Topology Selections with the SkySQL previous release DBaaS API


This reference page details how to select topologies with the SkySQL previous release DBaaS API for SkySQL previous release.

SkySQL previous release offers databases for Transactions (OLTP and general purpose) and Analytics (OLAP, ad hoc queries and large data) workloads.

Reliability and scaling features differ by topology, allowing you to right-size choices for your business needs.

Select a Topology

A topology is selected during service launch. When using the REST API, select a topology by calling the the /services API endpoint with the topology attribute set.

For example, prepare a request body containing the desired service options in a file called request-service.json:

$ cat > request-service.json <<EOF
   "name": "doc-test-tx-single",
   "provider": "AWS",
   "region": "us-east-2",
   "release_version": "MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.6.4-1",
   "replicas": "0",
   "size": "Sky-2x8",
   "tier": "Foundation",
   "topology": "Single Node Transactions",
   "tx_storage": "100",
   "volume_iops": "100"

Then use curl to call the /services API endpoint to create (launch) a new database service and save the response to the response-service.json file:

$ curl --location --request POST \
   --header 'Authorization: Bearer SKYSQL_BEARER_TOKEN' \
   --header 'Content-type: application/json' \
   --data '@request-service.json' \ \
   | tee response-service.json | jq .

Upon success, the command will return JSON with details about the new service.

Available Topologies




Distributed Transactions

Read/write scale applications with high concurrency and availability

  • MariaDB Xpand

  • MariaDB MaxScale

Multi-Node Analytics

Run complex analytical queries on large datasets

  • MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore

  • MariaDB MaxScale

Replicated Transactions

Read scale applications with high availability

  • MariaDB Enterprise Server

  • MariaDB MaxScale

Single Node Analytics

Run complex analytical queries

  • MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore

  • MariaDB MaxScale

Single Node Transactions

Smaller datasets with moderate concurrency

  • MariaDB Enterprise Server