About MariaDB Connector/R2DBC


Java developers can use MariaDB Connector/R2DBC to connect to MariaDB database products using the Reactive Relational Database Connectivity (R2DBC) API. R2DBC operations are non-blocking, which makes the R2DBC API more scalable than Java's standard JDBC API. MariaDB Connector/R2DBC has a native R2DBC implementation and the Spring Data R2DBC framework.

ConnectorMariaDB Connector/R2DBC
Supported Versions1.2
Programming LanguageJAVA
Programming Language VersionJava 8+
APIR2DBC 0.9.1 , R2DBC 1.0.0
Supports TLSYes
Supports Connection PoolsYes
LicenseApache 2.0

End-of-Life (EOL) Versions

The following versions of MariaDB Connector/R2DBC have reached the End of Life and are no longer supported:

  • MariaDB Connector/R2DBC 1.0
  • MariaDB Connector/R2DBC 1.1

Users are encouraged to upgrade to the next available supported version.

Maven artifacts

Current connector supporting 1.0.0 R2DBC spec is:


To support R2DBC 0.9.1 spec that is incompatible with 1.0.0 spec:


Benefits of R2DBC

The R2DBC API relies on reactive data streams, which provide many benefits over standard JDBC:

  • Reactive: R2DBC uses an event-driven, non-blocking, and functional programming model.
  • Scalable: R2DBC is more scalable than standard JDBC because it allows the runtime to handle concurrency and scheduling.
  • Fast: R2DBC streams results, which can improve performance.
  • Efficient: R2DBC uses deferred execution and flow control to ensure its operations are performed efficiently.
  • Simple: R2DBC is designed to make common usage patterns simple to implement for developers.

Framework-Specific Documentation

For details on how to use MariaDB Connector/R2DBC, choose a supported framework:

Native R2DBCThe native implementation of R2DBC can be used to connect using MariaDB Connector/R2DBC from within your Java application.
Spring Data R2DBCSpring Data implementation of R2DBC allows you to connect using MariaDB Connector/R2DBC using the Spring Framework.
FeatureNative R2DBCSpring Data R2DBC
Executes SQLYesYes
Integrates with Spring FrameworkNoYes
Spring Data: DatabaseClientNoYes
Spring Data: RepositoriesNoYes
Spring Data: Object MappingNoYes
Spring Data: Transaction ManagementNoYes



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