Release Notes for MariaDB Connector/Python 1.1.5


MariaDB Connector/Python is a native MariaDB connector for building Python applications on MariaDB. It is compliant with Python DB API 2.0 (PEP-249). It is written in Python and C and uses MariaDB Connector/C.

MariaDB Connector/Python 1.1.5 was released on 2022-11-07. This release is of General Availability (GA) maturity.

Notable Changes

  • Improved performance of the cursor.fetchone(), cursor.fetchall(), and cursor.fetchmany() methods.

    • In previous releases, the methods build the result-set by iterating over the available rows.

    • Starting with this release, the methods build the result-set by loading all of the data at once.

  • Added the _get_socket() method, which returns the file descriptor associated with a connection's TCP socket by calling the mysql_get_socket() function in MariaDB Connector/C. (CONPY-220)

Issues Fixed

  • When a cursor has already been closed and the del statement is used to delete the object, a mariadb.ProgrammingError is raised. (CONPY-222)

    • In previous releases, the following error is raised:

      >>> import mariadb
      >>> c=mariadb.connect()
      >>> cursor=c.cursor()
      >>> cursor.close()
      >>> del cursor
      Exception ignored in: <function Cursor._del_ at 0x7ff0136b8ee0>
      mariadb.ProgrammingError: Cursor is closed
    • Starting with this release, a closed cursor can be deleted without raising an error.

  • When a bulk operation is executed twice with the same cursor using the cursor.executemany() method, the second execution causes an error to be raised. (CONPY-224)

    • In previous releases, the following error is raised:

      Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
    • Starting with this release, a bulk operation can be executed twice with the same cursor without raising an error.

  • The cursor.affected_rows property is always 0. (CONPY-225)

    • Starting with this release, the cursor.affected_rows property is properly set.

    • The cursor.affected_rows property is deprecated, so MariaDB recommends using the cursor.rowcount attribute instead.

  • MariaDB Connector/Python requires the distutils module, which is deprecated by PEP-632. (CONPY-226)

    • In previous releases, MariaDB Connector/Python uses the distutils.version.StrictVersion() method to check the version of MariaDB Connector/C.

    • Starting with this release, MariaDB Connector/Python uses the packaging.version.Version() method to check the version of MariaDB Connector/C.

  • When connection.cursor(named_tuple=True) is used, fetching query results can be too slow and use too much memory. (CONPY-227)

    • In previous releases, MariaDB Connector/Python uses the collections.namedtuple() method to construct the query results object, which requires a lot of overhead.

    • Starting with this release, MariaDB Connector/Python uses a PyStructSequence object to construct the query results object. When named_tuple=True or dict=True is specified to connection.cursor(), conversions have less overhead, and rows are converted before they are fetched.

  • When the installed version of MariaDB Connector/C is not 3.2.4 or later, installing MariaDB Connector/Python raises an unhelpful error. (CONPY-228)

    • In previous releases, the following error is raised:

      TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
    • Starting with this release, the following error is raised:

      MariaDB Connector/Python requires MariaDB Connector/C >= 3.2.4, found version VERSION
  • When a converter is defined for FIELD_TYPE.NULL, the conversion is skipped for NULL values. (CONPY-229)

  • When a cursor is closed, memory can leak. (CONPY-231)