The skysqlcli Utility


The skysqlcli utility provides a way of controlling your MariaDB SkySQL deployment from the command-line using the MariaDB SkySQL REST API.

Command Summary

The following are the available skysqlcli commands:



completion bash

Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell

completion fish

Generate the autocompletion script for the fish shell

completion powershell

Generate the autocompletion script for powershell

completion zsh

Generate the autocompletion script for the zsh shell

create allowed-address

Adds a new allowed address for service in MariaDB SkySQL

create configuration

Creates a new configuration for user in MariaDB SkySQL

create service

Submits request to MariaDB SkySQL to deploy a new service

delete allowed-address

Deletes an allowed address for user on service in MariaDB SkySQL

delete configuration

Deletes a service configuration for user in MariaDB SkySQL

delete service

Submits request to MariaDB SkySQL to delete an existing service. Specify a service using the service id (e.g., db00000000)

get allowlist

Queries for list of allowed IP addresses for a specific service

get allowlist-status

Queries for the provisioning status of an allowlist for a specific service

get configurations

Retrieves one or more custom service configurations owned by the user

get credentials

Queries for default credentials configured for a service. Specify a service using the service id (e.g., db00000000)

get providers

Queries a list of cloud providers supported by MariaDB SkySQL

get quotas

Queries for quota limits, and progress towards those quotas

get regions

Retrieves list of provider regions available for use with MariaDB SkySQL

get service-types

Queries information for service-type offerings from MariaDB SkySQL

get services

Queries for information about deployed service resources in SkySQL. Specify a service using the service id (e.g., db00000000)

get sizes

Retrieves list of machine sizes available for use with MariaDB SkySQL

get status

Retrieve the current status of a service in MariaDB SkySQL

get tiers

Retrieves list of account tiers available for use with MariaDB SkySQL

get topologies

Retrieves list of service topologies available for use with MariaDB SkySQL

get versions

Retrieves list of service versions available for use with MariaDB SkySQL

update configuration

Updates a configuration for user in MariaDB SkySQL

update service

Submits request to MariaDB SkySQL to update an existing service. Specify a service using the service id (e.g., db00000000)

update status

Updates status for service belonging user in MariaDB SkySQL


Print the version number of the cli

Option Summary

The following options are global to the skysqlcli utility across all its commands:




Long-lived JWT issued from MariaDB ID

--config (-c)

config file (default $HOME/.skysqlcli.yaml)

--help (-h)

help for skysqlcli


URL for the SkySQL API (default:


URL for MariaDB ID (default:

--version (-v)

version for skysqlcli

skysqlcli completion bash options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli completion bash command accepts the following options:




disable completion descriptions

skysqlcli completion fish options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli completion fish command accepts the following options:




disable completion descriptions

skysqlcli completion powershell options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli completion powershell command accepts the following options:




disable completion descriptions

skysqlcli completion zsh options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli completion zsh command accepts the following options:




disable completion descriptions

skysqlcli create allowed-address options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli create allowed-address command accepts the following options:




Additional comment to help identify address

skysqlcli create configuration options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli create configuration command accepts the following options:



--config-json (-j)

JSON object containing configuration

--name (-n)

Name used to identify the configuration (default: HA)

--topology (-t)

Configuration topology to select (default: Replicated Transactions)

skysqlcli create service options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli create service command accepts the following options:



--maxscale-config (-m)

Configurations for maxscale


Whether to set up a proxy for maxscale (default: false)


Whether to deploy a monitoring cluster alongside the service (default: false)

--name (-n)

Name used to identify the service

--provider (-p)

Cloud provider to host the service

--region (-r)

Geographic region to deploy the service

--release-version (-v)

Release version to deploy


Number of replicas to deploy (default: 0)

--size (-s)

Size of the nodes running the service (default: Sky-2x4)


Specify whether to use SSL/TLS encryption (default: Enabled)

--storage (-g)

Size of the persistent storage disk (default: 100)


Tier in which to provision service

--topology (-t)

Service topology to select (default: Single Node Transactions)


Amount of IOPS for the volume (e.g., 100). Required for Amazon AWS

skysqlcli get allowlist options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli get allowlist command accepts the following options:



--limit (-l)

Number of records to return. Can be used for paginating results in conjuntion with offset. (default: 100)

--offset (-o)

Number of records to skip when retrieved. Can be used for paginating results in conjunction with limit. (default: 0)

skysqlcli get configurations options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli get configurations command accepts the following options:



--limit (-l)

Number of records to return. Can be used for paginating results in conjuntion with offset. (default: 100)

skysqlcli get providers options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli get providers command accepts the following options:



--limit (-l)

Number of records to return. Can be used for paginating results in conjuntion with offset. (default: 100)

--offset (-o)

Number of records to skip when retrieved. Can be used for paginating results in conjunction with limit. (default: 0)

skysqlcli get regions options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli get regions command accepts the following options:



--limit (-l)

Number of records to return. Can be used for paginating results in conjuntion with offset. (default: 100)

--offset (-o)

Number of records to skip when retrieved. Can be used for paginating results in conjunction with limit. (default: 0)


MariaDB SkySQL provider to query for regions

skysqlcli get service-types options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli get service-types command accepts the following options:



--limit (-l)

Number of records to return. Can be used for paginating results in conjuntion with offset. (default: 100)

--offset (-o)

Number of records to skip when retrieved. Can be used for paginating results in conjunction with limit. (default: 0)

skysqlcli get services options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli get services command accepts the following options:



--limit (-l)

Number of records to return. Can be used for paginating results in conjuntion with offset. (default: 100)

--name (-n)

Search string to match any services containing the name

--offset (-o)

Number of records to skip when retrieved. Can be used for paginating results in conjunction with limit. (default: 0)

skysqlcli get sizes options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli get sizes command accepts the following options:



--limit (-l)

Number of records to return. Can be used for paginating results in conjuntion with offset. (default: 100)

--offset (-o)

Number of records to skip when retrieved. Can be used for paginating results in conjunction with limit. (default: 0)


MariaDB SkySQL provider to query for machine sizes


MariaDB SkySQL service-type to query for machine sizes (default: t)


MariaDB SkySQL tier to query for machine sizes

skysqlcli get tiers options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli get tiers command accepts the following options:



--limit (-l)

Number of records to return. Can be used for paginating results in conjuntion with offset. (default: 100)

--offset (-o)

Number of records to skip when retrieved. Can be used for paginating results in conjunction with limit. (default: 0)

skysqlcli get topologies options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli get topologies command accepts the following options:



--limit (-l)

Number of records to return. Can be used for paginating results in conjuntion with offset. (default: 100)

--offset (-o)

Number of records to skip when retrieved. Can be used for paginating results in conjunction with limit. (default: 0)

--service-type (-t)

MariaDB SkySQL service-type used to filter list of topologies

skysqlcli get versions options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli get versions command accepts the following options:



--limit (-l)

Number of records to return. Can be used for paginating results in conjuntion with offset. (default: 100)

--offset (-o)

Number of records to skip when retrieved. Can be used for paginating results in conjunction with limit. (default: 0)

skysqlcli update configuration options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli update configuration command accepts the following options:



--config-json (-j)

JSON object containing configuration

--name (-n)

Name used to identify the configuration

skysqlcli update service options

In addition to the global options above, the skysqlcli update service command accepts the following options:



--name (-n)

Name used to identify the service