Licensing for MariaDB Xpand


MariaDB Xpand must have a valid license in order to run. This license specifies:

  • The maximum number of nodes allowed in the deployment

  • The maximum number of cores that will be utilized by Xpand

On bare metal systems, Xpand will attempt to enable the same number of physical cores as licensed and utilize hyper-threading if available. For virtualized systems, Xpand will enable the number of cores available. If the deployment does not have a valid or current license, the database will operate in read-only mode.

Obtaining a License

A license key is required to use MariaDB Xpand.

MariaDB Xpand license keys can be obtained from MariaDB Sales.

Cluster ID

Enterprise Licenses are based on a cluster_id, which is a machine-generated unique identifier for your deployment. The value for cluster_id is available by providing the following to the MariaDB Client:

SELECT @@cluster_id;

Applying a License

Licenses are delivered as JSON text that begin and end in braces ({ }). Whenever entering a license key, be sure to include the braces too.

Specify the license key at the command line:


If valid, the license is applied dynamically and does not require a restart of the Xpand services.

Update Your License

Contact MariaDB Corporation to obtain a new license when you want to add nodes, add cores, or renew your license.

When changing to a license that uses more cores, the CPUs are enabled as soon as the system detects a change in licensing.

To change to a license that uses fewer cores, edit the CPU_CORES value in the Xpand configuration file and restart the database before applying the new license.

  • In Xpand 6.0 and newer, edit /etc/xpand/xpdnode.conf

  • In Xpand 5.3 and older, edit /etc/clustrix/clxnode.conf

License Expiration

Beginning 30 days prior to expiration, the database will issue an alert that the license is about to expire. This alert is sent weekly until the license has expired. Once the license has expired, alerts will be sent daily, and the database will automatically enter license-expired mode and become read only.

Check License Status

To check the status of your license, run the following query to determine whether your license is valid:

SELECT system.license_valid();

If your license is not valid, the results of the following query can tell you why:

SELECT system.license_status();