mariadb-config-diff for MariaDB Tools
This page is part of MariaDB's Documentation.
The parent of this page is: Command-Line Interfaces for MariaDB Tools
Topics on this page:
The mariadb-config-diff
mariadb-config-diff Options for MariaDB Tools
Option | Argument | Description |
Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL | ||
string | Default character set | |
string | Read this comma-separated list of config files; if specified, this must be the first option on the command line. (This option does not specify a CONFIG; it's equivalent to --defaults-file.) | |
string | Connect to this database | |
string | Only read mysql options from the given file | |
Show help and exit | ||
string | Connect to host | |
Compare the variables case-insensitively (default yes). Disable using: --noignore-case | ||
string | Ignore, do not compare, these variables | |
string | Password to use for connection | |
string | Create the given PID file | |
integer | Port number to use for connection | |
Print the MySQL config diff report to STDOUT (default yes). Disable using: --noreport | ||
integer | Truncate report lines to this many characters (default 78) | |
string | Set the MySQL variables in this comma-separated list of variable=value pairs | |
string | Socket file to use for connection | |
string | MySQL user if not current user | |
Show version and exit |