

Checks the status of ColumnStore

See CMAPI for detail on REST API endpoint, required headers, and other available actions.


Upon successful status call CMAPI returns JSON payload containing detailed information on MariaDB Enterprise Cluster status.

Call made via HTTPS GET, with authentication via shared secret using the x-api-key header.

Bash alias mcsStatus is available starting with Enterprise ColumnStore 5.5.2.


Executing cURL Manually

CMAPI calls can be made from the command-line using cURL.

Replace the CMAPI_API_KEY and sample data in the following example:

$ curl -k -s https://mcs1:8640/cmapi/0.4.0/cluster/status \
   --header 'Content-Type:application/json' \
   --header 'x-api-key:<CMAPI_API_KEY>' \
   | jq .

In this example, jq produces human-readable output from the returned JSON response:

  "timestamp": "2020-12-15 00:40:34.353574",
  "": {
    "timestamp": "2020-12-15 00:40:34.362374",
    "uptime": 11467,
    "dbrm_mode": "master",
    "cluster_mode": "readwrite",
    "dbroots": [
    "module_id": 1,
    "services": [
        "name": "workernode",
        "pid": 19202
        "name": "controllernode",
        "pid": 19232
        "name": "PrimProc",
        "pid": 19254
        "name": "ExeMgr",
        "pid": 19292
        "name": "WriteEngine",
        "pid": 19316
        "name": "DMLProc",
        "pid": 19332
        "name": "DDLProc",
        "pid": 19366
  "": {
    "timestamp": "2020-12-15 00:40:34.428554",
    "uptime": 11437,
    "dbrm_mode": "slave",
    "cluster_mode": "readonly",
    "dbroots": [
    "module_id": 2,
    "services": [
        "name": "workernode",
        "pid": 17789
        "name": "PrimProc",
        "pid": 17813
        "name": "ExeMgr",
        "pid": 17854
        "name": "WriteEngine",
        "pid": 17877
  "": {
    "timestamp": "2020-12-15 00:40:34.428554",
    "uptime": 11437,
    "dbrm_mode": "slave",
    "cluster_mode": "readonly",
    "dbroots": [
    "module_id": 2,
    "services": [
        "name": "workernode",
        "pid": 17789
        "name": "PrimProc",
        "pid": 17813
        "name": "ExeMgr",
        "pid": 17854
        "name": "WriteEngine",
        "pid": 17877
  "num_nodes": 3

Executing the Bash Alias

Starting with Enterprise ColumnStore 5.5.2, if your bash shell is configured to source the columnstoreAlias shell script, this command can be executed using the mcsStatus alias. The alias executes curl and jq, so both programs must be installed on the system.

The alias automatically retrieves the IP address for the primary node using the mcsGetConfig command. The alias automatically retrieves the API key by reading /etc/columnstore/cmapi_server.conf.

$ mcsStatus

In this example, jq produces human-readable output from the returned JSON response.