Bulk Load Logs for MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 23.10


MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 23.10 writes to bulk load log files during data load operations.

Reference material is available for MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 23.10.

MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 23.10 is included with MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.6.


The bulk load logs are intended for:

  • Monitoring the status of data load operations

  • Diagnosing problems with data load operations

For additional information, see "MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore Data Loading".


The bulk load logs use the following log format:

timestamp (pid) logging level: message


In MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 23.10, bulk load logs are written to /var/log/mariadb/columnstore/bulk/.


The bulk load logs for MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 23.10 do not require configuration.