Comments - Changing location of database

11 years ago Sergei Golubchik

may be innodb uses the incorrect path or it gets the datadir before basedir is used. In that case it'd be a bug.

If you can create a repeatable bug report, please submit it at

I've tried to repeat it (start the server, create innodb table, stop the server, move the datadir, start the server with --basedir, access innodb table). Everything worked for me.

11 years ago Michael Davies

Thanks Sergii, Correct path is being used as the databases are being recognised and I can log in; it just reports that tables do not exist. Did you move the data to a separate physical drive and did you reboot? Here is a thought. If I reboot does MariaDb start before the data drive gets mounted thus causing the corruption? I will do some further testing now that I have time.

11 years ago Sergei Golubchik

I mean "incorrect path inside innodb". it would not affect logging in or SHOW DATABASES.

I cannot know whether MariaDB starts before or after your drives are mounted, it depends on how your startup scripts are configured. If needed, you can force the correct order, by adding dependencies to your startups scripts.

Still, if you'll be able to create a test case — please submit a bug report.

11 years ago Michael Davies

OK I have submitted bug MDEV-4745 and given as much info as possible. Hope this helps. I wouldn't know where to start looking for startup scripts. I know about fstab but that's about it!

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