Sequences for MariaDB Enterprise Server
This page is part of MariaDB's Documentation.
The parent of this page is: Sequences
Topics on this page:
For best performance, every InnoDB table should have a primary key column. If your table does not have a column or a set of columns that could act as a natural primary key, then you can use a sequence to generate an integer value to use as the table's primary key. Sequences were first added in MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.3 and MariaDB Community Server 10.3.
Sequences can be used instead of AUTO_INCREMENT
columns in most cases. Sequences are compliant with the SQL standard, while AUTO_INCREMENT
columns are not, so sequences are the better option for applications that require standard-compliant features.
MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.3
MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.4
MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.5
MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.6
MariaDB Enterprise Server 11.4
Creating a Sequence
A sequence can be created using the CREATE SEQUENCE statement.
Internally, a sequence is represented by a table with a single row that stores the internal state of the sequence. The sequence can use any storage engine for the table, and the sequence does not have to use the same storage engine as the tables that use the sequence.
InnoDB uses special performance optimizations for internal sequence tables. The internal sequence tables are crash-safe, but InnoDB does not use its typical transactional locking on the table, and InnoDB does not write row versions to the Undo Log.
Creating a Sequence with Default Arguments
To create a sequence with default arguments, you can execute the CREATE SEQUENCE statement while only providing a name for the sequence.
Connect to the server using MariaDB Client:
$ mariadb --user=root
If the database does not exist, then create the database for the sequence using the CREATE DATABASE statement:
Create a sequence with the CREATE SEQUENCE statement:
CREATE SEQUENCE hq_sales.invoice_seq;
Creating a Sequence with Custom Arguments
To create a sequence with custom arguments, you can execute the CREATE SEQUENCE statement while providing some of those custom arguments.
Choose the arguments that you would like to set:
Sets the value that is added to the last sequence value to generate the next sequence value.
Can be negative.
If set to
, then the value of the auto_increment_ system variable is used.increment
Sets the minimum value of the sequence.
is positive, thenMINVALUE
defaults to1
is negative, thenMINVALUE
defaults to-9223372036854775807
can be greater than or equal to-9223372036854775807
must be less thanMAXVALUE
must be less than or equal toSTART
Sets the maximum value of the sequence.
is positive, thenMAXVALUE
defaults to9223372036854775806
is negative, thenMAXVALUE
defaults to-1
can be less than or equal to9223372036854775806
must be greater thanMINVALUE
must be greater than or equal toSTART
Sets the starting value of the sequence.
is positive, thenSTART
defaults toMINVALUE
is negative, thenSTART
defaults toMAXVALUE
must be greater than or equal toMINVALUE
must be less than or equal toMAXVALUE
Sets the number of values that should be cached.
When a sequence has cached values available, queries can use the cached values, which means they do not have to read from or write to the sequence.
Caching values can improve performance.
When there are no more cached values, the sequence generates more cached values.
If set to
, then there is no cache.
is set, then the sequence restarts atMINVALUE
is reached.If
is set, then the sequence can no longer return new values whenMAXVALUE
is reached.NOCYCLE
is the default.
Connect to the server using MariaDB Client:
$ mariadb --user=root
If the database does not exist, then create the database for the sequence using the CREATE DATABASE statement:
Create a sequence with the CREATE SEQUENCE statement:
CREATE SEQUENCE hq_sales.invoice_seq INCREMENT = 2 MINVALUE = 1 MAXVALUE = 9223372036854775805 START = 1 CACHE = 1000 CYCLE;
Choosing a Data Type for a Sequence-backed Column
When designing a schema, columns backed by sequences should use integer data types. The following types can be used:
Data Type | Signed Range | Unsigned Range |
| |
| |
| |
| |
To determine which type to use, consider the following points:
What is
for the sequence?The chosen data type needs to be able to fit the minimum value for the sequence:
Data Type
Minimum Sequence MINVALUE (Signed)
Minimum Sequence MINVALUE (Unsigned)
What is
for the sequence?The chosen data type needs to be able to fit the maximum value for the sequence:
Data Type
Maximum Sequence MAXVALUE (Signed)
Maximum Sequence MAXVALUE (Unsigned)
How large will your table grow?
If your sequence-backed column is being used as the table's primary key, then the maximum number of values generated by the sequence should be considered the maximum number of rows that can fit in the table.
Let's say that we make the following assumptions:
The sequence's
is 1.The sequence's
is equal to the the data type's minimum sequenceMINVALUE
.The sequence's
is equal to the data type's maximum sequenceMAXVALUE
.The sequence's
is equal to the sequence'sMINVALUE
If these assumptions are correct, then we can calculate the maximum number of values for a sequence-backed column of each data type with by doing
:Data Type
Maximum Number of Rows (Signed)
Maximum Number of Rows (Unsigned)
If you want to give your table the most room to grow, then it would be best to choose
. This is quite different fromAUTO_INCREMENT
columns, in whichBIGINT UNSIGNED
provides the most room to grow. The reason for this is that a sequence'sMAXVALUE
must be less than or equal to9223372036854775806
, which means that a sequence can't utilize the full range of values forBIGINT UNSIGNED
Creating a Sequence with the Biggest Range
To allow the table to sequence to utilize the whole BIGINT SIGNED
range, you can execute the CREATE SEQUENCE statement while providing the relevant arguments.
Connect to the server using MariaDB Client:
$ mariadb --user=root
If the database does not exist, then create the database for the sequence using the CREATE DATABASE statement:
Create a sequence with the CREATE SEQUENCE statement:
CREATE SEQUENCE hq_sales.invoice_seq INCREMENT = 1 MINVALUE = -9223372036854775807 MAXVALUE = 9223372036854775806 START = -9223372036854775807 CACHE = 1000 NOCYCLE;
Creating an InnoDB Table with a Sequence-backed Column
Let's create an InnoDB table with a sequence-backed column after confirming that the default storage engine is InnoDB:
Connect to the server using MariaDB Client:
$ mariadb --user=root
Confirm that the default storage engine is InnoDB by checking the default_
storage_ system variable using the SHOW SESSION VARIABLES statement:engine SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE 'default_storage_engine';
+------------------------+--------+ | Variable_name | Value | +------------------------+--------+ | default_storage_engine | InnoDB | +------------------------+--------+
If the database does not exist, then create the database for the sequence and table using the CREATE DATABASE statement:
Create a sequence with the CREATE SEQUENCE statement:
CREATE SEQUENCE hq_sales.invoice_seq;
Create the table using the CREATE TABLE statement:
CREATE TABLE hq_sales.invoices ( invoice_id BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT (NEXT VALUE FOR hq_sales.invoice_seq), branch_id INT NOT NULL, customer_id INT, invoice_date DATETIME(6), invoice_total DECIMAL(13, 2), payment_method ENUM('NONE', 'CASH', 'WIRE_TRANSFER', 'CREDIT_CARD', 'GIFT_CARD'), PRIMARY KEY(invoice_id) );
Values for the
column will be fetched from the sequence by default.The
clause for the column is used to configure the column's default value.The
clause is used to fetch a value from the sequence.
Inserting a Row with a Sequence-backed Column
If a column is configured to get its value from a sequence via the DEFAULT
clause, then its value will be automatically generated by the sequence. There are multiple ways to insert rows with these automatically generated values.
Omitting the Column
If the column is not specified, then the sequence will automatically generate the value.
Let's insert a row into the table created in the Creating an InnoDB Table with a Sequence-backed Column section:
Connect to the server using MariaDB Client:
$ mariadb --user=root
Insert a row with the INSERT statement, but do not specify the sequence-backed column:
INSERT INTO hq_sales.invoices (branch_id, customer_id, invoice_date, invoice_total, payment_method) VALUES (1, 1, '2020-05-10 12:35:10', 1087.23, 'CREDIT_CARD');
Select the same row with the SELECT statement to confirm that a value was automatically generated:
SELECT invoice_id FROM hq_sales.invoices WHERE branch_id = 1 AND customer_id = 1 AND invoice_date = '2020-05-10 12:35:10';
+------------+ | invoice_id | +------------+ | 1 | +------------+
Specifying the Sequence's Next Value
If the column's value is specified as the sequence's next value with either the NEXT VALUE FOR
clause or the NEXTVAL() function, then the sequence will automatically generate the value. This is most useful in cases where the column's DEFAULT
clause is not properly set.
Let's insert a row into the table created in the Creating an InnoDB Table with a Sequence-backed Column section:
Connect to the server using MariaDB Client:
$ mariadb --user=root
Insert a row with the INSERT statement, and specify the sequence's next value with either the
clause or the NEXTVAL() function:INSERT INTO hq_sales.invoices (invoice_id, branch_id, customer_id, invoice_date, invoice_total, payment_method) VALUES (NEXT VALUE FOR hq_sales.invoice_seq, 1, 2, '2020-05-10 14:17:32', 1508.57, 'WIRE_TRANSFER');
Select the same row with the SELECT statement to confirm that a value was automatically generated:
SELECT invoice_id FROM hq_sales.invoices WHERE branch_id = 1 AND customer_id = 2 AND invoice_date = '2020-05-10 14:17:32';
+------------+ | invoice_id | +------------+ | 2 | +------------+
Getting the Last Inserted Sequence Value
After InnoDB inserts an automatically generated value into a sequence-backed column, the application sometimes needs to know what value it inserted. For example, the application may need to use the value to insert a foreign key column in a dependent table. Either the PREVIOUS VALUE FOR
clause or the LASTVAL()
function can be used to get the lasted inserted value for a sequence-backed column without re-reading the row from the table.
Let's insert a row into the table created in the Creating an InnoDB Table with a Sequence-backed Column section and then use either the PREVIOUS VALUE FOR
clause or the LASTVAL()
Connect to the server using MariaDB Client:
$ mariadb --user=root
Insert a row with the INSERT statement, but do not specify the sequence-backed column:
INSERT INTO hq_sales.invoices (branch_id, customer_id, invoice_date, invoice_total, payment_method) VALUES (1, 4, '2020-05-10 12:37:22', 104.19, 'CREDIT_CARD');
Execute a SELECT statement with either the
clause or theLASTVAL()
function to get the value for the new row:SELECT PREVIOUS VALUE FOR hq_sales.invoice_seq;
+-----------------------------------------+ | PREVIOUS VALUE FOR hq_sales.invoice_seq | +-----------------------------------------+ | 3 | +-----------------------------------------+
Select the same row with the SELECT statement to confirm that the sequence-backed column has the same value:
SELECT invoice_id FROM hq_sales.invoices WHERE branch_id = 1 AND customer_id = 4 AND invoice_date = '2020-05-10 12:37:22';
+------------+ | invoice_id | +------------+ | 3 | +------------+
Setting a Sequence's Next Value
A sequence's next value can be set with either the ALTER SEQUENCE statement or the SETVAL() function.
Let's set the next value for the sequenced used by the table created in the Creating an InnoDB Table with a Sequence-backed Column section and then insert a row into the table, so we can confirm that it uses the new value:
Connect to the server using MariaDB Client:
$ mariadb --user=root
Set the sequence's next value with either the ALTER SEQUENCE statement or the SETVAL() function:
ALTER SEQUENCE hq_sales.invoice_seq RESTART = 100;
Insert a row with the INSERT statement, but do not specify the sequence-backed column:
INSERT INTO hq_sales.invoices (branch_id, customer_id, invoice_date, invoice_total, payment_method) VALUES (1, 5, '2020-05-10 12:43:19', 1105.98, 'CREDIT_CARD');
Execute a SELECT statement with either the
clause or theLASTVAL()
function to get the value for the new row:SELECT PREVIOUS VALUE FOR hq_sales.invoice_seq;
+-----------------------------------------+ | PREVIOUS VALUE FOR hq_sales.invoice_seq | +-----------------------------------------+ | 100 | +-----------------------------------------+
Select the same row with the SELECT statement to confirm that the sequence-backed column has the same value:
SELECT invoice_id FROM hq_sales.invoices WHERE branch_id = 1 AND customer_id = 5 AND invoice_date = '2020-05-10 12:43:19';
+------------+ | invoice_id | +------------+ | 100 | +------------+