Bitemporal Tables
Bitemporal tables are tables that use versioning both at the system and application-time period levels.
Using Bitemporal Tables
To create a bitemporal table, use:
CREATE TABLE test.t3 ( date_1 DATE, date_2 DATE, row_start TIMESTAMP(6) AS ROW START INVISIBLE, row_end TIMESTAMP(6) AS ROW END INVISIBLE, PERIOD FOR application_time(date_1, date_2), PERIOD FOR system_time(row_start, row_end)) WITH SYSTEM VERSIONING;
Note that, while system_time
here is also a time period, it cannot be used in DELETE FOR PORTION
DELETE FROM test.t3 FOR PORTION OF system_time FROM '2000-01-01' TO '2018-01-01'; ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'of system_time from '2000-01-01' to '2018-01-01'' at line 1
See Also
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