Global Parameters for MariaDB MaxScale 24.08
This page is part of MariaDB's Documentation.
The parent of this page is: Reference for MariaDB MaxScale 24.08
Topics on this page:
MariaDB MaxScale 24.08 supports many global parameters.
Reference material is available for MariaDB MaxScale 24.08.
MariaDB MaxScale 24.08 Global Parameters
The following Global Parameters are supported by MariaDB MaxScale 24.08:
Global Parameter | Description |
Enable REST audit logging | |
List of HTTP methods to exclude from audit logging, e.g., "GET" | |
Full path to admin audit file | |
Enables HTTP Basic Access authentication for REST API | |
Enables the administrative interface for REST API | |
Enable admin GUI | |
Network interface the REST API listens on | |
JWT signature algorithm | |
The issuer claim for all JWTs generated by MaxScale | |
Encryption key ID for symmetric signature algorithms. If left empty, MaxScale will generate a random key that is used to sign the JWT. | |
Maximum age of the JWTs generated by MaxScale | |
Enables logging authentication failures to the administrative interface | |
Extra public certificates used to validate externally signed JWTs | |
Enables PAM-based authentication served for REST API for read-only users | |
Enables PAM-based authentication service for REST API for users who can perform any REST API operation | |
Port on network interface the REST API listenes on | |
Only serve GUI over HTTPS | |
Path to PEM file containing TLS Certificate Authority (CA) to use in HTTPS for REST API. Formerly admin_ | |
Alias for 'admin_ | |
Path to PEM file containing TLS certificate to use in HTTPS for REST API | |
Path to PEM file containing TLS key to use in HTTPS for REST API | |
Minimum required TLS protocol version for the REST API | |
URL for third-party verification of client tokens | |
Amount of time to wait in seconds for authentication to the Server | |
Amount of time to wait in seconds when retrieving user authentication data from the Server | |
Amount of time to wait in seconds when retrieving user authentication data from the Server. MaxScale does not write authentication data to the Server. | |
Specifies whether a MaxScale parameter whose value depends on a specific global server variable, should automatically be updated to match the variable's current value | |
Path to the directory containing cached data | |
Cluster used for configuration synchronization. If left empty (i.e., value is ""), synchronization is not done. | |
Database where the 'maxscale_ | |
How often to synchronize the configuration | |
Password for the user used for configuration synchronization | |
Timeout for the configuration synchronization operations | |
User account used for configuration synchronization | |
Path to MariaDB Connector C plugin directory | |
Path to the data directory | |
Debug options | |
Sets condition on which MariaDB MaxScale dumps the last statement sent by the client | |
Path to directory containing executable files | |
Key manager type | |
Path to directory containing the | |
Path to the directory searched for modules | |
Enables loading persistent runtime configuration changes on startup. Persistent runtime changes are saved to the | |
Sets local address or network interface to use when connecting to Servers | |
Appends logging messages with the name of the function where the message was logged (used primarily for development purposes) | |
Enables logging messages at the | |
Enables logging messages at the | |
Enables logging messages at the | |
Limit the amount of identical log messages than can be logged during a certain time period | |
Log a warning when a user with super privilege logs in | |
Enables logging messages at the | |
Path to directory used to store log files | |
Maximum number of authentication failures allowed before temporarily blocking a host | |
Maximum amount of data read before return to epoll_ | |
Logs messages to the log file | |
Path to directory containing module configurations | |
Enables millisecond precision in log timestamps | |
Puts the MaxScale Instance on stand-by, Passive Instances monitor Servers and accept client connections, but take no action | |
Persist configurations changes done at runtime | |
Path to directory containing persistent configurations | |
Path to the directory containing the PID file | |
Sets the Query Classifier module | |
Specifies arguments passed to the Query Classifier | |
Maximum size for Query Classifier Cache | |
Number of times to retry an internal query interruped by network errors | |
Amount of time in seconds to wait on retried queries | |
How often should the load of the worker threads be checked and rebalancing be made | |
If the difference in load between the thread with the maximum load and the thread with the minimum load is larger than the value of this parameter, then work will be moved from the former to the latter | |
The load of how many seconds should be taken into account when rebalancing | |
Number of statements stored for each session. Used in debugging. | |
Number of log entries stored in the session trace log. Used in debugging. | |
Regular expression that is matched against the contents of the session trace log and if it matches the contents are logged when the session stops | |
Do not resolve client IP addresses to hostnames during authentication | |
Disables user permission checks for services and monitors during startup | |
Specifies SQL Mode for Query Classifier | |
Sets environmental variables for cofniguration files | |
Logs messages to the syslog | |
This parameter specifies how many threads will be used for handling the routing | |
This parameter specifies a hard maximum for the number of routing threads | |
How often the users will be refreshed | |
How often the users can be refreshed | |
Maximum size of client-side write queue to a given Server before MaxScale blocks traffic going to the Server to allow it to catch up | |
Size the client-side write queue must drop to before MaxScale unblocks a throttled Server |
To see Global Parameters supported in other versions, see "Global Parameters by MariaDB MaxScale Version".