Comments - Cannot reset password for the root user in MariaDB (Mac keeps changing it on restart)

1 week ago Ian Gilfillan

I can't help with Mac specifically, but take a look at Troubleshooting Connection Issues, in particular Authentication from MariaDB 10.4.

Note that if you're using any of the currently maintained versions (MariaDB 10.5+), the name of the binaries will be mariadb*, not mysql*

If you're still having problems, provide the version you're using, and, when you first install and have access, the contents of the global_priv table:

SELECT CONCAT(user, '@', host, ' => ', JSON_DETAILED(priv)) FROM mysql.global_priv;

Further reading:

7 hours, 59 minutes ago Victor Costa

Ok, let me answer your questions:

1. provide the version you're using

```sh $ mariadb --version mariadb from 11.4.2-MariaDB, client 15.2 for osx10.19 (arm64) using EditLine wrapper ```

2. when you first install and have access, the contents of the global_priv table:

```sh $ sudo mysql -uroot Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 15 Server version: 11.4.2-MariaDB Homebrew

Copyright © 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT CONCAT(user, '@', host, ' => ', JSON_DETAILED(priv)) FROM mysql.global_priv; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

CONCAT(user, '@', host, ' => ', JSON_DETAILED(priv))


mariadb.sys@localhost => {

"access": 0, "plugin": "mysql_native_password", "authentication_string": "", "account_locked": true, "password_last_changed": 0 } |

root@localhost => {

"access": 18446744073709551615, "plugin": "mysql_native_password", "authentication_string": "invalid", "auth_or": [ { }, { "plugin": "unix_socket" } ] } |

victorcosta@localhost => {

"access": 18446744073709551615, "plugin": "mysql_native_password", "authentication_string": "invalid", "auth_or": [ { }, { "plugin": "unix_socket" } ] } |

PUBLIC@ => {

"access": 0, "is_role": true } |

@localhost => {

} |

@victors-macbook-pro.local => {

} | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 6 rows in set (0.002 sec) ```

3. Also, let me show here the list of the users and the local passwords, because some of these passwords are `invalid`, which is weird.

```sh MariaDB [mysql]> select Host, User, Password from user; +---------------------------+-------------+----------+




+---------------------------+-------------+----------+ 6 rows in set (0.001 sec) ```

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