Federated MariaDB Enterprise Spider Topology Migrate Tables


The Federated MariaDB Enterprise Spider topology can be used to migrate tables from one MariaDB Enterprise Server node to another MariaDB Enterprise Server node:

  • The MariaDB Enterprise Server node with the source table is configured as a Data Node.

  • The MariaDB Enterprise Server node with the destination table is configured as a Spider Node.

  • The Data Table is the source table on the Data Node.

  • A Spider Table is created on the Spider Node that references the Data Table on the Data Node.

  • On the Spider node, the Data Table's data is migrated to the destination table by querying the Spider Table like the following:

    INSERT INTO innodb_tab
       SELECT * FROM spider_tab;

Follow the steps below to migrate tables using the Federated MariaDB Enterprise Spider topology.

Deploy the Federated Topology

Before you can migrate tables, the Federated MariaDB Enterprise Spider topology must be deployed.

For additional information, see "Deploy MariaDB Enterprise Spider".

Create Local Tables

A local copy of the table must be created. This new table will contain the migrated data.

On the Spider Node, create a local copy of each table that is being migrated:


CREATE SEQUENCE hq_sales.invoice_seq;

CREATE TABLE hq_sales.invoices (
   branch_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT (1) CHECK (branch_id=1),
   invoice_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT (NEXT VALUE FOR migrated_hq_sales.invoice_seq),
   customer_id INT,
   invoice_date DATETIME(6),
   invoice_total DECIMAL(13, 2),
   payment_method ENUM('NONE', 'CASH', 'WIRE_TRANSFER', 'CREDIT_CARD', 'GIFT_CARD'),
   PRIMARY KEY(branch_id, invoice_id)

Migrate the Tables

The table data can be migrated to the local table using the Spider Tables.

On the Spider Node, migrate the table data to the local copy of the table using the INSERT SELECT statement:

INSERT INTO hq_sales.invoices
   SELECT * FROM spider_hq_sales.invoices;

Test Read Operations

On the Spider Node, read from the local copy of the table using a SELECT statement to confirm that the data has been migrated:

SELECT * FROM hq_sales.invoices;
| branch_id | invoice_id | customer_id | invoice_date               | invoice_total | payment_method |
|         1 |          1 |           1 | 2020-05-10 12:35:10.000000 |       1087.23 | CREDIT_CARD    |
|         1 |          2 |           2 | 2020-05-10 14:17:32.000000 |       1508.57 | WIRE_TRANSFER  |
|         1 |          3 |           3 | 2020-05-10 14:25:16.000000 |        227.15 | CASH           |