Deploy Spider Sharded Topology with MariaDB Enterprise Server 11.4
This page is part of MariaDB's Documentation.
The parent of this page is: Deploy Spider Sharded Topology
Topics on this page:
This procedure describes the deployment of the Spider Sharded topology with MariaDB Enterprise Server 11.4.
This procedure incrementally deploys MariaDB Enterprise Spider on an existing MariaDB Enterprise Server 11.4 deployment.
In the Spider Sharded topology, a Spider Node contains one or more "virtual" Spider Tables. A Spider Table does not store data. When a Spider Table is queried in this topology, the Enterprise Spider storage engine uses a MariaDB foreign data wrapper to read from and write to Data Tables on Data Nodes. The data for the Spider Table is partitioned among the Data Nodes using the regular partitioning syntax.
This procedure has 3 steps, which are executed in sequence.
This page provides an overview of the topology, requirements, and deployment procedure.
The topology described is representative of basic product capabilities. MariaDB products can be deployed to form other topologies, leverage advanced product capabilities, or combine the capabilities of multiple topologies.
If you have not yet deployed MariaDB Enterprise Server on the Spider Node and Data Nodes, first deploy a topology containing MariaDB Enterprise Server. Several topologies are documented.
Procedure Steps
Step | Description |
Step 1 | |
Step 2 | |
Step 3 |
Production customers can obtain support by submitting a support case.
The following MariaDB database products are used by this topology:
Component | Function |
Modern SQL RDBMS with high availability, pluggable storage engines, hot online backups, and audit logging. | |
Storage engine used by Spider Tables to read from and write to Data Tables using the MariaDB foreign data wrapper. |
Term Definitions
Term | Definition |
Data Node | A Data Node is a MariaDB Enterprise Server node that contains one or more Data Tables. |
Data Table | A Data Table stores data for a Spider Table. When a Spider Table is queried, the Enterprise Spider storage engine uses the MariaDB foreign data wrapper to read from and write to the Data Table on a Data Node. The Data Table must be created on the Data Node with the same structure as the Spider Table. The Data Table must use a non-Spider storage engine, such as InnoDB or ColumnStore. |
ODBC Data Source | An ODBC Data Source relies on an ODBC Driver and an ODBC Driver Manager to query an external data source. |
ODBC Driver | An ODBC Driver is a library that integrates with a ODBC Driver Manager to query an external data source. |
ODBC Driver Manager | An ODBC Driver Manager allows applications to use ODBC Drivers. |
Spider Node | A Spider Node is a MariaDB Enterprise Server node that contains one or more Spider Tables. |
Spider Table | A Spider Table is a virtual table that does not store data. When a Spider Table is queried, the Enterprise Spider storage engine uses foreign data wrappers to read from and write to Data Tables on Data Nodes or ODBC Data Sources. |
In the Spider Sharded topology, a Spider Node contains one or more "virtual" Spider Tables. A Spider Table does not store data. When a Spider Table is queried in this topology, the Enterprise Spider storage engine uses a MariaDB foreign data wrapper to read from and write to Data Tables on Data Nodes. The data for the Spider Table is partitioned among the Data Nodes using the regular partitioning syntax.
The Spider Sharded topology consists of:
One MariaDB Enterprise Server node is a Spider Node
One or more MariaDB Enterprise Server nodes are Data Nodes
The Spider Node:
Contains one or more partitioned Spider Tables
Uses the Enterprise Spider storage engine plugin for Spider Tables
Uses a MariaDB foreign data wrapper to query the Data Tables on the Data Nodes
The Data Nodes:
Contain Data Tables for one or more partitions of the Spider Table
Use a non-Spider storage engine for each Data Table, such as InnoDB or ColumnStore
For additional information, see "Spider Sharded Topology".
These requirements are for the Spider Sharded topology when deployed with MariaDB Enterprise Server 11.4.
Node Count
One or more MariaDB Enterprise Server nodes must be deployed as Spider Nodes. The Spider Nodes contain Spider Tables.
One or more MariaDB Enterprise Server nodes must be deployed as Data Nodes. The Data Nodes contain the Data Tables.
Operating Systems
In alignment to the enterprise lifecycle, the Spider Sharded topology with MariaDB Enterprise Server 11.4 is provided for:
AlmaLinux 8 (x86_
64, ARM64) AlmaLinux 9 (x86_
64, ARM64) Debian 11 (x86_
64, ARM64) Debian 12 (x86_
64, ARM64) Microsoft Windows (x86_
64) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (x86_
64, ARM64) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (x86_
64, PPC64LE, ARM64) Red Hat UBI 8 (x86_
64, ARM64) Rocky Linux 8 (x86_
64, ARM64) Rocky Linux 9 (x86_
64, ARM64) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (x86_
64, ARM64) Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (x86_
64, ARM64) Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (x86_
64, ARM64) Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (x86_
64, ARM64)
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