Comments - Changes & Improvements in MariaDB 10.0

10 years, 11 months ago nuker nuker

Ok, very good. I already installed it instead of my Mysql. But I can't understand, XtraDB is here instead of InnoDB or not? In 5.5 XtraDB is seen as InnoDB and no problems, but here you post that InnoDB backported from Mysql 5.6.

So what is better? new InnoDB or 5.5 XtraDB?

10 years, 11 months ago Sergei Golubchik

In MariaDB 10.0.3 we have InnoDB (not XtraDB). Because Percona XtraDB-5.6 wasn't quite ready by the time of 10.0.3 release.

In MariaDB 10.0.6 or 10.0.7 we expect to have new Percona XtraDB enabled by default instead of InnoDB.

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