Release Notes for MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.2.30-5


This fifth release of MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.2 is a maintenance release, including a variety of fixes.

MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.2.30-5 was released on 2020-01-06.

Notable Changes

Issues Fixed

Can result in a hang or crash

  • Primary (master) could crash when it executes RESET MASTER and a replica (slave) reconnects having reset its connection status with the primary (e.g., CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_USE_GTID = slave_pos). (MENT-19376)

Can result in unexpected behavior

  • Client received error SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN when SSL is used and connecting to MariaDB Enterprise Server running on Microsoft Windows. (MDEV-13492)

  • The restore of Aria tables was not always possible if MariaDB Backup was using the parameters --prepare --incremental (MDEV-18310)

  • An incomplete result set was returned when sort_buffer_size was too small. (MDEV-21044)

Interface Changes

  • None.


In alignment to the enterprise lifecycle, MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.2.30-5 is provided for:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

  • CentOS 8

  • CentOS 7

  • CentOS 6

  • Ubuntu 18.04

  • Ubuntu 16.04

  • Debian 10

  • Debian 9

  • Debian 8

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12

  • Microsoft Windows

Some components of MariaDB Enterprise Server might not support all platforms. For additional information, see "MariaDB Corporation Engineering Policies".


CentOS 6, Debian 8, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 are no longer supported as per the MariaDB Engineering Policy. Older releases are available from the MariaDB Downloads page. Instructions for installation are included as a README file within the download.