iam_mode=enabled.

The local cache options are configured under [Cache]:

  • The cache_size option is set to 2 GB by default.

  • The path option is set to /var/lib/columnstore/storagemanager/cache by default.

Ensure that the specified path has sufficient storage space for the specified cache size.

Start the Enterprise ColumnStore Services

  1. Start and enable the MariaDB Enterprise Server service, so that it starts automatically upon reboot:

    $ sudo systemctl restart mariadb
    $ sudo systemctl enable mariadb
  2. Start and enable the MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore service, so that it starts automatically upon reboot:

    $ sudo systemctl restart mariadb-columnstore
    $ sudo systemctl enable mariadb-columnstore

Create the Utility User

Enterprise ColumnStore requires a mandatory utility user account to perform cross-engine joins and similar operations.

  1. Create the user account with the CREATE USER statement:

    CREATE USER 'util_user'@''
    IDENTIFIED BY 'util_user_passwd';
  2. Grant the user account SELECT privileges on all databases with the GRANT statement:

    TO 'util_user'@'';
  3. Configure the utility user, use the mcsSetConfig to run the following commands:

    $ sudo mcsSetConfig CrossEngineSupport Host
    $ sudo mcsSetConfig CrossEngineSupport Port 3306
    $ sudo mcsSetConfig CrossEngineSupport User util_user
    $ sudo mcsSetConfig CrossEngineSupport Password util_user_passwd

Passwords should meet your organization's password policies. If your MariaDB Enterprise Server instance has a password validation plugin installed, then the password should also meet the configured requirements.

Configure Linux Security Modules (LSM)

The specific steps to configure the security module depend on the operating system.

Configure SELinux (CentOS, RHEL)

Configure SELinux for Enterprise ColumnStore:

  1. To configure SELinux, you have to install the packages required for audit2allow.

    On RHEL 7 and CentOS 7, install the following:

    $ sudo yum install policycoreutils policycoreutils-python

    On RHEL 8, install the following:

    $ sudo yum install policycoreutils python3-policycoreutils policycoreutils-python-utils
  2. Allow the system to run under load for a while to generate SELinux audit events.

  3. After the system has taken some load, generate an SELinux policy from the audit events using audit2allow:

    $ sudo grep mysqld /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -M mariadb_local

    If no audit events were found, this will print the following:

    $ sudo grep mysqld /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -M mariadb_local
    Nothing to do
  4. If audit events were found, the new SELinux policy can be loaded using semodule:

    $ sudo semodule -i mariadb_local.pp
  5. Set SELinux to enforcing mode by setting SELINUX=enforcing in /etc/selinux/config.

    For example, the file will usually look like this after the change:

    # This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
    # SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
    #     enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
    #     permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
    #     disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
    # SELINUXTYPE= can take one of three values:
    #     targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
    #     minimum - Modification of targeted policy. Only selected processes are protected.
    #     mls - Multi Level Security protection.
  6. Set SELinux to enforcing mode:

    $ sudo setenforce enforcing

Configure AppArmor (Ubuntu)

For information on how to create a profile, see How to create an AppArmor Profile on