New MariaDB AX Release Featuring MariaDB ColumnStore 1.1.3 GA

We are happy to announce a new MariaDB AX release featuring MariaDB ColumnStore 1.1.3. This is the largest MariaDB ColumnStore maintenance release to date – the streaming data adapters are now GA, a Spark adapter has been introduced (beta), package repositories are now available and there are a large number of fixes.
Notable changes in MariaDB ColumnStore 1.1.3 include:
Apache Spark Adapter (BETA)
Export data from Spark to ColumnStore via DataFrames and the bulk write API
Import data from ColumnStore into Spark via the MariaDB Java connector
MaxScale CDC Adapter is now GA
Apache Kafka Data Adapter is now GA
MCOL-1121 – The Kafka adapter now supports generic streams
MCOL-1214 – MariaDB AX is now built on MariaDB Server 10.2.13
MariaDB AX and MariaDB ColumnStore package repositories now available
MariaDB AX can be downloaded as a bundle
Additional Resources:
Download the MariaDB AX bundle
Download individual MariaDB AX components
Check out the MariaDB ColumnStore 1.1.3 release notes
See a list of all the bugs fixed in JIRA
Browse the documentation
For any questions, please email me at