maxctrl options in 2.4


The following options are global to the maxctrl command and its sub-commands:




Show help [boolean]

--hosts (-h)

List of MaxScale hosts. The hosts must be in HOST:PORT format and each value must be separated by a comma. [string] [default: ""]

--password (-p)

Password for the user. To input the password manually, give -p as the last argument or use --password='' [string] [default: "mariadb"]

--quiet (-q)

Silence all output. Ignored while in interactive mode. [boolean] [default: false]

--secure (-s)

Enable HTTPS requests [boolean] [default: false]

--timeout (-t)

Request timeout in milliseconds [number] [default: 10000]


Path to TLS CA certificate [string]


Path to TLS public certificate [string]


Path to TLS private key [string]


Password for the TLS private key [string]

--tls-verify-server-cert (-n)

Whether to verify server TLS certificates [boolean] [default: true]


Print tab separated output [boolean] [default: false]

--user (-u)

Username to use [string] [default: "admin"]


Show version number [boolean]

maxctrl api options in 2.4

In addition to the global options above, the maxctrl api sub-command accepts the following options:




Calculate sum of API result. Only works for arrays of numbers e.g., `api get --sum servers data[].attributes.statistics.connections`. [boolean] [default: false]

maxctrl api get options in 2.4

In addition to the global options above, the maxctrl api get sub-command accepts the following options:




Calculate sum of API result. Only works for arrays of numbers e.g., `api get --sum servers data[].attributes.statistics.connections`. [boolean] [default: false]

maxctrl create listener options in 2.4

In addition to the global options above, the maxctrl create listener sub-command accepts the following options:




Authenticator module name [string]


Option string for the authenticator [string]


Interface to listen on [string] [default: "::"]


Protocol module name [string] [default: "mariadbclient"]


Path to TLS CA certificate [string]


Path to TLS certificate [string]


Path to TLS key [string]


TLS version to use [string]

maxctrl create monitor options in 2.4

In addition to the global options above, the maxctrl create monitor sub-command accepts the following options:




Password for the monitor user [string]


Username for the monitor user [string]


Link the created service to these servers. All non-option arguments after --servers are interpreted as server names e.g., `--servers srv1 srv2 srv3`. [array]

maxctrl create server options in 2.4

In addition to the global options above, the maxctrl create server sub-command accepts the following options:




Authenticator module name [string]


Option string for the authenticator [string]


--monitors Link the created server to this monitor [string]


Protocol module name [string] [default: "mariadbbackend"]


Link the created server to these services [array]


Path to TLS CA certificate [string]


Path to TLS certificate [string]


Path to TLS key [string]


TLS version to use [string]

The following Command-line Options are not present in MariaDB MaxScale 2.4.17 but are present in one or more older 2.4 versions. Click on an item to see its details, including when it was removed.




Link the created server to these monitors [array]

maxctrl create service options in 2.4

In addition to the global options above, the maxctrl create service sub-command accepts the following options:




Link the created service to these filters [array]


Link the created service to these servers. All non-option arguments after --servers are interpreted as server names e.g., `--servers srv1 srv2 srv3`. [array]

maxctrl create user options in 2.4

In addition to the global options above, the maxctrl create user sub-command accepts the following options:




Type of user to create [string] [choices: "admin", "basic"] [default: "basic"]

maxctrl drain options in 2.4

In addition to the global options above, the maxctrl drain sub-command accepts the following options:




Timeout for the drain operation in seconds. If exceeded, the server is added back to all services without putting it into maintenance mode. [number] [default: 90]

maxctrl drain server options in 2.4

In addition to the global options above, the maxctrl drain server sub-command accepts the following options:




Timeout for the drain operation in seconds. If exceeded, the server is added back to all services without putting it into maintenance mode. [number] [default: 90]

maxctrl enable options in 2.4

In addition to the global options above, the maxctrl enable sub-command accepts the following options:




Type of user to create [string] [choices: "admin", "basic"] [default: "basic"]

maxctrl enable account options in 2.4

In addition to the global options above, the maxctrl enable account sub-command accepts the following options:




Type of user to create [string] [choices: "admin", "basic"] [default: "basic"]

maxctrl enable log-priority options in 2.4

In addition to the global options above, the maxctrl enable log-priority sub-command accepts the following options:




Type of user to create [string] [choices: "admin", "basic"] [default: "basic"]

maxctrl set options in 2.4

In addition to the global options above, the maxctrl set sub-command accepts the following options:




Forcefully close all connections to the target server [boolean] [default: false]

maxctrl set server options in 2.4

In addition to the global options above, the maxctrl set server sub-command accepts the following options:




Forcefully close all connections to the target server [boolean] [default: false]