PRIMARY KEY Constraints with MariaDB Enterprise Server


MariaDB Enterprise Server supports PRIMARY KEY constraints to uniquely identify rows:

  • There can only be a single primary key for a given table.

  • InnoDB uses the primary key as a clustered index, which means that InnoDB stores table data in the order determined by the primary key.

  • Primary key indexes are B+ trees, which are very efficient for searching for exact values, performing range scans, and checking uniqueness.

  • If no primary key is defined for a table, then InnoDB will use the table's first NOT NULL unique index as the table's primary key.

  • If no primary key or NOT NULL unique index is defined for a table, then InnoDB will automatically create a primary key called GEN_CLUST_INDEX, using an internal 48-bit DB_ROW_ID column as the key. Replication with such tables can be very slow, especially when binlog_format is MIXED or ROW!

  • For best performance, users should always create primary keys for their tables, and primary keys should be short, because the primary key columns are duplicated in every secondary index record.


  • MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.2

  • MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.3

  • MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.4

  • MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.5

  • MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.6

  • MariaDB Enterprise Server 11.4

Using an AUTO_INCREMENT Column as the Primary Key

If your table does not have a column or a set of columns that could act as a natural primary key, then you can define a single AUTO_INCREMENT column, which can serve as the table's primary key. See InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT Columns for more details.

Using a Sequence-backed Column as the Primary Key

If your table does not have a column or a set of columns that could act as a natural primary key, then you can use a sequence to generate an integer value to use as the table's primary key. Sequences were first added in MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.3 and MariaDB Community Server 10.3. See InnoDB Sequences for more details.

Creating an InnoDB Table with a Single Column Primary Key

Let's create an InnoDB table with a single column primary key after confirming that the default storage engine is InnoDB:

  1. Connect to the server using MariaDB Client:

    $ mariadb --user=root
  2. Confirm that the default storage engine is InnoDB by checking the default_storage_engine system variable using the SHOW SESSION VARIABLES statement:

       LIKE 'default_storage_engine';
    | Variable_name          | Value  |
    | default_storage_engine | InnoDB |
  3. If the database does not exist, then create the database for the table using the CREATE DATABASE statement:

    CREATE DATABASE hq_sales;
  4. Create the table using the CREATE TABLE statement and specify the primary key with the PRIMARY KEY() clause:

    CREATE TABLE hq_sales.invoices (
       invoice_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
       branch_id INT NOT NULL,
       customer_id INT,
       invoice_date DATETIME(6),
       invoice_total DECIMAL(13, 2),
       payment_method ENUM('NONE', 'CASH', 'WIRE_TRANSFER', 'CREDIT_CARD', 'GIFT_CARD'),
       PRIMARY KEY(invoice_id)

    For a single column primary key, the primary key can also be specified with the PRIMARY KEY column option:

    CREATE TABLE hq_sales.invoices (
       branch_id INT NOT NULL,
       customer_id INT,
       invoice_date DATETIME(6),
       invoice_total DECIMAL(13, 2),
       payment_method ENUM('NONE', 'CASH', 'WIRE_TRANSFER', 'CREDIT_CARD', 'GIFT_CARD')

Creating an InnoDB Table with a Composite Primary Key

Let's create an InnoDB table with a composite (multi-column) primary key after confirming that the default storage engine is InnoDB:

  1. Connect to the server using MariaDB Client:

    $ mariadb --user=root
  2. Confirm that the default storage engine is InnoDB by checking the default_storage_engine system variable using the SHOW SESSION VARIABLES statement:

       LIKE 'default_storage_engine';
    | Variable_name          | Value  |
    | default_storage_engine | InnoDB |
  3. If the database does not exist, then create the database for the table using the CREATE DATABASE statement:

    CREATE DATABASE hq_sales;
  4. Create the table using the CREATE TABLE statement and specify the primary key with the PRIMARY KEY() clause:

    CREATE TABLE hq_sales.invoices (
       invoice_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
       branch_id INT NOT NULL,
       customer_id INT,
       invoice_date DATETIME(6),
       invoice_total DECIMAL(13, 2),
       payment_method ENUM('NONE', 'CASH', 'WIRE_TRANSFER', 'CREDIT_CARD', 'GIFT_CARD'),
       PRIMARY KEY(invoice_id, branch_id)

Adding a Primary Key to an InnoDB Table

Let's create an InnoDB table without a primary key, and then add a primary key to it:

  1. Connect to the server using MariaDB Client:

    $ mariadb --user=root
  2. Confirm that the default storage engine is InnoDB by checking the default_storage_engine system variable using the SHOW SESSION VARIABLES statement:

       LIKE 'default_storage_engine';
    | Variable_name          | Value  |
    | default_storage_engine | InnoDB |
  3. If the database does not exist, then create the database for the table using the CREATE DATABASE statement:

    CREATE DATABASE hq_sales;
  4. Create the table without a primary key using the CREATE TABLE statement:

    CREATE TABLE hq_sales.invoices (
       invoice_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
       branch_id INT NOT NULL,
       customer_id INT,
       invoice_date DATETIME(6),
       invoice_total DECIMAL(13, 2),
       payment_method ENUM('NONE', 'CASH', 'WIRE_TRANSFER', 'CREDIT_CARD', 'GIFT_CARD')
  5. Alter the table using the ALTER TABLE statement and specify the new primary key with the ADD PRIMARY KEY() clause:

    ALTER TABLE hq_sales.invoices ADD PRIMARY KEY (invoice_id);

Dropping a Primary Key from an InnoDB Table

Let's drop the primary key from the table created in the Creating an InnoDB Table with a Single Column Primary Key section:

  1. Alter the table using the ALTER TABLE statement and specify the DROP PRIMARY KEY clause:

    ALTER TABLE hq_sales.invoices DROP PRIMARY KEY;

Changing a Primary Key for an InnoDB Table

Let's change the primary key from the table created in the Creating an InnoDB Table with a Single Column Primary Key section:

  1. Alter the table using the ALTER TABLE statement and specify the DROP PRIMARY KEY clause to drop the old primary key, and specify the new primary key with the ADD PRIMARY KEY() clause:

    ALTER TABLE hq_sales.invoices
       ADD PRIMARY KEY (invoice_id, branch_id);

Finding Tables without Primary Keys

For best performance, every InnoDB table should have a primary key. It is possible to find tables without a primary key using a basic SELECT statement.

Let's create an InnoDB table without a primary key, and then use a SELECT statement to confirm that it does not have one:

  1. Connect to the server using MariaDB Client:

    $ mariadb --user=root
  2. Confirm that the default storage engine is InnoDB by checking the default_storage_engine system variable using the SHOW SESSION VARIABLES statement:

       LIKE 'default_storage_engine';
    | Variable_name          | Value  |
    | default_storage_engine | InnoDB |
  3. If the database does not exist, then create the database for the table using the CREATE DATABASE statement:

    CREATE DATABASE hq_sales;
  4. Create the table without a primary key using the CREATE TABLE statement:

    CREATE TABLE hq_sales.invoices (
       invoice_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
       branch_id INT NOT NULL,
       customer_id INT,
       invoice_date DATETIME(6),
       invoice_total DECIMAL(13, 2),
       payment_method ENUM('NONE', 'CASH', 'WIRE_TRANSFER', 'CREDIT_CARD', 'GIFT_CARD')
  5. Query the information_schema.TABLES and information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE tables to find InnoDB tables that do not have a primary key:

    FROM information_schema.TABLES AS t
    LEFT JOIN information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE AS c
    WHERE t.TABLE_SCHEMA != 'mysql'
       AND t.ENGINE = 'InnoDB'
    | hq_sales     | invoices   |
  6. To add a primary key, alter the table using the ALTER TABLE statement, and specify the primary key with the ADD PRIMARY KEY() clause:

    ALTER TABLE hq_sales.invoices ADD PRIMARY KEY (invoice_id);

Handling Duplicate Key Errors

A primary key uniquely identifies every row. Therefore, if a second row is inserted with an identical value, it will fail.

Let's try to insert two identical primary key values into the table created in the Creating an InnoDB Table with a Single Column Primary Key section:

  1. Insert a row with the INSERT statement:

    INSERT INTO hq_sales.invoices
       (invoice_id, branch_id, customer_id, invoice_date, invoice_total, payment_method)
       (1, 1, 1, '2020-05-10 12:35:10', 1087.23, 'CREDIT_CARD');
  2. Insert a second row that has the same primary key value with the INSERT statement:

    INSERT INTO hq_sales.invoices
       (invoice_id, branch_id, customer_id, invoice_date, invoice_total, payment_method)
       (1, 1, 2, '2020-05-10 14:17:32', 1508.57, 'WIRE_TRANSFER');

    This will fail with the ER_DUP_ENTRY error code:

    ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'
  3. Fix the problem by inserting the row with a unique primary key value:

    INSERT INTO hq_sales.invoices
       (invoice_id, branch_id, customer_id, invoice_date, invoice_total, payment_method)
       (2, 1, 2, '2020-05-10 14:17:32', 1508.57, 'WIRE_TRANSFER');

    To easily generate unique values for a primary key, consider using one of the following options: