ColumnStore AWS Cluster using External Volume Type - io1 UM1 Launch Issue

The Install only fails if we attempt to launch the additional volume on UM1 as an “io1" volume. In other words, we have been successful many times when launching systems with only GP2 volumes (the last 10 deployments have had 100% success rate). The only time things fail is when we attempt to launch the external volume for the UM as an io1 volume (regardless of what I use for the PM volumes).

Is there a configuration element that we are missing when trying to postConfigure using "io1" EBS Volume Types?

Thank you,


Answer Answered by David Hill in this comment.

Thanks for Reporting this issue. We were able to reproduce the problem and have opened a JIRA BUG to get it corrected.

So the work-around is to continue to use the default of 'gp2' type.

David Hill


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