Release Notes for MariaDB Connector/ODBC 3.2.0


MariaDB Connector/ODBC is a standard ODBC driver for building cross-platform applications on top of MariaDB database products. It is compliant with ODBC 3.5. It is written in C and uses MariaDB Connector/C.

MariaDB Connector/ODBC 3.2.0 was released on 2023-04-21. This release is of Alpha maturity, and should not be used with production workloads.

Notable Changes

  • The SQLExecDirect ODBC API function uses the text protocol and client-side prepared statements (CSPS) by default. (ODBC-222)

    • In previous releases, when a statement is executed with the SQLExecDirect ODBC API function and the statement requires parameters or returns a result-set, Connector/ODBC always uses the binary protocol and server-side prepared statements (SSPS).

    • Starting with this release, when a statement is executed with the SQLExecDirect ODBC API function, Connector/ODBC uses the text protocol and client-side prepared statements (CSPS), except for queries where the binary protocol is necessary, such as when executing the CALL statementCALL statement to call a stored procedure.

  • The PREPONCLIENT connection parameter can be enabled to make the SQLPrepare ODBC API function use the text protocol and client-side prepared statements (CSPS). (ODBC-222)

    • In previous releases, when a statement is executed the SQLPrepare ODBC API function, Connector/ODBC always uses the binary protocol and server-side prepared statements (SSPS).

    • Starting with this release, when a statement is executed with the SQLPrepare ODBC API function, Connector/ODBC still uses the binary protocol and server-side prepared statements (SSPS) by default, but it uses the text protocol and client-side prepared statements (CSPS) when the PREPONCLIENT connection parameter is enabled. When the PREPONCLIENT connection parameter is enabled, Connector/ODBC reverts to the binary protocol and server-side prepared statements (SSPS) when necessary, such as when the result-set metadata is queried before the SQLExecute API function is called. When the PREPONCLIENT connection parameter is not enabled, Connector/ODBC automatically switches to the text protocol and client-side prepared statements (CSPS) when a multi-statement query is executed.

    • For example, to enable the PREPONCLIENT connection parameter in a unixODBC data source configuration file:

      # Data Source for unixODBC
      Description  = MariaDB test environment
      Driver       = MariaDB ODBC 3.2 Driver
      Trace        = Yes
      TraceFile    = /tmp/trace.log
      SERVER       = localhost
      SOCKET       = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
      USER         = db_user
      PASSWORD     = db_user_password
      DATABASE     = test
  • When the text protocol and client-side prepared statements (CSPS) are enabled and a statement is executed on arrays of parameters, Connector/ODBC can use batching over the text protocol. (ODBC-86)

    • In previous releases, when statements are executed on arrays of parameters, Connector/ODBC uses batching over the binary protocol.

    • Starting with this release, when the text protocol and client-side prepared statements (CSPS) are enabled and statements are executed on arrays of parameters, Connector/ODBC generates a batch of statements based on the values in the arrays and sends the batch via the text protocol.

  • Connector/ODBC uses forward-only cursors by default to be more compliant with the ODBC specification. (ODBC-290)

    • In previous releases, Connector/ODBC creates SQL_CURSOR_STATIC cursors by default.

    • Starting with this release, Connector/ODBC creates SQL_CURSOR_FORWARD_ONLY cursors by default.

  • When the SQLTables ODBC API function is called and the CatalogName argument is NULL, Connector/ODBC's behavior is more consistent with other ODBC drivers. (ODBC-298)

    • In previous releases, the default value of the NULLISCURRENT connection parameter is 0, so when the CatalogName argument is NULL, Connector/ODBC returns tables from all databases.

    • Starting with this release, the default value of the NULLISCURRENT connection parameter is 1, so when the CatalogName argument is NULL, Connector/ODBC returns tables from the currently selected database.

  • When performance_schemaperformance_schema is enabled, Connector/ODBC supports connection attributes that can be queried via the performance_schema.session_account_connect_attrsperformance_schema.session_account_connect_attrs and performance_schema.session_connect_attrsperformance_schema.session_connect_attrs tables. (ODBC-388)

    • Starting with this release, the ATTR connection parameter can be used to set connection attributes in the format:

    • For example, to set the ATTR connection parameter in a unixODBC data source configuration file:

      # Data Source for unixODBC
      Description = MariaDB test environment
      Driver      = MariaDB ODBC 3.2 Driver
      Trace       = Yes
      TraceFile   = /tmp/trace.log
      SERVER      = localhost
      SOCKET      = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
      USER        = db_user
      PASSWORD    = db_user_password
      DATABASE    = test
      ATTR        = {internal_app_name="Internal Web Portal",internal_app_version="1.2.0",internal_app_node=""}
