6 years ago Lawrin Novitsky

Connector/ODBC uses binary protocol(except few optimizations, when text protocol is used). But when there is a resultset, when binary protocol is always used.

6 years ago Meirav Rath

Just maybe add it to the documentation....

6 years ago Lawrin Novitsky

Added the note to the But, it was in all release notes until the last release, when we decided to remove it.

6 years ago Meirav Rath

I meant here, in this page. Not every one who work with your drivers keep up with release notes. I work with protocols of 14 databases, MariaDB being only one of them, and ODBC is only one of the things in MariaDB protocol.

6 years ago Lawrin Novitsky

Oh, you mean special -1 value of the statement ID. I'll talk the guy, who documented the protocol, if it belongs here, or should be/is documented elsewhere. I guess he will add it here.

6 years ago Meirav Rath

OK, thanks!

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