Comments - About the Knowledge Base

7 years ago Giuseppe Calamita

Hello, I'm committed to a United Nations volunteer project; I'm using Xampp ((Mariadb10.1) for a database application related to a vocational school. After my deep search, I have found nothing comparable to the complete PDF guide available for the MySQL 5.7 it would be sufficient to make a PDF from the section of the statements and their syntax available in this website. When that will be done I'm sure the base of users will enlarge a lot. Thank you. Giuseppe Calamita

7 years ago Ian Gilfillan

Unfortunately there is no downloadable version at present. See MDEV-6881 and feel free to vote for or comment on that issue.

7 years ago Giuseppe Calamita

Why not download and convert to PDF the existing section of this website on SQL statements and make it available to all interested in here?

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