XpandGUI for MariaDB Xpand
This page is part of MariaDB's Documentation.
The parent of this page is: Administrative Tools for MariaDB Xpand
Topics on this page:
There are five (5) main sections of the Xpand GUI.
Starting with MariaDB Xpand 6.1, XpandGUI is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Alternatives to XpandGUI include:
Main Menu (Header)
The main menu is provided in the header. Click an icon to directly access the corresponding section:
Accessing XpandGUI
Access the XpandGUI by typing the ip or hostname of one of your nodes into a web browser. For non-root installations, include port 8080. Chrome is recommended.
When logging in for the first time, provide the following temporary credentials:
Target: hostname or IP address of any node in your cluster
Xpand strongly recommends that you create a new user and delete the noreply@mariadb.com
user. To create a new user, access the "Manage Users" in the upper right corner of any page by clicking on
For additional information, see "Managing Users with XpandGUI for MariaDB Xpand".
Health Dashboard
The 'Health Dashboard' is designed to give a quick high-level overview of database cluster health and activity. There are 24-hour sparkline graphs of six main cluster attributes: Transactions per second, CPU utilization, Rebalancer status, In-memory table utilization, Storage, and Read and Write latencies. These graphs are shown in green, yellow, or red depending on how they compare to threshold levels. Visual Alerts are displayed for attributes which are outside normal ranges. All data is polled and updated every 5 seconds.
Health Dashboard Tabs
The TPS section displays the number of database transactions per second across all nodes, including sections for:
Current transaction execution times, broken down by execution time
Current transactions per second by node
Transactions per second in the last 24 hours (5 minute intervals)
You can select whether to display transactions or queries per second.
The CPU section: displays Average CPU utilization across all the database nodes in the cluster including:
CPU usage breakdown
Current CPU usage by node, which can be used to identify imbalances
CPU usage over the last 24 hours
The rebalancer section displays the number and type of current rebalancer actions, as well as a history of recent actions, and actions over the previous 24 hours. If the cluster is underprotected, the Rebalancer health will reflect that.
Memory Utilization
The memory section provides information on how memory is used, including for In-Memory tables.
The current memory allocations for In-Memory Tables, Buffer Manager, Working Memory, Reserve, OS + Other Apps, and Free
Current memory utilization per node
The graph at the bottom shows the percent utilization of memory by type over 24 hour period, in 5 minute intervals
The Storage section displays how storage is being consumed across the active nodes in the cluster, including the following:
User: Amount of User space
Undo: Amount of Undo log
Binlog: Amount of storage used by replication binlog(s)
System: Amount of storage used by system processes
Free: Amount of free space in the cluster
This section also includes a breakdown of "Storage by node" and displays the "Storage allocation in the last 24 hours." These are useful for identifying uneven or "lumpy" distributions in data or recent changes to storage.
The Queries tab has two distinct views that show Current and Recent Queries.
Current Queries
The Current Queries view displays all currently executing queries and queries that have completed within the last second. By default, this view is auto-refreshed every 5 seconds but can also be paused. If you navigate away from the Current Queries view, auto-refresh will resume.
The following metrics are displayed:
Status: Query status
Query Statements: Displays the query statement, up to two lines. Click 'Show More' to display the full Query
Age: How long the query has been executing
Database: The database the query is being run on
Session ID: The ID of the session the in which query was run
Transaction ID: The ID of the transaction in which the query was run
Source IP: The IP address of the machine on which the query was run
Username: The Xpand username of the user under which the query was run
Current Queries can be filtered via the Query Filters in the left pane or by entering text into the 'Filter by text' field.
Queries shown in the 'Current' Queries view will be removed as they complete, and subsequently can be found on the 'Recent' page.
The 'Recent' Queries view displays all the queries which have been recently completed, along with the following metrics:
Exec Count: The number of times the query was executed
Avg Exec Time: The average amount of time each iteration of the query took to execute
Query Statements: Displays the query statement, up to two lines. Click 'Show More' to display the full Query.
Avg Rows Read: The average number of rows read by each iteration of the associated query
Avg Rows Written: The average number of rows written by each iteration of the associated query
Avg Rows Output: The average number of rows output by each iteration of the associated query
Database: The database on which the query executed
Recent Queries can be filtered via the Query Filters in the left pane or by entering text into the 'Filter by text' field.
The 'Graphs' tab displays important database attributes over a user-specified interval. There are predefined collections of graphs for Diagnostic (Xpand Specifics), Health, Locks, Performance, Queries and Rows, Replication, Sessions and Transactions, and Storage. You can also define custom collections.
The default interval is 24 hours, but can be range from 15 minutes to 7 days. Choose an interval width on the data selector, or the top ruler (using the left/right cursors) by dragging that selected interval across the date range. Refresh the screen to go back to the default time frame.
Moving the cursor back and forth over a graph creates a vertical 'needle' which displays the attributes (on the left) for each visible graph at that time-stamp. All the graphs are aligned by timestamp, to aid in point-in-time analysis.
Single-click to place a vertical 'needle' for comparison purposes with the (moving) needle under the mouse
There are 2 ways to zoom in on Graphs
Zoom into the x-axis (time) of all of the visible graphs by clicking inside a graph and dragging horizontally across the graph, you will see a vertical column highlighting the area (time frame) you wish to zoom in on.
Zoom into the y-axis of a particular graph by clicking in a graph and dragging vertically on a graph. You will see a horizontal bar across the screen highlighting the area of the y-axis that will be zoomed in on.
Double-click the graph to reset the zoom level to normal, you may need to double click several times if you have done many zooms. You may also go to a different tab and return to the Graphs tab.
The Compare tab allows users to compare two sets of database attributes at two different points in time. The default attributes are CPU min/max/average, and query latency. The other attributes are shown in the drop-down below.
The left-side list of values is displayed on the left-side Y-axis, and the right-side list of values is displayed on the right-side Y-axis. The horizontal axis (time) is displayed and adjusted via the Rulers at the top of the page
The queries occurring at the timestamp selected is displayed under the associated needle. Thus, the left-side 'Query Statements' occurred at the point-in-time where the left needle is currently placed
The following fields are displayed in the two Query Statement views:
Database: The database on which the query executed
Query Statements: Displays the query statement, up to two lines. Click 'Show More' to display the full Query
Rows Read: The amount of rows read by the associated query
Each of the Query Statement views can be filtered via partial-entry text in its associated 'Filter Queries' box
The attributes being compared are selected from a drop down on the right and left sides of the screen
The Flex page displays all the nodes and node statuses of the current cluster. It also allows the cluster to be expanded and reduced in size.
XpandGUI includes an option to "Drop this node", which simply marks the node as softfailed. For additional instructions on modifying your cluster size, see "Scale-Out with MariaDB Xpand" and "Scale-In with MariaDB Xpand".