MariaDB ColumnStore System Monitoring Configuration

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A Parent OAM Module in MariaDB ColumnStore is one of the performance module node, which in addition to query processing like other PM nodes, also monitors the overall system health, resource usage and PM node failover management. Various mcsadmin commands can be used to configure the monitoring parameters. The monitored resources are System, processes, servers, CPU usage, disk usage, RAID, memory usage, and swap space.

System Monitoring Configuration

Viewing System configuration

To view the system configuration, use getSystemConfig command in mcsadmin, or simply use mcsadmin getSystemConfig from the operating system prompt.

# mcsadmin getSystemConfig
getsystemconfig Wed Mar 28 10:17:49 2016

System Configuration

SystemName = sn-perf-1
SoftwareVersion = 3.0
SoftwareRelease = 0
ParentOAMModuleName = pm1
StandbyOAMModuleName = pm2
ModuleHeartbeatPeriod = 1
ModuleHeartbeatCount = 3
DBRootCount = 6
DBRoot1 = /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/data1
DBRoot2 =/usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/data2
DBRoot3 = /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/data3
DBRoot4 = /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/data4
DBRoot5 = /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/data5
DBRoot6 = /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/data6
DBRMRoot = /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/data1/systemFiles/dbrm/BRM_saves
ExternalCriticalThreshold = 90
ExternalMajorThreshold = 80
ExternalMinorThreshold = 70
MaxConcurrentTransactions = 1000
SharedMemoryTmpFile = /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/data1/systemFiles/dbrm/CalpontShm
VersionBufferFileSize = 1
OIDBitmapFile = /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/data1/systemFiles/dbrm/oidbitmap
FirstOID = 3000
TransactionArchivePeriod = 10

Setting System Configuration

Module heartbeats

Heartbeat monitoring occurs between modules(Both UM and PM). The module heartbeat settings are the same for all modules.

  1. The module heartbeat period refers to how often the heartbeat test is performed. For example, if you set the period to 5, then the heartbeat test is performed every 5 seconds.
    To set the module heartbeat period, use setSystemConfig ModuleHeartbeatPeriod n command in mcsadmin, or simply use mcsadmin setSystemConfig ModuleHeartbeatPeriod n from the operating system prompt, where where n= number of seconds
  2. The module heartbeat count refers to how many failures in a row must take place before a fault is processed. To disable heartbeat monitoring, set the period to -1.
    To set the module heartbeat count, use setSystemConfig ModuleHeartbeatCount n command in mcsadmin, or simply use mcsadmin setSystemConfig ModuleHeartbeatCount n from the operating system prompt, where n= number of failures.

Disk Threshold

Thresholds can be set to trigger alert when file system usage crosses a specified percentage of a file system on a server. Critical, Major or Minor threshold can be set for the disk usage for each server.

  1. Minor threshold parameter: EXTERNALMinorThreshold
  2. Major threshold parameter: EXTERNALMajorThreshold
  3. Critical threshold parameter: EXTERNALCriticalThreshold

To disable a threshold, set it to 0.

To set a particular threshold, use setSystemConfig <threshold parameter> n command in mcsadmin, or simply use mcsadmin setSystemConfig <threshold parameter> n from the operating system prompt, where where n= threshold limit as percentage of disk usage

Example: To set Major threshold to 80%
# mcsadmin setSystemConfig ExternalMajorThreshold 80
setsystemconfig   Sat Jun 11 03:53:08 2016

Successfully set ExternalMajorThreshold = 80

Viewing Storage configuration

To view the storage configuration, use getStorageConfig command in mcsadmin, or simply use mcsadmin getStorageConfig from the operating system prompt.

# mcsadmin getstorageconfig Wed Mar 28 10:40:34 2016

System Storage Configuration

Storage Type = internal
System DBRoot count = 6
DBRoot IDs assigned to 'pm1' = 1
DBRoot IDs assigned to 'pm2' = 2
DBRoot IDs assigned to 'pm3' = 3
DBRoot IDs assigned to 'pm4' = 4
DBRoot IDs assigned to 'pm5' = 5
DBRoot IDs assigned to 'pm6' = 6

Module Monitoring Configuration

For each module (PM and UM), following resource monitoring parameter can be configured

Resource Monitoring Paraemtermcsadmin command
CPU thresholdssetModuleTypeConfig (module name) ModuleCPU(Clear/ Minor/Major/Critical)Threshold n (where n= percentage of CPU usage)
Disk file system use thresholdsetModuleTypeConfig (module name) ModuleDisk(Minor/ Major/Critical)Threshold n (where n= percentage of disk system used)
Module swap thresholdssetModuleTypeConfig (module name) ModuleSwap(Minor/ Major/Crictical)Threshold n (where n= percentage of swap space used)

Alarm Trigger Count Threshold

For an alarm, a threshold can be set for how many times the alarm can be triggered in 30 minutes. The default threshold is 100.

setAlarmConfig (alarmID#) Threshold n (where n= maximum number of times an alarm can be triggered in 30 minutes),

Example to change Alarm ID 22's threshold to 50:
# mcsadmin setAlarmConfig 22 Threshold 50

Logging Level Management

There are five levels of logging in MariaDB ColumnStore system.

  • Critical
  • Error
  • Warning
  • Info
  • Debug

To enable a logging level, the system configuration, use enableLog (module_ID)(log_level) command in mcsadmin, or simply use mcsadmin enableLog (module_ID)(log_level) from the operating system prompt.

Example: To enable Critical logging on server PM1
# mcsadmin enableLog PM1 Critical

To disable a logging level, the system configuration, use disableLog (module_ID)(log_level) command in mcsadmin, or simply use mcsadmin disableLog (module_ID)(log_level) from the operating system prompt.

Example: To enable Info logging on server PM1
# mcsadmin disableLog PM1 Info


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