Changes and Improvements in MariaDB 11.5

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The most recent release of MariaDB 11.5 is:
MariaDB 11.5.1 Release Candidate (RC) Download Now
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MariaDB 11.5 is a current development series.

New Features

Temporary files and tables

Data Types

  • The TIMESTAMP range of values was extended. The maximal allowed value for timestamps was '2038-01-19 03:14:07 UTC', and is now '2106-02-07 06:28:15 UTC'. This does not change the storage format, and new tables can be read by old MariaDB servers as long as timestamp values are within the old timestamp range. At the moment this is only supported on 64-bit platforms (MDEV-32188).



  • Permit bulk implementation to return ALL individual results (MDEV-30366)
  • Send initial values of system variables in first OK packet (MDEV-31609)





List of All MariaDB 11.5 Releases

DateReleaseStatusRelease NotesChangelog
18 Mar 2024MariaDB 11.5.0Alpha


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