Comments - (Another) Install problem on Mac OSX 10.10.2

8 years, 7 months ago Jan Steinman

Since you're on MacOS, I suggest you use Homebrew (

I have a recipe for building 10.1.8 using Homebrew if you want it.

I offered it to the Homebrew folks, and they told me to check it in, but I don't know anything about git, and there were inscrutable error messages.

First, you'd need to install Homebrew. Then you'll need to replace one file with the one I've patched to contain the download path for 10.1.8 and the checksum for that file.

I find Homebrew to be a very good package manager in general. I could not figure out how to make 10.1.8 build under Mac Ports. And fink seems to be out of development.

8 years, 7 months ago 7 stud

Thanks anyway. I don't use homebrew--I found it causes too many problems.

8 years, 7 months ago Jan Steinman

Odd, I haven't had ANY problems with Homebrew.

But then, I'm more comfortable with Ruby than with Perl.

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