Comments - Changes & Improvements in MariaDB 10.2

7 years, 1 month ago mia0x75

Yeah, you are right, innodb_file_format and innodb_file_format_max are still there, but they are deprecated. I mean some of the variables are removed and some of them are deprecated, but the doc is not up-to-date.

I am just running Centos 7 x86_64, and install 10.2.5 via yum, it is quite easy to setup, nothing else.

7 years, 1 month ago Ian Gilfillan

Thanks, these have been added to the InnoDB variable list page. They should also be listed or linked to from this page, as with the list of new variables added.

7 years, 1 month ago mia0x75

One more thing, what are the reasons we use innodb rather then xtradb in 10.2 and future relases?

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