Step 7: Test MariaDB MaxScale


This page details step 7 of the 7-step procedure "Deploy Primary/Replica Topology".

This step tests MariaDB MaxScale 2.5.

Interactive commands are detailed. Alternatively, the described operations can be performed using automation.

Check Global Configuration

Use maxctrl show maxscale command to view the global MaxScale configuration.

This action is performed on the MaxScale node:

$ maxctrl show maxscale
│ Version      │ 2.5.29                                                │
│ Commit       │ 3761fa7a52046bc58faad8b5a139116f9e33364c              │
│ Started At   │ Thu, 05 Aug 2021 20:21:20 GMT                         │
│ Activated At │ Thu, 05 Aug 2021 20:21:20 GMT                         │
│ Uptime       │ 868                                                   │
│ Config Sync  │ null                                                  │
│ Parameters   │ {                                                     │
│              │     "admin_auth": true,                               │
│              │     "admin_enabled": true,                            │
│              │     "admin_gui": true,                                │
│              │     "admin_host": "",                          │
│              │     "admin_log_auth_failures": true,                  │
│              │     "admin_pam_readonly_service": null,               │
│              │     "admin_pam_readwrite_service": null,              │
│              │     "admin_port": 8989,                               │
│              │     "admin_secure_gui": false,                        │
│              │     "admin_ssl_ca_cert": null,                        │
│              │     "admin_ssl_cert": null,                           │
│              │     "admin_ssl_key": null,                            │
│              │     "admin_ssl_version": "MAX",                       │
│              │     "auth_connect_timeout": "10000ms",                │
│              │     "auth_read_timeout": "10000ms",                   │
│              │     "auth_write_timeout": "10000ms",                  │
│              │     "cachedir": "/var/cache/maxscale",                │
│              │     "config_sync_cluster": null,                      │
│              │     "config_sync_interval": "5000ms",                 │
│              │     "config_sync_password": "*****",                  │
│              │     "config_sync_timeout": "10000ms",                 │
│              │     "config_sync_user": null,                         │
│              │     "connector_plugindir": "/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin", │
│              │     "datadir": "/var/lib/maxscale",                   │
│              │     "debug": null,                                    │
│              │     "dump_last_statements": "never",                  │
│              │     "execdir": "/usr/bin",                            │
│              │     "language": "/var/lib/maxscale",                  │
│              │     "libdir": "/usr/lib64/maxscale",                  │
│              │     "load_persisted_configs": true,                   │
│              │     "local_address": null,                            │
│              │     "log_debug": false,                               │
│              │     "log_info": false,                                │
│              │     "log_notice": true,                               │
│              │     "log_throttling": {                               │
│              │         "count": 10,                                  │
│              │         "suppress": 10000,                            │
│              │         "window": 1000                                │
│              │     },                                                │
│              │     "log_warn_super_user": false,                     │
│              │     "log_warning": true,                              │
│              │     "logdir": "/var/log/maxscale",                    │
│              │     "max_auth_errors_until_block": 10,                │
│              │     "maxlog": true,                                   │
│              │     "module_configdir": "/etc/maxscale.modules.d",    │
│              │     "ms_timestamp": false,                            │
│              │     "passive": false,                                 │
│              │     "persistdir": "/var/lib/maxscale/maxscale.cnf.d", │
│              │     "piddir": "/var/run/maxscale",                    │
│              │     "query_classifier": "qc_sqlite",                  │
│              │     "query_classifier_args": null,                    │
│              │     "query_classifier_cache_size": 289073971,         │
│              │     "query_retries": 1,                               │
│              │     "query_retry_timeout": "5000ms",                  │
│              │     "rebalance_period": "0ms",                        │
│              │     "rebalance_threshold": 20,                        │
│              │     "rebalance_window": 10,                           │
│              │     "retain_last_statements": 0,                      │
│              │     "session_trace": 0,                               │
│              │     "skip_permission_checks": false,                  │
│              │     "sql_mode": "default",                            │
│              │     "syslog": true,                                   │
│              │     "threads": 1,                                     │
│              │     "users_refresh_interval": "0ms",                  │
│              │     "users_refresh_time": "30000ms",                  │
│              │     "writeq_high_water": 16777216,                    │
│              │     "writeq_low_water": 8192                          │
│              │ }                                                     │

Output should align to the global MaxScale configuration in the new configuration file you created.

Check Server Configuration

Use the maxctrl list servers and maxctrl show server commands to view the configured server objects.

This action is performed on the MaxScale node:

  1. Obtain the full list of servers objects:

    $ maxctrl list servers
    │ Server │ Address        │ Port │ Connections │ State           │ GTID   │
    │ node3  │      │ 3306 │ 1           │ Slave, Running  │ 0-1-25 │
    │ node2  │      │ 3306 │ 1           │ Slave, Running  │ 0-1-25 │
    │ node1  │      │ 3306 │ 1           │ Master, Running │ 0-1-25 │
  2. For each server object, view the configuration:

    $ maxctrl show server node1
    │ Server              │ node1                                     │
    │ Address             │                                 │
    │ Port                │ 3306                                      │
    │ State               │ Master, Running                           │
    │ Version             │ 10.5.27-21-MariaDB-enterprise-log         │
    │ Last Event          │ master_up                                 │
    │ Triggered At        │ Thu, 05 Aug 2021 20:22:26 GMT             │
    │ Services            │ connection_router_service                 │
    │                     │ query_router_service                      │
    │ Monitors            │ mdb_monitor                               │
    │ Master ID           │ -1                                        │
    │ Node ID             │ 1                                         │
    │ Slave Server IDs    │                                           │
    │ Current Connections │ 1                                         │
    │ Total Connections   │ 1                                         │
    │ Max Connections     │ 1                                         │
    │ Statistics          │ {                                         │
    │                     │     "active_operations": 0,               │
    │                     │     "adaptive_avg_select_time": "0ns",    │
    │                     │     "connection_pool_empty": 0,           │
    │                     │     "connections": 1,                     │
    │                     │     "max_connections": 1,                 │
    │                     │     "max_pool_size": 0,                   │
    │                     │     "persistent_connections": 0,          │
    │                     │     "reused_connections": 0,              │
    │                     │     "routed_packets": 0,                  │
    │                     │     "total_connections": 1                │
    │                     │ }                                         │
    │ Parameters          │ {                                         │
    │                     │     "address": "",               │
    │                     │     "disk_space_threshold": null,         │
    │                     │     "extra_port": 0,                      │
    │                     │     "monitorpw": null,                    │
    │                     │     "monitoruser": null,                  │
    │                     │     "persistmaxtime": "0ms",              │
    │                     │     "persistpoolmax": 0,                  │
    │                     │     "port": 3306,                         │
    │                     │     "priority": 0,                        │
    │                     │     "proxy_protocol": false,              │
    │                     │     "rank": "primary",                    │
    │                     │     "socket": null,                       │
    │                     │     "ssl": false,                         │
    │                     │     "ssl_ca_cert": null,                  │
    │                     │     "ssl_cert": null,                     │
    │                     │     "ssl_cert_verify_depth": 9,           │
    │                     │     "ssl_cipher": null,                   │
    │                     │     "ssl_key": null,                      │
    │                     │     "ssl_verify_peer_certificate": false, │
    │                     │     "ssl_verify_peer_host": false,        │
    │                     │     "ssl_version": "MAX"                  │
    │                     │ }                                         │

Output should align to the Server Object configuration you performed.

Check Monitor Configuration

Use the maxctrl list monitors and maxctrl show monitor commands to view the configured monitors.

This action is performed on the MaxScale node:

  1. Obtain the full list of monitors:

    $ maxctrl list monitors
    │ Monitor     │ State   │ Servers             │
    │ mdb_monitor │ Running │ node1, node2, node3 │
  2. For each monitor, view the monitor configuration:

    $ maxctrl show monitor mdb_monitor
    │ Monitor             │ mdb_monitor                                          │
    │ Module              │ mariadbmon                                           │
    │ State               │ Running                                              │
    │ Servers             │ node1                                                │
    │                     │ node2                                                │
    │                     │ node3                                                │
    │ Parameters          │ {                                                    │
    │                     │     "assume_unique_hostnames": true,                 │
    │                     │     "auto_failover": false,                          │
    │                     │     "auto_rejoin": false,                            │
    │                     │     "backend_connect_attempts": 1,                   │
    │                     │     "backend_connect_timeout": 3,                    │
    │                     │     "backend_read_timeout": 3,                       │
    │                     │     "backend_write_timeout": 3,                      │
    │                     │     "cooperative_monitoring_locks": "none",          │
    │                     │     "demotion_sql_file": null,                       │
    │                     │     "detect_replication_lag": false,                 │
    │                     │     "detect_stale_master": null,                     │
    │                     │     "detect_stale_slave": null,                      │
    │                     │     "detect_standalone_master": null,                │
    │                     │     "disk_space_check_interval": 0,                  │
    │                     │     "disk_space_threshold": null,                    │
    │                     │     "enforce_read_only_slaves": false,               │
    │                     │     "enforce_simple_topology": false,                │
    │                     │     "enforce_writable_master": false,                │
    │                     │     "events": "all",                                 │
    │                     │     "failcount": 5,                                  │
    │                     │     "failover_timeout": 90,                          │
    │                     │     "handle_events": true,                           │
    │                     │     "ignore_external_masters": false,                │
    │                     │     "journal_max_age": 28800,                        │
    │                     │     "maintenance_on_low_disk_space": true,           │
    │                     │     "master_conditions": "primary_monitor_master",   │
    │                     │     "master_failure_timeout": 10,                    │
    │                     │     "module": "mariadbmon",                          │
    │                     │     "monitor_interval": 2000,                        │
    │                     │     "password": "*****",                             │
    │                     │     "promotion_sql_file": null,                      │
    │                     │     "replication_master_ssl": false,                 │
    │                     │     "replication_password": null,                    │
    │                     │     "replication_user": null,                        │
    │                     │     "script": null,                                  │
    │                     │     "script_max_replication_lag": -1,                │
    │                     │     "script_timeout": 90,                            │
    │                     │     "servers_no_promotion": null,                    │
    │                     │     "slave_conditions": "none",                      │
    │                     │     "switchover_on_low_disk_space": false,           │
    │                     │     "switchover_timeout": 90,                        │
    │                     │     "user": "mxs",                                   │
    │                     │     "verify_master_failure": true                    │
    │                     │ }                                                    │
    │ Monitor Diagnostics │ {                                                    │
    │                     │     "master": "node1",                               │
    │                     │     "master_gtid_domain_id": 0,                      │
    │                     │     "primary": null,                                 │
    │                     │     "server_info": [                                 │
    │                     │         {                                            │
    │                     │             "gtid_binlog_pos": "0-1-25",             │
    │                     │             "gtid_current_pos": "0-1-25",            │
    │                     │             "lock_held": null,                       │
    │                     │             "master_group": null,                    │
    │                     │             "name": "node1",                         │
    │                     │             "read_only": false,                      │
    │                     │             "server_id": 1,                          │
    │                     │             "slave_connections": []                  │
    │                     │         },                                           │
    │                     │         {                                            │
    │                     │             "gtid_binlog_pos": null,                 │
    │                     │             "gtid_current_pos": "0-1-25",            │
    │                     │             "lock_held": null,                       │
    │                     │             "master_group": null,                    │
    │                     │             "name": "node2",                         │
    │                     │             "read_only": false,                      │
    │                     │             "server_id": 2,                          │
    │                     │             "slave_connections": [                   │
    │                     │                 {                                    │
    │                     │                     "connection_name": "",           │
    │                     │                     "gtid_io_pos": "0-1-25",         │
    │                     │                     "last_io_error": "",             │
    │                     │                     "last_sql_error": "",            │
    │                     │                     "master_host": "", │
    │                     │                     "master_port": 3306,             │
    │                     │                     "master_server_id": 1,           │
    │                     │                     "seconds_behind_master": 0,      │
    │                     │                     "slave_io_running": "Yes",       │
    │                     │                     "slave_sql_running": "Yes"       │
    │                     │                 }                                    │
    │                     │             ]                                        │
    │                     │         }                                            │
    │                     │     ],                                               │
    │                     │     "state": "Idle"                                  │
    │                     │ }                                                    │

Output should align to the MariaDB Monitor (mariadbmon) configuration you performed.

Check Service Configuration

Use the maxctrl list services and maxctrl show service commands to view the configured routing services.

This action is performed on the MaxScale node:

  1. Obtain the full list of routing services:

    $ maxctrl list services
    │ Service                   │ Router         │ Connections │ Total Connections │ Servers             │
    │ connection_router_service │ readconnroute  │ 0           │ 0                 │ node1, node2, node3 │
    │ query_router_service      │ readwritesplit │ 1           │ 1                 │ node1, node2, node3 │
  2. For each service, view the service configuration:

    $ maxctrl show service query_router_service
    │ Service             │ query_router_service                                        │
    │ Router              │ readwritesplit                                              │
    │ State               │ Started                                                     │
    │ Started At          │ Thu Aug  5 20:23:38 2021                                    │
    │ Current Connections │ 1                                                           │
    │ Total Connections   │ 1                                                           │
    │ Max Connections     │ 1                                                           │
    │ Cluster             │                                                             │
    │ Servers             │ node1                                                       │
    │                     │ node2                                                       │
    │                     │ node3                                                       │
    │ Services            │                                                             │
    │ Filters             │                                                             │
    │ Parameters          │ {                                                           │
    │                     │     "auth_all_servers": false,                              │
    │                     │     "causal_reads": "false",                                │
    │                     │     "causal_reads_timeout": "10000ms",                      │
    │                     │     "connection_keepalive": "300000ms",                     │
    │                     │     "connection_timeout": "0ms",                            │
    │                     │     "delayed_retry": false,                                 │
    │                     │     "delayed_retry_timeout": "10000ms",                     │
    │                     │     "disable_sescmd_history": false,                        │
    │                     │     "enable_root_user": false,                              │
    │                     │     "idle_session_pool_time": "-1000ms",                    │
    │                     │     "lazy_connect": false,                                  │
    │                     │     "localhost_match_wildcard_host": true,                  │
    │                     │     "log_auth_warnings": true,                              │
    │                     │     "master_accept_reads": false,                           │
    │                     │     "master_failure_mode": "fail_instantly",                │
    │                     │     "master_reconnection": false,                           │
    │                     │     "max_connections": 0,                                   │
    │                     │     "max_sescmd_history": 50,                               │
    │                     │     "max_slave_connections": 255,                           │
    │                     │     "max_slave_replication_lag": "0ms",                     │
    │                     │     "net_write_timeout": "0ms",                             │
    │                     │     "optimistic_trx": false,                                │
    │                     │     "password": "*****",                                    │
    │                     │     "prune_sescmd_history": true,                           │
    │                     │     "rank": "primary",                                      │
    │                     │     "retain_last_statements": -1,                           │
    │                     │     "retry_failed_reads": true,                             │
    │                     │     "reuse_prepared_statements": false,                     │
    │                     │     "router": "readwritesplit",                             │
    │                     │     "session_trace": false,                                 │
    │                     │     "session_track_trx_state": false,                       │
    │                     │     "slave_connections": 255,                               │
    │                     │     "slave_selection_criteria": "LEAST_CURRENT_OPERATIONS", │
    │                     │     "strict_multi_stmt": false,                             │
    │                     │     "strict_sp_calls": false,                               │
    │                     │     "strip_db_esc": true,                                   │
    │                     │     "transaction_replay": false,                            │
    │                     │     "transaction_replay_attempts": 5,                       │
    │                     │     "transaction_replay_max_size": 1073741824,              │
    │                     │     "transaction_replay_retry_on_deadlock": false,          │
    │                     │     "type": "service",                                      │
    │                     │     "use_sql_variables_in": "all",                          │
    │                     │     "user": "mxs",                                          │
    │                     │     "version_string": null                                  │
    │                     │ }                                                           │
    │ Router Diagnostics  │ {                                                           │
    │                     │     "avg_sescmd_history_length": 0,                         │
    │                     │     "max_sescmd_history_length": 0,                         │
    │                     │     "queries": 1,                                           │
    │                     │     "replayed_transactions": 0,                             │
    │                     │     "ro_transactions": 0,                                   │
    │                     │     "route_all": 0,                                         │
    │                     │     "route_master": 0,                                      │
    │                     │     "route_slave": 1,                                       │
    │                     │     "rw_transactions": 0,                                   │
    │                     │     "server_query_statistics": [                            │
    │                     │         {                                                   │
    │                     │             "avg_selects_per_session": 0,                   │
    │                     │             "avg_sess_duration": "0ns",                     │
    │                     │             "id": "node2",                                  │
    │                     │             "read": 1,                                      │
    │                     │             "total": 1,                                     │
    │                     │             "write": 0                                      │
    │                     │         }                                                   │
    │                     │     ]                                                       │
    │                     │ }                                                           │

Output should align to the Read Connection Router (readconnroute) or Read/Write Split Router (readwritesplit) configuration you performed.

Test Application User

Applications should use a dedicated user account. The user account must be created on the primary server.

When users connect to MaxScale, MaxScale authenticates the user connection before routing it to an Enterprise Server node. Enterprise Server authenticates the connection as originating from the IP address of the MaxScale node.

The application users must have one user account with the host IP address of the application server and a second user account with the host IP address of the MaxScale node.

The requirement of a duplicate user account can be avoided by enabling the proxy_protocol parameter for MaxScale and the proxy_protocol_networks for Enterprise Server.

Create a User to Connect from MaxScale

This action is performed on the primary server:

  1. Connect to the primary server:

    $ sudo mariadb
  2. Create the database user account for your MaxScale node:

    CREATE USER 'app_user'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'app_user_passwd';

    Replace with the relevant IP address specification for your MaxScale node.

    Passwords should meet your organization's password policies.

  3. Grant the privileges required by your application to the database user account for your MaxScale node:

    GRANT ALL ON test.* TO 'app_user'@'';

    The privileges shown are designed to allow the tests in the subsequent sections to work. The user account for your production application may require different privileges.

Create a User to Connect from the Application Server

This action is performed on the primary server:

  1. Create the database user account for your application server:

    CREATE USER 'app_user'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'app_user_passwd';

    Replace with the relevant IP address specification for your application server.

    Passwords should meet your organization's password policies.

  2. Grant the privileges required by your application to the database user account for your application server:

    GRANT ALL ON test.* TO 'app_user'@'';

    The privileges shown are designed to allow the tests in the subsequent sections to work. The user account for your production application may require different privileges.

Test Connection with Application User

To test the connection, use the MariaDB Client from your application server to connect to an ES node through MaxScale.

This action is performed on the application server:

$ mariadb --host --port 3307
      --user app_user --password

Test Connection with Read Connection Router

If you configured the Read Connection Router, confirm that MaxScale routes connections to the replica servers.

  1. On the MaxScale node, use the maxctrl list listeners command to view the available listeners and ports:

    $ maxctrl list listeners
    │ Name                       │ Port │ Host │ State   │ Service                   │
    │ connection_router_listener │ 3308 │ ::   │ Running │ connection_router_service │
    │ query_router_listener      │ 3307 │ ::   │ Running │ query_router_service      │
  2. Open multiple terminals connected to your application server, in each use MariaDB Client to connect to the listener port for the Read Connection Router (in the example 3308):

    $ mariadb --host --port 3308 \
          --user app_user --password

    Use the application user credentials you created for the --user and --password options.

  3. In each terminal, query the hostname and server_id system variable and option to identify to which you're connected:

    SELECT @@global.hostname, @@global.server_id;
    | @@global.hostname | @@global.server_id |
    |             node2 |                  2 |

    Different terminals should return different values since MaxScale routes the connections to different nodes.

    Since the router was configured the slave router option, the Read Connection Router only routes connections to replica servers.

Test Write Queries with Read/Write Split Router

If you configured the Read/Write Split Router, confirm that MaxScale routes write queries on this router to the primary server.

  1. On the MaxScale node, use the maxctrl list listeners command to view the available listeners and ports:

    $ maxctrl list listeners
    │ Name                       │ Port │ Host │ State   │ Service                   │
    │ connection_router_listener │ 3308 │ ::   │ Running │ connection_router_service │
    │ query_router_listener      │ 3307 │ ::   │ Running │ query_router_service      │
  2. Open multiple terminals connected to your application server, in each use MariaDB Client to connect to the listener port for the Read/Write Split Router (in the example 3307):

    $ mariadb --host --port 3307 \
          --user app_user --password

    Use the application user credentials you created for the --user and --password options.

  3. In one terminal, create the test table:

    CREATE TABLE test.load_balancing_test (
       hostname VARCHAR(256),
       server_id INT
  4. In each terminal, issue an INSERT statement to add a row to the sample table with the values of the hostname and server_id system variable and option:

    INSERT INTO test.load_balancing_test (hostname, server_id)
    VALUES (@@global.hostname, @@global.server_id);
  5. In one terminal, issue a SELECT statement to query the results:

    SELECT * FROM test.load_balancing_test;
    | id | hostname | server_id |
    |  1 | node1    |         1 |
    |  2 | node1    |         1 |
    |  3 | node1    |         1 |

    While MaxScale is handling multiple connections from different terminals, it routed all connections to the current primary server, which in the example node1.

Test Read Queries with Read/Write Split Router

If you configured the Read/Write Split Router, confirm that MaxScale routes read queries on this router to replica servers.

  1. On the MaxScale node, use the maxctrl list listeners command to view the available listeners and ports:

    $ maxctrl list listeners
    │ Name                       │ Port │ Host │ State   │ Service                   │
    │ connection_router_listener │ 3308 │ ::   │ Running │ connection_router_service │
    │ query_router_listener      │ 3307 │ ::   │ Running │ query_router_service      │
  2. In a terminal connected to your application server, in each use MariaDB Client to connect to the listener port for the Read/Write Split Router (in the example 3307):

    $ mariadb --host --port 3307 \
          --user app_user --password

    Use the application user credentials you created for the --user and --password options.

  3. Query the hostname and server_id system variable and option to identify to which you're connected:

    SELECT @@global.hostname, @@global.server_id;
    | @@global.hostname | @@global.server_id |
    |             node2 |                  2 |
  4. Resend the query:

    SELECT @@global.hostname, @@global.server_id;
    | @@global.hostname | @@global.server_id |
    |             node3 |                  3 |

    Confirm that MaxScale routes the SELECT statements to different replica servers.

    For more information on different routing criteria, see slave_selection_criteria

Next Step

Navigation in the procedure "Deploy Primary/Replica Topology":

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