This page is part of MariaDB's Documentation.
The parent of this page is: System Tables for MariaDB Enterprise Server
Topics on this page:
In 11.4 ES, 10.6 ES, 10.6 CS, 10.5 ES, 10.5 CS, 10.4 ES, 10.4 CS, 10.3 ES, 10.3 CS:
A description for this System Table has not yet been added to this Documentation.
In 10.2 ES, 10.2 CS:
Not present
See also: System Tables for MariaDB Enterprise Server 11.4, in 10.6 ES, in 10.5 ES, in 10.4 ES, in 10.3 ES, in 10.2 ES, in 10.6 CS, in 10.5 CS, in 10.4 CS, in 10.3 CS, and in 10.2 CS
CREATE TABLE `spider_table_position_for_recovery` (
`db_name` char(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`table_name` char(199) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`failed_link_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`source_link_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`file` text DEFAULT NULL,
`position` text DEFAULT NULL,
`gtid` text DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`db_name`,`table_name`,`failed_link_id`,`source_link_id`)
Release Series | History |
11.4 Enterprise |
10.6 Enterprise |
10.6 Community |
10.5 Enterprise |
10.5 Community |
10.4 Enterprise |
10.4 Community |
10.3 Enterprise |
10.3 Community |
10.2 Enterprise |
10.2 Community |