Amazon Web Services (AWS) Key Management Service (KMS) Encryption Plugin Advanced Usage

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Advanced security practices

Ultimately, keeping all the credentials required to read the key on a single host means that a user who has gained access to the host has enough information to read the encrypted files in the datadir, read the encrypted keys from the datadir, interact with AWS KMS to decrypt the encrypted keys, and then used the decrypted keys to decrypt the encrypted data.

Theoretically, a superuser can read the memory of the MariaDB server process to read the decrypted keys or restart MariaDB with password authentication disabled in order to dump data, or add new users to MariaDB in order to allow a user to connect and dump the data. Resolving these issues is beyond the scope of this document. A user who gains root access to your operating system or root access to your MariaDB server will have the ability to decrypt your data. Plan accordingly.

AWS credentials

Putting the AWS credentials in a file inside the MariaDB home directory is not ideal. By default, any user with the FILE privilege can read any files that the MariaDB server has permission to read, which would include the credentials file. To protect against this, you should set secure_file_priv to restrict the location the server will allow a user to read from when executing LOAD DATA INFILE or the LOAD_FILE() function.

But putting them in other locations requires passing additional data to the server, which in the case of CentOS 7 requires customizing the systemd startup procedure. This is most easily done by creating a "drop-in" file in /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/. The file should end in ".conf" but can otherwise be named whatever you like. After making any changes to systemd files, execute systemctl daemon-reload and then start (or restart) the service as usual.

You can place the credentials file in a location of your choosing and then refer to that file by setting the AWS_CREDENTIAL_PROFILES_FILE environment variable in the drop-in file:


The credentials file will need to be readable by the "mysql" user, but it does not need to be readable by any other user.

AWS credentials can also be put directly into a "drop-in" systemd file that will be read when starting the MariaDB service:

# cat /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/aws-kms.conf

However, any OS user can read this information from systemd, which could be considered a security risk. Another solution is to put the credentials in a separate file that is only readable by root and then refer to that file using an EnvironmentFile directive in a drop-in systemd file.

# cat /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/aws-kms.env

# chown root /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/aws-kms.env
# chmod 600 /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/aws-kms.env

# cat /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/aws-kms.conf

That has the advantage the the credentials can only be read directly by root. systemd adds those variables to the environment of the MariaDB server when starting it, and MariaDB can use the credentials to interact with AWS. Note, though, that any process running as the "mysql" user can still read the credentials from the proc filesystem on Linux.

$ whoami
$ cat /proc/$(pgrep mysqld)/environ | tr '\0' '\n' | grep AWS

Separation of responsibilities

In environments where more security is needed, additional measures can be put into place. Note that these measures will make it difficult or impossible to start or restart the MariaDB service programmatically. That is, the OS itself will not be able to restart the service if it fails for some reason or if the host restarts.

Using a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) device

One approach is to modify the key policy for the master key so that MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) is required in order to use the key. This is achieved with a wrapper that handles prompting the user for an MFA token, acquires temporary, limited-privilege credentials from the AWS Security Token Service (STS), and puts those credentials into the environment of the MariaDB server process. The credentials can expire after as little as 15 minutes.

To require an MFA token for users of the key, you'll need to manually edit the key policy.

  1. Load the IAM console at
  2. Click "Encryption Keys" in the left-hand sidebar.
  3. Click the name of your encryption key to view its details.
  4. Click the link labeled "Switch to policy view", to the right of the heading of the "Key Policy" section.
  5. Locate the section that contains "Sid": "Allow use of the key".
  6. Add this text below the "Sid" line:
          "Condition": {
            "Bool": {
              "aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent": "True"
  7. Click "Save Changes".
  8. Click "Proceed" if prompted with a warning about using the default view in the future.

Now, add an MFA device for your user. You'll need to have a hardware MFA device or an application such as Google Authenticator installed on your smartphone.

  1. Click "Users" in the left-hand sidebar.
  2. Click the name of your user.
  3. Click the "Security Credentials" tab.
  4. In the "Sign-In Credentials" section, click the "Manage MFA Device" button.
  5. Complete the steps to activate your MFA device.
  6. Copy the ARN for your MFA device. You will need to use this when configuring the wrapper program.

Now, set up the wrapper program.

  1. Copy the iam-kms-wrapper file to /usr/local/bin/, and ensure that it is executable.
  2. Create a drop-in systemd config file in /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/:
    ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/iam-kms-wrapper --config=/etc/my.cnf.d/iam-kms-wrapper.config /usr/sbin/mysqld $MYSQLD_OPTS
  3. Execute systemctl daemon-reload.
  4. Create a file at /etc/my.cnf.d/iam-kms-wrapper.config with these contents, using the ARN for your MFA device as the value for kms_mfa_id:
    kms_mfa_id = arn:aws:iam::551888187628:mfa/MDBEnc
    kms_mfa_socket = /tmp/kms_mfa_socket

When you start the MariaDB service now, the wrapper will temporarily create a socket file at the location given by the kms_mfa_socket option. The wrapper will read the MFA code from the socket and will use it to authenticate to KMS. To give the MFA code, simply write the digits to the socket file using echo: echo 111676 > /tmp/kms_mfa_socket.

The systemctl command will block until MariaDB starts, so you will need to write the code to the socket file via a separate terminal.

Disabling keys when not needed

Another possibility is to use the API to disable access to the master key and enable it only when a trusted administrator knows that the MariaDB service needs to be started. A specialized tool on a separate host could be used to enable the key for a very short period of time while the service starts and then quickly disable the key.

To do this, you can create an extra IAM User that can only use the kms:EnableKey and kms:DisableKey API endpoints for your key. This user will not be able to encrypt or decrypt any data using the key.

First, create a new user.

  1. Load the IAM console at
  2. Click "Users" in the left-hand sidebar.
  3. Click "Create New Users".
  4. Enter a new user name. (The examples will use "MDBEncAdmin".)
  5. Click "Show User Security Credentials".
  6. Copy the credentials and put them in a credentials file with this structure:
  7. Click "Close".
  8. Click "Close" again if prompted.
  9. Click the name of your new user to open the details view.
  10. Copy the "User ARN" value for your user (for example "arn:aws:iam::551888181234:user/MDBEncAdmin"). You will need this for the next step.

Now, give the new user permission to perform API operations on your key.

  1. Click "Encryption Keys" in the left-hand sidebar.
  2. Click the name of your key to open the details view.
  3. Click "Switch to policy view" if it is not already open. (The "policy view" is a large text field that contains JSON describing the key policy.)
  4. Create a new item in the Statement array with this structure:
          "Sid": "Allow Enable and Disable of the key",
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Principal": {
            "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::551888181234:user/MDBEncAdmin"
          "Action": [
        }, that your Key Policy looks like this:
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Id": "key-consolepolicy-2",
      "Statement": [
          "Sid": "Allow Enable and Disable of the key",
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Principal": {
  5. Click "Save Changes".

You've now added a new IAM user and you've given that user privileges to enable and disable your key. This user will be able to perform those operations using the AWS CLI or via a script or your own design using the AWS API. For example, using the AWS CLI:

$ cat ~/.aws/credentials

$ AWS_PROFILE=MDBEncAdmin aws --region us-east-1 kms disable-key --key-id arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:551888181234:key/abcdf8f6-084b-4cff-99ca-abcdef6c7907c

In order for MariaDB to start, this new user will have to enable the master key, then the DBA can start MariaDB, and this user can once again disable the master key after the service has started. Note that in this workflow, MariaDB will be unable to create new encryption keys, such as would be done when a user creates a table that refers to a non-existent key ID. The AWS KMS plugin will encounter an error if it tries to generate a new encryption key while the master key is disabled. In that scenario, the key administrator would have to enable the key before the operation could succeed. Here's what you should expect to see in the journal if MariaDB tries to interact with a disabled master key:

[ERROR] AWS KMS plugin : GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext failed : DisabledException - Unable to parse ExceptionName: DisabledException Message: arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:551888181234:key/abcdf8f6-084b-4cff-99ca-abcdef6c7907c is disabled.


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