This page is part of MariaDB's Documentation.
The parent of this page is: Performance Schema for MariaDB Enterprise Server
Topics on this page:
A description for this Performance-schema Table has not yet been added to this Documentation.
CREATE TABLE `events_waits_history_long` (
`THREAD_ID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Thread associated with the event. Together with EVENT_ID uniquely identifies the row.',
`EVENT_ID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Thread''s current event number at the start of the event. Together with THREAD_ID uniquely identifies the row.',
`END_EVENT_ID` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'NULL when the event starts, set to the thread''s current event number at the end of the event.',
`EVENT_NAME` varchar(128) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Event instrument name and a NAME from the setup_instruments table',
`SOURCE` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Name and line number of the source file containing the instrumented code that produced the event.',
`TIMER_START` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Value in picoseconds when the event timing started or NULL if timing is not collected.',
`TIMER_END` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Value in picoseconds when the event timing ended, or NULL if the event has not ended or timing is not collected.',
`TIMER_WAIT` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Value in picoseconds of the event''s duration or NULL if the event has not ended or timing is not collected.',
`SPINS` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Number of spin rounds for a mutex, or NULL if spin rounds are not used, or spinning is not instrumented.',
`OBJECT_SCHEMA` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Name of the schema that contains the table for table I/O objects, otherwise NULL for file I/O and synchronization objects.',
`OBJECT_NAME` varchar(512) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'File name for file I/O objects, table name for table I/O objects, the socket''s IP:PORT value for a socket object or NULL for a synchronization object.',
`INDEX_NAME` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Name of the index, PRIMARY for the primary key, or NULL for no index used.',
`OBJECT_TYPE` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'FILE for a file object, TABLE or TEMPORARY TABLE for a table object, or NULL for a synchronization object.',
`OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Address in memory of the object.',
`NESTING_EVENT_ID` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'EVENT_ID of event within which this event nests.',
`NESTING_EVENT_TYPE` enum('TRANSACTION','STATEMENT','STAGE','WAIT') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Nesting event type. Either statement, stage or wait.',
`OPERATION` varchar(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Operation type, for example read, write or lock',
`NUMBER_OF_BYTES` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Number of bytes that the operation read or wrote, or NULL for table I/O waits.',
`FLAGS` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Reserved for use in the future.'
ISO 9075:2016
Release Series | History |
11.4 Enterprise |
10.6 Enterprise |
10.6 Community |
10.5 Enterprise |
10.5 Community |
10.4 Enterprise |
10.4 Community |
10.3 Enterprise |
10.3 Community |
10.2 Enterprise |
10.2 Community |
Release Series | History |
11.4 Enterprise |
10.6 Enterprise |
10.5 Enterprise |
10.4 Enterprise |
Additional information on this topic may be found in the MariaDB Public Knowledge Base.