Replication and User Account Management Statements with MariaDB Xpand


When replication is used with MariaDB Xpand, user account management statements are considered to be modifications to the system database:

  • User account management statements include CREATE USER, DROP USER, RENAME USER, SET PASSWORD, GRANT, and REVOKE


  • MariaDB Xpand 5.3

  • MariaDB Xpand 6.0

  • MariaDB Xpand 6.1

Best Practices

Here are five best practices that can be followed to log account management/system level operations:

  1. Create an initial RBR binlog.

    master> CREATE BINLOG 'b1' FORMAT='ROW'; /* b1 will record all database operations and system level operations */
  2. If you're going to have multiple binlogs then identify the ones for which system level logging is required and add system to the binlog explicitly.

    master> CREATE BINLOG 'b2' LOG('system'), FORMAT='ROW'; /* b2 will record only account management statements */
    master> CREATE BINLOG 'b3' LOG('system', 'db3'), FORMAT='ROW'; /* b3 will record all system level operations and all operations on database 'db3'*/
  3. If there is already a binlog and you want to log system level operations then ALTER the binlog to include it.

    master> CREATE BINLOG 'b4' LOG('db4'), FORMAT='ROW';
    master> ALTER BINLOG 'b4' ADD LOG('system') /* b4 will record all system level operations and all operations on database 'db4'*/
  4. If you want to exclude some database(s)/table(s) from the binlog scope which was defined to include system level operations, IGNORE the specific database.

    master> CREATE BINLOG 'b5' IGNORE('db5'), FORMAT='ROW'; /* b5 will record all system level operations and all database operations except 'db5' */
  5. This binlog is for a specific table. Note that GRANT and REVOKE statements that refer to the specific databases or tables modify the system database so will be excluded.

    master> CREATE BINLOG 'b6' LOG('db6.tbl6'), FORMAT='ROW'; /* b6 will not record all system level operations. It will only record specific system level and database operations pertaining to table db6.tbl6 */


Here are four examples of multi-binlog configurations that would safely replicate account management statements (in addition to normal database changes):

  1. A database-scope binlog and a general binlog:

    master> CREATE BINLOG foo LOG(`foo`), FORMAT='ROW';
    master> CREATE BINLOG everything_else IGNORE(`foo`), FORMAT='ROW';

    The everything_else binlog will log changes to system (i.e. account management statements), along with changes to every other database besides foo.

  2. A table-scope binlog and a general binlog:

    master> CREATE BINLOG foo_tables LOG(`foo`.`a`, `foo`.`b`, `foo`.`c`), FORMAT='ROW';
    master> CREATE BINLOG everything_else IGNORE(`foo`.`a`, `foo`.`b`, `foo`.`c`), FORMAT='ROW';

    The everything_else binlog will log changes to system and everything else besides those three tables in foo.

  3. A database-scope binlog and a table-scope binlog:

    master> CREATE BINLOG foo_tables LOG(`foo`.`a`), FORMAT='ROW';
    master> CREATE BINLOG foo_plus_system LOG(`foo`, `system`), IGNORE(`foo`.`a`), FORMAT='ROW';

    We have to add system to one of the binlogs, because there is no general binlog. In this case, we added it to the database-scope binlog. We could have added it to the table-scope binlog instead or created a separate binlog just for system (which we do in the next example).

  4. Multiple database-scope binlogs:

    master> CREATE BINLOG foo LOG(`foo`), FORMAT='ROW';
    master> CREATE BINLOG bar LOG(`bar`), FORMAT='ROW';
    master> CREATE BINLOG system LOG(`system`), FORMAT='ROW';

    There is no general binlog, so we have to explicitly include system in one of the binlogs. In this case, we just give it its own binlog. FORMAT='ROW' does not make a difference for this binlog, but it's a good habit to always use RBR.