MariaDB SkySQL
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MariaDB SkySQL cloud database service (DBaaS) delivers MariaDB database products on expert-maintained cloud infrastructure from MariaDB Corporation. (SkySQL Documentation)
Latest Release
SkySQL was updated 2022-08-02.
MariaDB database products for production-ready operations and enterprise enhancements like hot online backups and audit logging
Expert-backed Support is standard, with Enterprise and Platinum support options available to meet the needs of mission-critical deployments requiring 24x7 support
SkyDBA further extends the premium support experience and the capabilities of your in-house DBAs with the backing from a global team of expert MariaDB DBAs, available 24/7 for the most severe (S1) issues, and managing your MariaDB SkySQL databases both proactively and reactively so you can focus on your core business
SLA included for highly available multi-node services, with an elevated SLA for Power Tier customers
Multi-cloud, services are available on AWS and GCP
For additional information, see SkySQL Documentation.