Step 2: Configure Shared Local Storage
This page is part of MariaDB's Documentation.
The parent of this page is: Deploy ColumnStore Object Storage Topology with MariaDB Enterprise Server 11.4
Topics on this page:
This page details step 2 of the 9-step procedure "Deploy ColumnStore Object Storage Topology".
This step configures shared local storage on systems hosting Enterprise ColumnStore 23.10.
Interactive commands are detailed. Alternatively, the described operations can be performed using automation.
Configure EBS Multi-Attach
EBS is a high-performance block-storage service for AWS (Amazon Web Services). EBS Multi-Attach allows an EBS volume to be attached to multiple instances in AWS. Only clustered file systems, such as GFS2, are supported.
For Enterprise ColumnStore deployments in AWS:
EBS Multi-Attach is a recommended option for the Storage Manager directory.
Amazon S3 storage is the recommended option for data.
Consult the vendor documentation for details on how to configure EBS Multi-Attach.
Configure Elastic File System (EFS)
EFS is a scalable, elastic, cloud-native NFS file system for AWS (Amazon Web Services)
For deployments in AWS:
EFS is a recommended option for the Storage Manager directory.
Amazon S3 storage is the recommended option for data.
Consult the vendor documentation for details on how to configure EFS.
Configure Filestore
Filestore is high-performance, fully managed storage for GCP (Google Cloud Platform).
For Enterprise ColumnStore deployments in GCP:
Filestore is the recommended option for the Storage Manager directory.
Google Object Storage (S3-compatible) is the recommended option for data.
Consult the vendor documentation for details on how to configure Filestore.
Configure GlusterFS
GlusterFS is a distributed file system.
GlusterFS is a shared local storage option, but it is not one of the recommended options.
For more information, see "Recommended Storage Options".
Install GlusterFS
On each Enterprise ColumnStore node, install GlusterFS.
Install on CentOS / RHEL 8 (YUM):
$ sudo yum install --enablerepo=PowerTools glusterfs-server
Install on CentOS / RHEL 7 (YUM):
$ sudo yum install centos-release-gluster
$ sudo yum install glusterfs-server
Install on Debian (APT):
$ wget -O - | apt-key add -
$ DEBID=$(grep 'VERSION_ID=' /etc/os-release | cut -d '=' -f 2 | tr -d '"')
$ DEBVER=$(grep 'VERSION=' /etc/os-release | grep -Eo '[a-z]+')
$ DEBARCH=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
$ echo deb${DEBID}/${DEBARCH}/apt ${DEBVER} main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gluster.list
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install glusterfs-server
Install on Ubuntu (APT):
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install glusterfs-server
Start the GlusterFS Daemon
Start the GlusterFS daemon:
$ sudo systemctl start glusterd
$ sudo systemctl enable glusterd
Probe the GlusterFS Peers
Before you can create a volume with GlusterFS, you must probe each node from a peer node.
On the primary node, probe all of the other cluster nodes:
$ sudo gluster peer probe mcs2
$ sudo gluster peer probe mcs3
On one of the replica nodes, probe the primary node to confirm that it is connected:
$ sudo gluster peer probe mcs1
peer probe: Host mcs1 port 24007 already in peer list
On the primary node, check the peer status:
$ sudo gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 2 Hostname: mcs2 Uuid: 3c8a5c79-22de-45df-9034-8ae624b7b23e State: Peer in Cluster (Connected) Hostname: mcs3 Uuid: 862af7b2-bb5e-4b1c-8311-630fa32ed451 State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
Configure and Mount GlusterFS Volumes
Create the GlusterFS volumes for MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore. Each volume must have the same number of replicas as the number of Enterprise ColumnStore nodes.
On each Enterprise ColumnStore node, create the directory for each brick in the
directory:$ sudo mkdir -p /brick/storagemanager
On the primary node, create the GlusterFS volumes:
$ sudo gluster volume create storagemanager \ replica 3 \ mcs1:/brick/storagemanager \ mcs2:/brick/storagemanager \ mcs3:/brick/storagemanager \ force
On the primary node, start the volume:
$ sudo gluster volume start storagemanager
On each Enterprise ColumnStore node, create mount points for the volumes:
$ sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/columnstore/storagemanager
On each Enterprise ColumnStore node, add the mount points to
: /var/lib/columnstore/storagemanager glusterfs defaults,_netdev 0 0
On each Enterprise ColumnStore node, mount the volumes:
$ sudo mount -a
Configure Network File System (NFS)
NFS is a distributed file system. NFS is available in most Linux distributions. If NFS is used for an Enterprise ColumnStore deployment, the storage must be mounted with the sync
option to ensure that each node flushes its changes immediately.
For on-premises deployments:
NFS is the recommended option for the Storage Manager directory.
Any S3-compatible storage is the recommended option for data.
Consult the documentation for your NFS implementation for details on how to configure NFS.
Next Step
Navigation in the procedure "Deploy ColumnStore Object Storage Topology":
This page was step 2 of 9.