Database User Management
MariaDB ColumnStore allows permissions to be set for user accounts. The syntax of these grants follows the standard MariaDB syntax (see GRANT).
For the root user, ColumnStore comes with full privileges. In order to set/restrict user accounts, privileges must be given/restricted. ColumnStore uses a dedicated schema called infinidb_vtable for creation of all temporary tables used for ColumnStore query processing. The root user account has been given permission to this account by default, but full permission MUST be given for all user accounts to this schema:
grant ALL on infinidb_vtable.* to user_account;
where user_account = user login, server and password characteristics
Further permissions/restrictions can now be placed on any existing objects (tables, functions, procedures, views) for any access/limitations wanting to be placed on users: Example to give a user that has a password full access to all tables for a database (after the above grant has been given):
use mysql; grant ALL on my_schema.* to ‘someuser’@’somehost’ identified by ‘somepassword’; flush privileges;
Example to give a user that has a password read-only access to only 1 table (after the above grant has been given):
use mysql; grant SELECT on my_schema.table1 to ‘someuser’@’somehost’ identified by ‘somepassword’; flush privileges;