Visual Launch Walkthrough
This page is part of MariaDB's Documentation.
The parent of this page is: Quickstart Launch Walkthrough
Topics on this page:
This visual walkthrough shows SkySQL Portal screenshots for the service launch described in the Quickstart experience.
We demonstrate a configuration that is suitable for a quick test. A more customized configuration should be selected for performance testing or for alignment to the needs of production workloads.
Done with this visual walkthrough? Return to Step 2 of the Quickstart
Initial View
Log in to the SkySQL Portal and click "+ Launch a Service".
Choose a Service Type
A Distributed Transactions topology delivers a MariaDB Xpand distributed SQL database service.

Choose "Transactions" and "Distributed" to try out MariaDB Xpand on SkySQL.
Choose a Cloud Provider and Region
Choose a cloud provider, either GCP or AWS and a region where your database will be homed. Available regions are dependent on the cloud provider chosen.
Choose an Instance Size and Number of Nodes
For this quick start, we'll choose the smallest instance and the minimum numbers of nodes.
Choose a Storage Size, Software Version, and IOPS
Using the preset options, 100 GB for storage and the latest version of MariaDB Xpand on SkySQL should be fine.
If you are using AWS as your cloud provider, you will also need to make a choice on IOPS. The preset option is fine for that choice too.
Name Service and Launch
The estimated hourly service costs are displayed for the service you've chosen.
Enter a name for your service and click "Launch service".

Name and launch your service. Estimated costs reflect the the options chosen.
Done with this visual walkthrough? Return to Step 2 of the Quickstart