ClustrixDB 9.0
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Topics on this page:
This page was prepared on 2022-06-29 and relates to ClustrixDB 9.0.
What is ClustrixDB?
ClustrixDB was the predecessor to MariaDB Xpand, which is a distributed SQL RDBMS with high availability, fault tolerance, and write scaling.
Is newer ClustrixDB available?
MariaDB Xpand is actively developed, maintained, and supported by MariaDB plc.
As of this date, MariaDB Xpand 6 is the current version.
MariaDB Xpand 6 includes many features which were not available in ClustrixDB 9.0.
When was ClustrixDB 9.0 EOL?
ClustrixDB 9.0 is a historical version of this software.
ClustrixDB 9.0 reached end-of-life (EOL) in December 2019.
What content is archived?
Documentation for ClustrixDB 9.0 is available as a downloadable PDF.