Module Parameters for MariaDB MaxScale 24.08
This page is part of MariaDB's Documentation.
The parent of this page is: Reference for MariaDB MaxScale 24.08
Topics on this page:
MariaDB MaxScale 24.08 supports many module parameters.
Reference material is available for MariaDB MaxScale 24.08.
MariaDB MaxScale 24.08 Module Parameters
The Module Parameters supported by MariaDB MaxScale 24.08 are listed below.
To see Module Parameters supported in other versions, see "Module Parameters by MariaDB MaxScale Version".
MariaDB Monitor (mariadbmon)
The parameters for mariadbmon:
Parameter | Description |
Assume that hostnames are unique | |
Enable automatic server failover | |
Enable automatic server rejoin | |
Number of connection attempts to make to a server | |
Connection timeout for monitor connections | |
Read timeout for monitor connections | |
Write timeout for monitor connections | |
Address of backup storage | |
Backup storage directory path | |
Cooperative monitoring type | |
The API key used in communication with the ColumnStore admin daemon | |
The base path to be used when accessing the ColumnStore administrative daemon. If, for instance, a daemon URL is https://localhost:8640/cmapi/0.4.0/node/start then the admin_ | |
Port of the ColumnStore administrative daemon | |
Path to SQL file that is executed during node demotion | |
How often the disk space is checked | |
Disk space threshold | |
Enable read_ | |
Enforce a simple topology | |
Disable read_ | |
Events that cause the script to be called | |
Number of consecutive times MaxScale can fail to reach the Primary Server before it considers it down | |
Timeout for failover | |
Manage server-side events | |
The time the on-disk cached server states are valid for | |
Put the server into maintenance mode when it runs out of disk space | |
Conditions that the master servers must meet | |
Master failure timeout | |
How often the servers are monitored | |
Password for the user used to monitor the servers | |
Path to SQL file that is executed during node promotion | |
Listen port used for transferring server backup | |
Enable SSL when configuring replication | |
Password for the user that is used for replication | |
User used for replication | |
Script to run whenever an event occurs | |
Replication lag limit at which the script is run | |
Timeout for the script | |
List of servers to use | |
List of servers that are never promoted | |
Conditions that the slave servers must meet | |
Is SSH host key check enabled | |
SSH keyfile. Used for running remote commands on servers. | |
SSH port. Used for running remote commands on servers. | |
SSH connection and command timeout | |
SSH username. Used for running remote commands on servers. | |
Perform a switchover when a server runs out of disk space | |
Timeout for switchover | |
Username used to monitor the servers | |
Verify master failure |
Read/Write Split Router (readwritesplit)
The parameters for readwritesplit:
Parameter | Description |
Retrieve users from all backend servers instead of only one | |
Configures read causality, reads subsequent to writes issued in manner to reduce replication lag | |
Timeout for synchronization of the Primary Server with a Replica Server during causal reads | |
How ofted idle connections are pinged | |
Alias for 'wait_ | |
Retry queries that fail to route due to connection issues | |
Timeout for retrying queries that fail to route due to connection issues | |
Disable session command history | |
Allow the root user to connect to this service | |
Ping connections unconditionally | |
Put connections into pool after session has been idle for this long | |
Create connections only when needed | |
Match localhost to wildcard host | |
Log a warning when client authentication fails | |
Log debug messages for this service (debug builds only) | |
Log info messages for this service | |
Log notice messages for this service | |
Log warning messages for this service | |
Use master for reads | |
Master failure mode behavior | |
Reconnect to the Primary Server if it changes mid-session | |
Maximum number of connections | |
Maximum replication lag | |
Session command history size | |
Maximum number of connections the router session can use to connect to Replica Servers | |
Number of seconds a Replica Server is allowed to fall behind the Primary Server | |
How long a session can wait for a connection to become available | |
Network write timeout | |
Optimistically offload transactions to slaves | |
Password for the user used to retrieve database users | |
Prune old session command history if the limit is exceeded | |
Service rank | |
Number of statements kept in memory | |
Automatically retry failed reads outside of transactions | |
Reuse identical prepared statements inside the same connection | |
Enable session tracing for this service | |
Track session state using server responses | |
Starting number of slave connections | |
Criteria the router uses to select Replica Servers in load balancing read operations | |
Routes multi-statement queries to the Primary Server | |
Routes statements to the Primary Server | |
Prevent reconnections if temporary tables exist | |
Strip escape characters from database names | |
Replays in progress transactions that fail on a different Server | |
Maximum number of times to attempt to replay failed transactions | |
Type of checksum to calculate for results | |
Maximum size in bytes permitted for transaction replays | |
Maximum number of times the router attempts to replay transactions in the event that the transaction fails due to deadlocks | |
Retry transaction on checksum mismatch | |
Prevent replaying of about-to-commit transaction | |
Timeout for transaction replay | |
Where the router sends session variable queries | |
Username used to retrieve database users | |
Load additional users from a file | |
When and how the user accounts file is used | |
Custom version string to use | |
Connection idle timeout |
MariaDB Protocol
The parameters for MariaDBProtocol:
Parameter | Description |
Listener address | |
Listener authenticator | |
Authenticator options | |
Path to connection initialization SQL | |
Metadata that's sent to all connecting clients | |
Listener port | |
Listener protocol to use | |
Allowed (sub)networks for proxy protocol connections. Should be a comma-separated list of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. | |
Service to which the listener connects to | |
Listener UNIX socket | |
SQL parsing mode | |
Enable TLS for server | |
Path to the X.509 certificate authority chain file in PEM format. In MaxScale 6 and earlier, this parameter was named | |
Alias for | |
TLS public certificate | |
TLS certificate verification depth | |
TLS cipher list | |
TLS certificate revocation list | |
TLS private key | |
Verify TLS peer certificate | |
Verify TLS peer host | |
Minimum TLS protocol version | |
Path to user and group mapping file |
Read Connection Router (readconnroute)
The parameters for readconnroute:
Parameter | Description |
Retrieve users from all backend servers instead of only one | |
How ofted idle connections are pinged | |
Alias for 'wait_ | |
Disable session command history | |
Allow the root user to connect to this service | |
Ping connections unconditionally | |
Put connections into pool after session has been idle for this long | |
Match localhost to wildcard host | |
Log a warning when client authentication fails | |
Log debug messages for this service (debug builds only) | |
Log info messages for this service | |
Log notice messages for this service | |
Log warning messages for this service | |
Route read operations to the Primary Server or whether it only accepts write operations | |
Maximum number of connections | |
Maximum acceptable replication lag | |
Session command history size | |
How long a session can wait for a connection to become available | |
Network write timeout | |
Password for the user used to retrieve database users | |
Prune old session command history if the limit is exceeded | |
Service rank | |
Number of statements kept in memory | |
A comma separated list of server roles | |
Enable session tracing for this service | |
Track session state using server responses | |
Strip escape characters from database names | |
Username used to retrieve database users | |
Load additional users from a file | |
When and how the user accounts file is used | |
Custom version string to use | |
Connection idle timeout |
The parameters for maxscale:
Parameter | Description |
Enable REST audit logging | |
List of HTTP methods to exclude from audit logging, e.g., "GET" | |
Full path to admin audit file | |
Admin interface authentication | |
Admin interface is enabled | |
Enable admin GUI | |
Admin interface host | |
JWT signature algorithm | |
The issuer claim for all JWTs generated by MaxScale | |
Encryption key ID for symmetric signature algorithms. If left empty, MaxScale will generate a random key that is used to sign the JWT. | |
Maximum age of the JWTs generated by MaxScale | |
Log admin interface authentication failures | |
Extra public certificates used to validate externally signed JWTs | |
PAM service for read-only users | |
PAM service for read-write users | |
Admin interface port | |
Only serve GUI over HTTPS | |
Admin SSL CA cert | |
Alias for 'admin_ | |
Admin SSL cert | |
Admin SSL key | |
Minimum required TLS protocol version for the REST API | |
URL for third-party verification of client tokens | |
Connection timeout for fetching user accounts | |
Read timeout for fetching user accounts (deprecated) | |
Write timeout for for fetching user accounts (deprecated) | |
Specifies whether a MaxScale parameter whose value depends on a specific global server variable, should automatically be updated to match the variable's current value | |
Cluster used for configuration synchronization. If left empty (i.e., value is ""), synchronization is not done. | |
Database where the 'maxscale_ | |
How often to synchronize the configuration | |
Password for the user used for configuration synchronization | |
Timeout for the configuration synchronization operations | |
User account used for configuration synchronization | |
Debug options | |
In what circumstances should the last statements that a client sent be dumped | |
Key manager type | |
Specifies whether persisted configuration files should be loaded on startup | |
Local address to use when connecting | |
Specifies whether debug messages should be logged (meaningful only with debug builds) | |
Specifies whether info messages should be logged | |
Specifies whether notice messages should be logged | |
Limit the amount of identical log messages than can be logged during a certain time period | |
Log a warning when a user with super privilege logs in | |
Specifies whether warning messages should be logged | |
The maximum number of authentication failures that are tolerated before a host is temporarily blocked | |
Maximum amount of data read before return to epoll_ | |
Log to MaxScale's own log | |
Enable or disable high precision timestamps | |
True if MaxScale is in passive mode | |
Persist configurations changes done at runtime | |
The name of the query classifier to load | |
Arguments for the query classifier | |
Type: size, default value is 15% of available memory | |
Number of times an interrupted query is retried | |
The total timeout in seconds for any retried queries | |
How often should the load of the worker threads be checked and rebalancing be made | |
If the difference in load between the thread with the maximum load and the thread with the minimum load is larger than the value of this parameter, then work will be moved from the former to the latter | |
The load of how many seconds should be taken into account when rebalancing | |
How many statements should be retained for each session for debugging purposes | |
How many log entries are stored in the session specific trace log | |
Regular expression that is matched against the contents of the session trace log and if it matches the contents are logged when the session stops | |
Do not resolve client IP addresses to hostnames during authentication | |
Skip service and monitor permission checks | |
The query classifier sql mode | |
Log to syslog | |
Type: count, default value is based on cpu count | |
This parameter specifies a hard maximum for the number of routing threads | |
How often the users will be refreshed | |
How often the users can be refreshed | |
High water mark of dcb write queue | |
Low water mark of dcb write queue |
Server Objects
The parameters for server objects:
Parameter | Description |
Server address | |
Server authenticator (deprecated) | |
Server disk space threshold | |
Server extra port | |
Maximum routing connections | |
Monitor password | |
Monitor user | |
Maximum time that a connection can be in the pool | |
Maximum size of the persistent connection pool | |
Server port | |
Server priority | |
Server protocol (deprecated) | |
Enable proxy protocol | |
Server rank | |
Server UNIX socket | |
Enable TLS for server | |
Path to the X.509 certificate authority chain file in PEM format. In MaxScale 6 and earlier, this parameter was named | |
Alias for | |
TLS public certificate | |
TLS certificate verification depth | |
TLS cipher list | |
TLS private key | |
Verify TLS peer certificate | |
Verify TLS peer host | |
Minimum TLS protocol version | |
Object type |