Comments - Authentication Plugin - GSSAPI

3 years, 8 months ago Brian R

Hi all

I hope somone who've made this work, is willing to look though this and hopefully spot where I've done something wrong?

Steps so far:

Microsoft AD team create keytab file: ktpass.exe /princ mariadb/ /mapuser SERVICEUSERNAME /pass WHATEVER /out mariadb_mariadbhostname.keytab /crypto all /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL /mapOp set

I receive, rename and place the keytabfile on database server databasehostname, in /etc/krb5-databasehostname.keytab

I check that "hostname responds with the FQDN: hostname -f

I then change the /etc/mysql/my.cnf file to point to same file: under paragraph [mariadb] , added: gssapi_keytab_path = /etc/krb5-databasehostname.keytab gssapi_principal_name = mariadb/

I show contents of same keytab file: klist -k /etc/krb5-databasehostname.keytab KVNO Principal 3 mariadb/ 3 mariadb/

I restart MariaDB: systemctl restart mariadb syslog states msqld ready for connections, and following: [Note] mysqld: GSSAPI plugin : using principal name 'mariadb/mariadb/'

I check setup in MariaDB: SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%gassapi%'; Variable_name | Value -------------------- |--------------------------------- gssapi_keytab_path | /etc/krb5-databasehostname.keytab gssapi_principal_name | mariadb/

I create user in same MariaDB 10.3.22 database: GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'myADname'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'gssapi' USING 'myADname'@'DO.MAIN'; GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'myADname'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH 'gssapi' USING 'myADname'@'DO.MAIN';

Ensuring there's a kerberos ticket/token: kinit or also tried kinit myADuser - both asks for my password, and klist shows I got a ticket:

Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_xxxx_kq3sm1 Default principal: myADuser@DO.MAIN Valid starting Expires Service principal 07/28/2020 12:55 07/28/2020 22:55 krbtgt/DO.MAIN@DO.MAIN renew until 08/04/2020 12:55 07/28/2020 13:09 07/28/2020 22:55 mariadb/ renew until 08/04/2020 12:55

I try to connect from local machine to local DB (but fails):

myADusername@hostname:$ mysql -umyADusername or mysql -umyADusername both barks this: ERROR 1105 (HY000): Server GSSAPI error (major 851968, minor 2529638957) : gssapi_accept_sec_contaxt -Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may procide more information. No key table entry found for mariadb/ or I have also seen: Access denied for user 'myADuser@DO.MAIN'@'localhost' (using password: No)

As far as I can see, I have done pretty much what is asked in the gssapi authentication guides I've found? I am lost in a dead end here, trying to figure out how to make gssapi/kerberos login work into MariaDB. Can any one shed some light on thsi for me, please :) ???

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