maxscale options in 24.08
This page is part of MariaDB's Documentation.
The parent of this page is: Command-Line Interfaces for MariaDB MaxScale 24.08
Topics on this page:
Option | Description |
base path for all other paths | |
path to cache directory | |
relative or absolute pathname of config file | |
validate configuration file and exit | |
path to configuration file directory | |
path to MariaDB Connector-C plugin directory | |
path to data directory, stores internal MaxScale data | |
enable or disable debug features. Supported arguments: "disable-module-unloading" - disable module unloading at exit. Will produce better Valgrind leak reports if leaked memory was allocated in a shared library; "enable-module-unloading" - cancels disable-module-unloading; "redirect-output-to-file" - redirect stdout and stderr to the file given as an argument; "enable-statement-logging" - enable the logging of monitor and authenticator SQL statements sent by MaxScale to the servers; "disable-statement-logging" - disable the logging of monitor and authenticator SQL statements sent by MaxScale to the servers; "enable-cors" - enable CORS support in the REST API "cors-allow-origin" - enable CORS and set Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to the given value; "allow-duplicate-servers" - allow multiple servers to have the same address/port combination; "gdb-stacktrace" - Use GDB to generate stacktraces; "sql-batch-size" - Set maximum batch size for the REST-API (default: 10MiB) | |
path to the maxscale and other executable files | |
export configuration to a single file | |
show this help | |
path to errmsg.sys file | |
path to module directory | |
log to file or stdout (default: file) | |
augment messages with the name of the function where the message was logged (default: 0) | |
path to log file directory | |
log messages to MaxScale log (default: yes) | |
path to module configuration directory | |
enable running in terminal process | |
start MaxScale as a passive standby | |
path to persisted configuration directory | |
path to PID file directory | |
base path for all other paths expect binaries | |
path to share directory | |
log messages to syslog (default:yes) | |
user ID and group ID of specified user are used to run MaxScale | |
print version info and exit | |
print full version info and exit |