CMAPI Log for MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 6
This page is part of MariaDB's Documentation.
The parent of this page is: Logging for MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 6
Topics on this page:
MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 6 uses the Cluster Management API (CMAPI), which writes to its own log file.
Reference material is available for MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 6.
MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 6 is included with MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.6.
The CMAPI log is intended for:
Monitoring the status of a failover operation
Diagnosing problems with failover operations
Diagnosing problems with REST API calls to CMAPI
For additional information, see CMAPI.
The CMAPI log is written to /var/log/mariadb/columnstore/cmapi_server.log
The CMAPI log for MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 6 does not require configuration.