Replication Configuration for MariaDB Enterprise Cluster, Powered by Galera


MariaDB Enterprise Cluster can be deployed alongside MariaDB Replication. Deploying MariaDB Enterprise Cluster with MariaDB Replication enables integrating Enterprise Cluster with other products and clusters, such as a separate clusters in different data centers, or a small dedicated write cluster with two larger dedicated read clusters.

Options and system variables to consider when using MariaDB Replication with MariaDB Enterprise Cluster:

System Variable/Option



Set this option to enable the Binary Log, allowing the Cluster Node to operate as a Primary Server.


Sets a Cluster node to write all replicated transactions to the Binary Log, to replicate to separate replica servers.


Sets a numeric identifier for the Server, must be unique across all Servers being used in MariaDB Replication.


Sets the Cluster Node to automatically update a new node's wsrep_gtid_domain_id value to match the gtid_domain_id.


Sets the domain identifier to use in Enterprise Cluster related transactions.


Sets the domain identifier to use in non-Enterprise Cluster related transactions.


Sets MariaDB Enterprise Server to enforce global ordering for Global Transaction ID's.