Upgrade to MaxScale 23.02


These instructions detail the upgrade to MariaDB MaxScale 23.02 in a MaxScale Instance configuration on a range of supported Operating Systems.

MariaDB MaxScale is an advanced database proxy and query router.

Term Definitions



MaxScale instance


  • A change from lower-versioned release of MariaDB MaxScale to a higher-versioned release of MariaDB MaxScale.

Backing Up Configuration

Upgrades can move or change configuration files. Before starting an upgrade, always back up your configuration files to ensure you can revert to the working system in the event that you encounter any issues during the upgrade.

To back up a configuration file, create a copy:

$ sudo cp /etc/maxscale.cnf /data/backups/config/maxscale.cnf


MariaDB Corporation provides package repositories for YUM (RHEL, CentOS, Rocky Linux), APT (Debian, Ubuntu), and ZYpp (SLES).

Stop the MaxScale Process

Before upgrading MariaDB MaxScale, first stop the current process.

  1. Stop the server process:

    For distributions that use systemd (most supported OSes), you can manage the Server process using the systemctl command:

    $ sudo systemctl stop maxscale

Upgrade via YUM (RHEL, CentOS, Rocky Linux)

  1. Retrieve your Customer Download Token at https://customers.mariadb.com/downloads/token/ and substitute for CUSTOMER_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN in the following directions.

  2. Configure the YUM package repository.

    Installable versions of MariaDB MaxScale are 24.08, 24.02, 23.08, 23.02, 22.08, 6, 2.5, and 2.4. Pass the version you want to install using the --mariadb-maxscale-version flag to the mariadb_es_repo_setup script. The following directions reference 23.02.

    To configure YUM package repositories:

    $ sudo yum install curl
    $ curl -LsSO https://dlm.mariadb.com/enterprise-release-helpers/mariadb_es_repo_setup
    $ echo "99ea6c55dbf32bfc42cdcd05c892aebc5e51b06f4c72ec209031639d6e7db9fe  mariadb_es_repo_setup" \
        | sha256sum -c -
    $ chmod +x mariadb_es_repo_setup
    $ sudo ./mariadb_es_repo_setup --token="CUSTOMER_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN" --apply \
  3. Upgrade MariaDB MaxScale and package dependencies:

    $ sudo yum update maxscale
  4. Configure MaxScale.

    The upgrade process only loads MaxScale onto the system. MaxScale requires configuration before MaxScale is ready for use.

Upgrade via APT (Debian, Ubuntu)

  1. Retrieve your Customer Download Token at https://customers.mariadb.com/downloads/token/ and substitute for CUSTOMER_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN in the following directions.

  2. Configure the APT package repository.

    Installable versions of MariaDB MaxScale are 24.08, 24.02, 23.08, 23.02, 22.08, 6, 2.5, and 2.4. Pass the version you want to install using the --mariadb-maxscale-version flag to the mariadb_es_repo_setup script. The following directions reference 23.02.

    To configure APT package repositories:

    $ sudo apt install curl
    $ curl -LsSO https://dlm.mariadb.com/enterprise-release-helpers/mariadb_es_repo_setup
    $ echo "99ea6c55dbf32bfc42cdcd05c892aebc5e51b06f4c72ec209031639d6e7db9fe  mariadb_es_repo_setup" \
        | sha256sum -c -
    $ chmod +x mariadb_es_repo_setup
    $ sudo ./mariadb_es_repo_setup --token="CUSTOMER_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN" --apply \
    $ sudo apt update
  3. Upgrade MariaDB MaxScale and package dependencies:

    $ sudo apt install --only-upgrade maxscale
  4. Configure MaxScale.

    The upgrade process only loads MaxScale onto the system. MaxScale requires configuration before MaxScale is ready for use.

Upgrade via ZYpp (SLES)

  1. Retrieve your Customer Download Token at https://customers.mariadb.com/downloads/token/ and substitute for CUSTOMER_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN in the following directions.

  2. Configure the ZYpp package repository.

    Installable versions of MariaDB MaxScale are 24.08, 24.02, 23.08, 23.02, 22.08, 6, 2.5, and 2.4. Pass the version you want to install using the --mariadb-maxscale-version flag to the mariadb_es_repo_setup script. The following directions reference 23.02.

    To configure ZYpp package repositories:

    $ sudo zypper install curl
    $ curl -LsSO https://dlm.mariadb.com/enterprise-release-helpers/mariadb_es_repo_setup
    $ echo "99ea6c55dbf32bfc42cdcd05c892aebc5e51b06f4c72ec209031639d6e7db9fe  mariadb_es_repo_setup" \
        | sha256sum -c -
    $ chmod +x mariadb_es_repo_setup
    $ sudo ./mariadb_es_repo_setup --token="CUSTOMER_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN" --apply \
  3. Upgrade MariaDB MaxScale and package dependencies:

    $ sudo zypper update maxscale
  4. Configure MaxScale.

    The upgrade process only loads MaxScale onto the system. MaxScale requires configuration before MaxScale is ready for use.


Configuration parameters can change between releases of MariaDB MaxScale, which can have unexpected results.

  1. Determine which parameters have changed by reviewing all the changes made between your current release and the upgrade release.

  2. Change the specific parameters in maxscale.cnf.

Changes in MaxScale 2.5

When upgrading from MaxScale 2.4 and earlier to MaxScale 23.02, the changes introduced in MaxScale 2.5 must be taken into consideration.


  • MaxScale's password encryption features have been updated to be more secure. Passwords encrypted in old versions will still work, but it is recommended to generate a new encryption key with the maxkeys command and to re-encrypt passwords with the maxpasswd command.

User Account Privileges

MaxScale's user account requires additional privileges in MaxScale 2.5.

Ensure that the user account has the following privileges:

     TO 'maxscale'@'';
GRANT SELECT ON mysql.columns_priv
     TO 'maxscale'@'';
     TO 'maxscale'@'';
GRANT SELECT ON mysql.procs_priv
        TO 'mxs'@'';
GRANT SELECT ON mysql.proxies_priv
     TO 'maxscale'@'';
GRANT SELECT ON mysql.roles_mapping
     TO 'maxscale'@'';
GRANT SELECT ON mysql.tables_priv
     TO 'maxscale'@'';
GRANT SELECT ON mysql.user
     TO 'maxscale'@'';

MariaDB Monitor

MaxScale 2.5 includes configuration changes for MariaDB Monitor (mariadbmon):

  • The detect_stale_master and the detect_standalone_master parameters have been deprecated. They can still be used, but they will be removed in a later version of MaxScale. Users should use the master_conditions parameter instead.

    For example:

    type          = monitor
    module        = mariadbmon
    servers       = server1,server2,server3
    user          = maxscale
    password      = max_passwd
    auto_failover = ON
    auto_rejoin   = ON
    master_conditions = connected_slave,running_slave
  • The detect_stale_slave parameter has been deprecated. It can still be used, but it will be removed in a later version of MaxScale. Users should use the slave_conditions parameter instead.

    For example:

    type          = monitor
    module        = mariadbmon
    servers       = server1,server2,server3
    user          = maxscale
    password      = max_passwd
    auto_failover = ON
    auto_rejoin   = ON
    slave_conditions  = running_master,writable_master

ColumnStore Monitor

MaxScale 2.5 includes configuration changes for ColumnStore Monitor (csmon):

  • The version parameter was previously optional, but it is now required.

    For example:

    type          = monitor
    module        = csmon
    servers       = server1,server2,server3
    user          = maxscale
    password      = max_passwd
    version       = 1.2

Binlog Router

MaxScale 2.5 includes a completely re-implemented Binlog Router (binlogrouter):

  • Thoroughly test your configuration with the new implementation to ensure that the new version meets your needs.

Changes in MaxScale 6

When upgrading from MaxScale 2.5 and earlier to MaxScale 23.02, the changes introduced in MaxScale 6 must be taken into consideration.


  • MaxScale's ssl parameter can no longer be set to required or disabled:

    • ssl=true replaces ssl=required

    • ssl=false replaces ssl=disabled

Deprecated Features

Defaults Changed

  • The default value of threads has changed from 1 to auto (MXS-3537)


  • When using MaxScale with ColumnStore 5 and later, MariaDB Monitor (mariadbmon) is used instead of ColumnStore Monitor (csmon).

Changes in MaxScale 22.08

When upgrading from MaxScale 6 and earlier to MaxScale 23.02, the changes introduced in MaxScale 22.08 must be taken into consideration.

Database Firewall Filter

  • The dbfwfilter that was deprecated in MaxScale 6 has been removed in MaxScale 22.08.

Deprecated Parameters

  • The server parameter ssl_ca_cert has been renamed to ssl_ca and ssl_ca_cert has been deprecated. ssl_ca_cert is now an alias for ssl_ca and can still be used, but MariaDB recommends using ssl_ca, as support for ssl_ca_cert will be removed in a future release.

  • The server parameter admin_ssl_ca_cert has been renamed to admin_ssl_ca and admin_ssl_ca_cert has been deprecated. admin_ssl_ca_cert is now an alias for admin_ssl_ca and can still be used, but MariaDB recommends using admin_ssl_ca, as support for admin_ssl_ca_cert will be removed in a future release.

Removed Parameters

  • The following MariaDB Monitor (mariadbmon) parameters have been removed:

    • ignore_external_masters

    • detect_replication_lag

    • detect_standalone_master

    • detect_stale_master (replaced by master_conditions)

    • detect_stale_slave (replaced by slave_conditions)

Default Changed for Logging Behavior

  • Prior to MaxScale 22.08.1, by default MaxScale logs to syslog in addition to the MaxScale log.

  • Starting with MaxScale 22.08.1, by default MaxScale only logs to the MaxScale log and no longer logs to syslog.

  • To retain the behavior of prior releases, in your MaxScale configuration, under the [maxscale] section, specify syslog=true:


REST API Endpoint Removed

  • The /v1/maxscale/tasks/ endpoint has been removed from the REST API.

Changes in MaxScale 23.02

When upgrading from MaxScale 22.08 and earlier to MaxScale 23.02, the changes introduced in MaxScale 23.02 must be taken into consideration.

MariaDB MaxScale 22.08 is fully compatible with MariaDB MaxScale 23.02 with the exception that some features have been removed.

Removed Features

  • The csmon monitor has been removed after previously being deprecated in MaxScale 22.08.2.

  • The auroramon monitor has been removed after previously being deprecated in MaxScale 22.08.2.

  • The maxctrl cluster commands have been removed after previously being deprecated in MaxScale 22.08.2.

  • The maxctrl drain command has been removed, because it is obsolete.

Removed Deprecated maxctrl Commands

In MariaDB MaxScale 23.02, some deprecated MaxCtrl commands were removed:

Removed Deprecated maxctrl Options

In MariaDB MaxScale 23.02, several deprecated MaxCtrl command-line options were removed, since MaxScale previously added the ability to specify module parameters to MaxCtrl as key-value pairs. (MXS-4266)

This change can impact backward compatibility. Some scripts and tools written for previous versions of MaxCtrl will require updates to continue functioning with MaxCtrl from MaxScale 23.02. The old command-line parameters have been deprecated since MaxScale 22.08. The new syntax to specify parameters as key-value pairs has been supported since MariaDB MaxScale 6.2.0.

For example, in previous releases, the following maxctrl create monitor command could be executed:

$ maxctrl create monitor mdb_monitor mariadbmon \
   --monitor-user mxs \
   --monitor-password 'maxscale_passwd' \
   replication_user='repl_user' \
   replication_password='repl_pass' \
   --servers node1 node2 node3

Starting with MariaDB MaxScale 23.02, some deprecated command-line options have been removed and must be replaced with a key-value pair using the corresponding module parameter:

$ maxctrl create monitor mdb_monitor mariadbmon \
   user='mxs' \
   password='maxscale_passwd' \
   replication_user='repl_user' \
   replication_password='repl_pass' \
   --servers node1 node2 node3

For maxctrl create listener, the following deprecated command-line options were removed and must be replaced with a key-value pair using the listed parameter:

Command-line Option

Replaced by Parameter

























For maxctrl create monitor, the following deprecated command-line options were removed and must be replaced with a key-value pair using the listed parameter:

Command-line Option

Replaced by Parameter





Starting the MaxScale Instance

MariaDB MaxScale installations includes configuration to start, stop, restart, enable/disable on boot, and check the status of the MaxScale Instance using the operating system default process management system.

For distributions that use systemd (most supported OSes), you can manage the MaxScale process using the systemctl command:




sudo systemctl start maxscale


sudo systemctl stop maxscale


sudo systemctl restart maxscale

Enable during startup

sudo systemctl enable maxscale

Disable during startup

sudo systemctl disable maxscale


sudo systemctl status maxscale


When you have MariaDB MaxScale up and running, you should test it to ensure that it is working and that weren't any issues during startup.

Checking MaxScale Status

  1. Check that MaxScale is running properly by using the MaxCtrl utility:

    $ sudo maxctrl show maxscale
    │ Version      │ 23.02.12                                                             │
    │ Commit       │ 61b8bbf7f63c38ca9c408674e66f3627a0b2192e                             │
    │ Started At   │ Fri, 03 Jan 2020 18:05:18 GMT                                        │
    │ Activated At │ Fri, 03 Jan 2020 18:05:18 GMT                                        │
    │ Uptime       │ 109                                                                  │
    │ Parameters   │ {                                                                    │
    │              │     "libdir": "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale",                  │
    │              │     "datadir": "/var/lib/maxscale",                                  │
    │              │     "process_datadir": "/var/lib/maxscale/data3850",                 │
    │              │     "cachedir": "/var/cache/maxscale",                               │
    │              │     "configdir": "/etc",                                             │
    │              │     "config_persistdir": "/var/lib/maxscale/maxscale.cnf.d",         │
    │              │     "module_configdir": "/etc/maxscale.modules.d",                   │
    │              │     "piddir": "/var/run/maxscale",                                   │
    │              │     "logdir": "/var/log/maxscale",                                   │
    │              │     "langdir": "/var/lib/maxscale",                                  │
    │              │     "execdir": "/usr/bin",                                           │
    │              │     "connector_plugindir": "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mysql/plugin", │
    │              │     "threads": 1,                                                    │
    │              │     "thread_stack_size": 8388608,                                    │
    │              │     "writeq_high_water": 0,                                          │
    │              │     "writeq_low_water": 0,                                           │
    │              │     "auth_connect_timeout": 3,                                       │
    │              │     "auth_read_timeout": 1,                                          │
    │              │     "auth_write_timeout": 2,                                         │
    │              │     "skip_permission_checks": false,                                 │
    │              │     "admin_auth": true,                                              │
    │              │     "admin_enabled": true,                                           │
    │              │     "admin_log_auth_failures": true,                                 │
    │              │     "admin_host": "",                                       │
    │              │     "admin_port": 8989,                                              │
    │              │     "admin_ssl_key": "",                                             │
    │              │     "admin_ssl_cert": "",                                            │
    │              │     "admin_ssl_ca_cert": "",                                         │
    │              │     "admin_pam_readwrite_service": "",                               │
    │              │     "admin_pam_readonly_service": "",                                │
    │              │     "passive": false,                                                │
    │              │     "query_classifier": "",                                          │
    │              │     "query_classifier_cache_size": 155008819,                        │
    │              │     "retain_last_statements": 0,                                     │
    │              │     "dump_last_statements": "never",                                 │
    │              │     "session_trace": 0,                                              │
    │              │     "load_persisted_configs": true,                                  │
    │              │     "max_auth_errors_until_block": 10                                │
    │              │ }                                                                    │