Comments - Automatic Restart Issue of ProcessMonitor in MariaDB ColumnStore 1.0.4

7 years, 8 months ago Zeng Chun

By the way, I used non-root guide to install MariaDB ColumnStore 1.0.4. I encountered the same issue of the bug MCOL-404. David gave me a workaround of setting locale discussed in this thread

Can you help investigate the restart issue? Thank you very much.

7 years, 8 months ago Zeng Chun

Shall I use root to install MariaDB ColumnStore 1.0.4?

7 years, 8 months ago Zeng Chun

I think we should use root to install MariaDB ColumnStore 1.0.4 right now according to the bug MCOL-404.

By the way, if you have installed MariaDB ColumnStore 1.0.4 using non-root user and have applied the workaround of setting locale. And then you want to use root to start the system. The key step is setting user in the section of mysqld of /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/mysql/my.cnf, such as user=guest. Thanks.

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