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MariaDB starting with 10.0.16

The JSON table type was introduced in MariaDB 10.0.16.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format widely used on the Internet. Many applications, generally written in JavaScript or PHP use and produce JSON data, which are exchanged as files of different physical formats.

It is also possible to query, create or update such information in a database-like manner. MongoDB does it using a JavaScript-like language. PostgreSQL includes these facilities by using a specific data type and related functions like dynamic columns.

The CONNECT engine adds this facility to MariaDB by supporting tables based on JSON data files. This is done like for XML tables by creating tables describing what should be retrieved from the file and how it should be processed.

Let us start from the file “biblio3.json” that is the JSON equivalent of the XML Xsample file we have described in the XML table chapter:

    "ISBN": "9782212090819",
    "LANG": "fr",
    "SUBJECT": "applications",
    "AUTHOR": [
        "FIRSTNAME": "Jean-Christophe",
        "LASTNAME": "Bernadac"
        "FIRSTNAME": "François",
        "LASTNAME": "Knab"
    "TITLE": "Construire une application XML",
    "PUBLISHER": {
      "NAME": "Eyrolles",
      "PLACE": "Paris"
    "DATEPUB": 1999
    "ISBN": "9782840825685",
    "LANG": "fr",
    "SUBJECT": "applications",
    "AUTHOR": [
        "FIRSTNAME": "William J.",
        "LASTNAME": "Pardi"
    "TITLE": "XML en Action",
       "PREFIX": "adapté de l'anglais par",
       "TRANSLATOR": {
          "FIRSTNAME": "James",
        "LASTNAME": "Guerin"
    "PUBLISHER": {
      "NAME": "Microsoft Press",
      "PLACE": "Paris"
    "DATEPUB": 1999

This file contains the different items existing in JSON.

  • Arrays: They are enclosed in square brackets and contain a list of comma separated values.
  • Objects: They are enclosed in curly brackets. They contain a comma separated list of pairs, each pair composed of a key name between double quotes, followed by a ‘:’ character and followed by a value.
  • Values: Values can be an array or an object. They also can be a string between double quotes, an integer or float number, a Boolean value or a null value. The simplest way for CONNECT to locate a table in such a file is by an array containing a list of objects. Each array value will be a table row and each pair of the row objects will represent a column, the key being the column name and the value the column value.

A first try to create a table on this file will be to take the outer array as the table:

create table jsample (
ISBN char(15),
LANG char(2),
SUBJECT char(32),
AUTHOR char(128),
TITLE char(32),
TRANSLATED char(80),
PUBLISHER char(20),
DATEPUB int(4))
engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON

If we execute the query:

select isbn, author, title, publisher from jsample;

We get the result:

9782212090819Jean-Christophe BernadacConstruire une application XMLEyrolles Paris
9782840825685William J. PardiXML en ActionMicrosoft Press Pari

Note that by default, column values that are objects have been set to the concatenation of all the string values of the object separated by a blank. When a column value is an array, only the first item of the array is retrieved.

However, things are generally more complicated. If JSON files do not contain attributes (although object pairs are similar to attributes) they contain a new item, arrays. We have seen that they can be used like XML multiple nodes, here to specify several authors, but they are more general because they can contain objects of different types, even it may not be advisable to do so.

This is why CONNECT enables the specification of a column field_format option “JPATH” that is used to describe exactly where the items to display are and how to handles arrays.

Here is an example of a new table that can be created on the same file, allowing choosing the column names, to get some sub-objects and to specify how to handle the author array.

create table jsampall (
ISBN char(15),
Language char(2) field_format='LANG',
Subject char(32) field_format='SUBJECT',
Author char(128) field_format='AUTHOR:[" and "]',
Title char(32) field_format='TITLE',
Translation char(32) field_format='TRANSLATOR:PREFIX',
Translator char(80) field_format='TRANSLATOR',
Publisher char(20) field_format='PUBLISHER:NAME',
Location char(16) field_format='PUBLISHER:PLACE',
Year int(4) field_format='DATEPUB')
engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON File_name='biblio3.json';

Given the query:

select title, author, publisher, location from jsampall;

The result is:

Construire une application XMLJean-Christophe Bernadac and François KnabEyrollesParis
XML en ActionWilliam J. PardiMicrosoft PressParis

Here is another example showing that one can choose what to extract from the file and how to “expand” an array, meaning to generate one row for each array value:

create table jsampex (
ISBN char(15),
Title char(32) field_format='TITLE',
AuthorFN char(128) field_format='AUTHOR:[X]:FIRSTNAME',
AuthorLN char(128) field_format='AUTHOR:[X]:LASTNAME',
Year int(4) field_format='DATEPUB')
engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON File_name='biblio3.json';

It is displayed as:

9782212090819Construire une application XMLJean-ChristopheBernadac1999
9782212090819Construire une application XMLFrançoisKnab1999
9782840825685XML en ActionWilliam J.Pardi1999

The Jpath Specification

This is the description of the path to follow to reach the required item. Each step is the key name (case sensitive) of the pair when crossing an object, and the number of the value between square brackets when crossing an array. Each specification is separated by a ‘:’ character.

For instance, in the above file, the last name of the second author of a book is reached by:


The array specification can also indicate how it must be processed:

SpecificationArray TypeLimitDescription
[n][1]AllN.ATake the nth value of the array.
[X] or [x]AllExpand. Generate one row for each array value.
["string"]StringConcatenate all values separated by the specified string.
[+]NumericMake the sum of all the array values.
[*]NumericMake the product of all array values.
[!]NumericMake the average of all the array values.
[>] or [<]AllReturn the greatest or least value of the array.
[#]AllN.AReturn the number of values in the array.
[]AllExpand if under an expanded object. Otherwise sum if numeric, else concatenation separated by “, “.
AllN.AIf an array, expand it if under an expanded object or take the first value of it.

Note 1: When the LIMIT restriction is applicable, only the first m array items are used, m being the value of the LIMIT option (to be specified in option_list). The LIMIT default value is 10.

Note 2: An alternative way to indicate what is to be expanded is to use the expand option in the option list, for instance:


AUTHOR is here the key of the pair that has the array as a value (case sensitive). Expand is limited to only one branch (expanded arrays must be under the same object).

Let us take as an example the file expense.json (found here). The table jexpall expands all under and including the week array:

create table jexpall (
WHO char(12),
WEEK int(2) field_format='WEEK:[x]:NUMBER',
WHAT char(32) field_format='WEEK:[x]:EXPENSE:[x]:WHAT',
AMOUNT double(8,2) field_format='WEEK:[x]:EXPENSE:[x]:AMOUNT')
engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON File_name='expense.json';

The table jexpw shows what was bought and the sum and average of amounts for each person and week:

create table jexpw (
WHO char(12) not null,
WEEK int(2) not null field_format='WEEK:[x]:NUMBER',
WHAT char(32) not null field_format='WEEK::EXPENSE:[", "]:WHAT',
SUM double(8,2) not null field_format='WEEK::EXPENSE:[+]:AMOUNT',
AVERAGE double(8,2) not null field_format='WEEK::EXPENSE:[!]:AMOUNT')
engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON File_name='expense.json';
Joe3Beer, Food, Food, Car69.0017.25
Joe4Beer, Beer, Food, Food, Beer83.0016.60
Joe5Beer, Food26.0013.00
Beth4Food, Beer32.0016.00
Beth5Food, Beer32.0016.00
Janet3Car, Food, Beer55.0018.33
Janet5Beer, Car, Beer, Food57.0014.25

Let us see what the table jexpz does:

create table jexpz (
WHO char(12) not null,
WEEKS char(12) not null field_format='WEEK:[", "]:NUMBER',
SUMS char(64) not null field_format='WEEK:["+"]:EXPENSE:[+]:AMOUNT',
SUM double(8,2) not null field_format='WEEK:[+]:EXPENSE:[+]:AMOUNT',
AVGS char(64) not null field_format='WEEK:["+"]:EXPENSE:[!]:AMOUNT',
SUMAVG double(8,2) not null field_format='WEEK:[+]:EXPENSE:[!]:AMOUNT',
AVGSUM double(8,2) not null field_format='WEEK:[!]:EXPENSE:[+]:AMOUNT',
AVERAGE double(8,2) not null field_format='WEEK:[!]:EXPENSE:[x]:AMOUNT')
engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON
Joe3, 4, 569.00+83.00+26.00178.0017.25+16.60+13.0046.8559.3316.18
Beth3, 4, 516.00+32.00+32.0080.0016.00+16.00+16.0048.0026.6716.00
Janet3, 4, 555.00+17.00+57.00129.0018.33+17.00+14.2549.5843.0016.12

For all persons:

  • Column 1 show the person name.
  • Column 2 shows the weeks for which values are calculated.
  • Column 3 lists the sums of expenses for each week.
  • Column 4 calculates the sum of all expenses by person.
  • Column 5 shows the week’s expense averages.
  • Column 6 calculates the sum of these averages.
  • Column 7 calculates the average of the week’s sum of expenses.
  • Column 8 calculates the average expense by person.

It would be very difficult, if even possible, to obtain this result from table jexpall using an SQL query.

Having Columns defined by Discovery

It is possible to let the MariaDB discovery process do the job of column specification. When columns are not defined in the create table statement, CONNECT endeavors to analyze the JSON file and to provide the column specifications. This is possible only for tables represented by an array of objects because CONNECT retrieves the column names from the object pair keys and their definition from the object pair values. For instance, the jsample table could be created saying:

create table jsample engine=connect table_type=JSON file_name='biblio3.json';

Let’s check how it was actually specified using the show create table statement:

CREATE TABLE `jsample` (
  `ISBN` char(13) NOT NULL,
  `LANG` char(2) NOT NULL,
  `SUBJECT` char(12) NOT NULL,
  `AUTHOR` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
  `TITLE` char(30) NOT NULL,
  `PUBLISHER` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,

It is equivalent except for the column sizes that have been calculated from the file as the maximum length of the corresponding column when it was a normal value. For columns that are json arrays or objects, the column is specified as a varchar string of length 256, supposedly big enough to contain the sub-object's concatenated values. Nullable is set to true if the column is null or missing in some rows or if its JPATH contains arrays.

If a more complex definition is desired, you can ask CONNECT to analyze the JPATH up to a given level using the level option in the option list. The level value is the number of sub-objects that are taken in the JPATH. For instance:

create table jsampall2 engine=connect table_type=JSON 
  file_name='biblio3.json' option_list='level=1';

This will define the table as:

CREATE TABLE `jsampall2` (
  `ISBN` char(13) NOT NULL,
  `LANG` char(2) NOT NULL,
  `SUBJECT` char(12) NOT NULL,
  `TITLE` char(30) NOT NULL,
  FILE_NAME`='biblio3.json' `OPTION_LIST`='level=1';

The problem is that CONNECT cannot guess what you want to do with arrays. Here the AUTHOR array is left undefined, which means that only its first value will be retrieved unless you also had specified “Expand=AUTHOR” in the option list. But of course, you can replace it by anything else.

This method can be used as a quick way to make a “template” table definition that can later be edited to make the desired definition. In particular, column names are constructed from all the object keys of their path in order to have distinct column names. This can be manually edited to have the desired names, provided their JPATH key names are not modified.

JSON Catalogue Tables

Another way to see JSON table column specifications is to use a catalogue table. For instance:

create table bibcol engine=connect table_type=JSON file_name='biblio3.json' 
  option_list='level=2' catfunc=columns;
select column_name, type_name type, column_size size, jpath from bibcol;

which returns:


All this is mostly useful when creating a table on a remote file that you cannot easily see.

Finding the table within a JSON file

Given the file “facebook.json”:

   "data": [
         "id": "X999_Y999",
         "from": {
            "name": "Tom Brady", "id": "X12"
         "message": "Looking forward to 2010!",
         "actions": [
               "name": "Comment",
               "link": ""
               "name": "Like",
               "link": ""
         "type": "status",
         "created_time": "2010-08-02T21:27:44+0000",
         "updated_time": "2010-08-02T21:27:44+0000"
         "id": "X998_Y998",
         "from": {
            "name": "Peyton Manning", "id": "X18"
         "message": "Where's my contract?",
         "actions": [
               "name": "Comment",
               "link": ""
               "name": "Like",
               "link": ""
         "type": "status",
         "created_time": "2010-08-02T21:27:44+0000",
         "updated_time": "2010-08-02T21:27:44+0000"

The table we want to analyze is represented by the array value of the “data” object. Here is how this is specified in the create table statement:

create table jfacebook (
`ID` char(10) field_format='id',
`Name` char(32) field_format='from:name',
`MyID` char(16) field_format='from:id',
`Message` varchar(256) field_format='message',
`Action` char(16) field_format='actions::name',
`Link` varchar(256) field_format='actions::link',
`Type` char(16) field_format='type',
`Created` datetime date_format='YYYY-MM-DD\'T\'hh:mm:ss' field_format='created_time',
`Updated` datetime date_format='YYYY-MM-DD\'T\'hh:mm:ss' field_format='updated_time')
engine=connect table_type=JSON file_name='facebook.json' option_list='Object=data,Expand=actions';

This is the object option that gives the Jpath of the table. Note also an alternate way to declare the array to be expanded by the expand option of the option_list.

Because some string values contain a date representation, the corresponding columns are declared as datetime and the date format is specified for them.

The Jpath of the object option has the same syntax than the column Jpath but of course all array step must be specified using the [n] format.

Note: All this applies only to tables having pretty = 2 (see below).

JSON File Formats

The examples we have seen so far are files that, even they can be formatted in different ways (blanks, tabs, carriage return and line feed are ignored when parsing them), respect the JSON syntax and are made of only one item (Object or Array). Like for XML files, they are entirely parsed and a memory representation is made used to process them. This implies that they are of reasonable size to avoid an out of memory condition. Tables based on such files are recognized by the option Pretty=2 that we did not specify above because this is the default.

An alternate format, which is the format of exported MongoDB files, is a file where each row is physically stored in one file record. For instance:

{ "_id" : "01001", "city" : "AGAWAM", "loc" : [ -72.622739, 42.070206 ], "pop" : 15338, "state" : "MA" }
{ "_id" : "01002", "city" : "CUSHMAN", "loc" : [ -72.51564999999999, 42.377017 ], "pop" : 36963, "state" : "MA" }
{ "_id" : "01005", "city" : "BARRE", "loc" : [ -72.1083540000001, 42.409698 ], "pop" : 4546, "state" : "MA" }
{ "_id" : "01007", "city" : "BELCHERTOWN", "loc" : [ -72.4109530000001, 42.275103 ], "pop" : 10579, "state" : "MA" }
{ "_id" : "99929", "city" : "WRANGELL", "loc" : [ -132.352918, 56.433524 ], "pop" : 2573, "state" : "AK" }
{ "_id" : "99950", "city" : "KETCHIKAN", "loc" : [ -133.18479, 55.942471 ], "pop" : 422, "state" : "AK" }

The original file, “cities.json”, has 29352 records. To base a table on this file we must specify the option Pretty=0 in the option list. For instance:

create table cities (
`_id` char(5) key,
`city` char(32),
`long` double(12,6) field_format='loc:[0]',
`lat` double(12,6) field_format='loc:[1]',
`pop` int(8),
`state` char(2) distrib='clustered')
engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON file_name='cities.json' lrecl=128 option_list='pretty=0';

Note the use of [n] array specifications for the longitude and latitude columns.

When using this format, the table is processed by CONNECT like a DOS, CSV or FMT table. Rows are retrieved and parsed by records and the table can be very large. Another advantage is that such a table can be indexed, which can be of great value for very large tables. The “distrib” option of the “state” column tells CONNECT to use block indexing when possible.

Another format exists, noted by Pretty=1, which is similar to this one but has some additions to represent a JSON array. A header and a trailer records are added containing the opening and closing square bracket, and all records but the last are followed by a comma. It has the same advantages for reading and updating, but inserting and deleting are executed in the pretty=2 way.

Alternate Table Arrangement

We have seen that the most natural way to represent a table in a JSON file is to make it on an array of objects. However, other possibilities exist. A table can be an array of arrays, a one column table can be an array of values, or a one row table can be just one object or one value. One row tables are internally handled by adding a one value array around them.

Let us see how to handle, for instance, a table that is an array of arrays. The file:

  [56, "Coucou", 500.00],
  [[2,0,1,4], "Hello World", 2.0316],
  ["1784", "John Doo", 32.4500],
  [1914, ["Nabucho","donosor"], 5.12],
  [7, "sept", [0.77,1.22,2.01]],
  [8, "huit", 13.0],

A table can be created on this file as:

create table xjson (
`a` int(6) field_format='[1]',
`b` char(32) field_format='[2]',
`c` double(10,4) field_format='[3]')
engine=connect table_type=JSON file_name='test.json'
option_list='Pretty=1,Jmode=1,Base=1' lrecl=128;

Columns are specified by their position in the row arrays. By default, this is zero-based but for this table the base was set to 1 by the Base option of the option list. Another new option in the option list is Jmode=1. It indicates what type of table this is. The Jmode values are:

  1. An array of objects. This is the default.
  2. An array of Array. Like this one.
  3. An array of values.

When reading, this is not required as the type of the array items is specified for the columns; however, it is required when inserting new rows so CONNECT knows what to insert. For instance:

insert into xjson values(25, 'Breakfast', 1.414);

After this, it is displayed as:

2Hello World2.0316
1784John Doo32.4500

Unspecified array values are represented by their first element.

Getting and Setting JSON Representation of a Column

It is possible to retrieve and display a column contain as the full JSON string corresponding to it in the JSON file. This is specified in the JPATH by a “*” where the object or array would be specified. For instance:

create table jsample2 (
ISBN char(15),
Lng char(2) field_format='LANG',
json_Author char(255) field_format='AUTHOR:*',
Title char(32) field_format='TITLE',
Year int(4) field_format='DATEPUB')
engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON file_name='biblio3.json';

Now the query:

select * from jsample2 where isbn = '9782840825685';

will return and display :

9782840825685fr[{"FIRSTNAME":"William J.","LASTNAME":"Pardi"}]XML en Action1999

This also works on input, a column specified so that it can be directly set to a valid JSON string.

This feature is of great value as we will see below.

Write Operations on JSON Tables

The SQL commands INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE are fully supported for JSON tables. For INSERT and UPDATE, if the target values are simple values, there are no problems.

However, there are some issues when the added or modified values are objects or arrays.

Concerning objects, the same problems exist that we have already seen with the XML type. The added or modified object will have the format described in the table definition, which can be different from the one of the JSON file. Modifications should be done using a file specifying the full path of modified objects.

New problems are raised when trying to modify the values of an array. Only updates can be done on the original table. First of all, for the values of the array to be distinct values, all update operations concerning array values must be done using a table expanding this array.

For instance, to modify the authors of the biblio.json based table, the jsampex table must be used. Doing so, updating and deleting authors is possible using standard SQL commands. For example to change the first name of Knab from François to John:

update jsampex set authorfn = 'John' where authorln = 'Knab';

However It would be wrong to do:

update jsampex set authorfn = 'John' where isbn = '9782212090819';

Because this would change the first name of both authors as they share the same ISBN.

Where things become more difficult is when trying to delete or insert an author of a book. Indeed, a delete command will delete the whole book and an insert command will add a new complete row instead of adding a new author in the same array. Here we are penalized by the SQL language that cannot give us a way to specify this. Something like:

update jsampex add authorfn = 'Charles', authorln = 'Dickens'
where title = 'XML en Action';

However this does not exist in SQL. Does this mean that it is impossible to do it? No, but it requires us to use a table specified on the same file but adapted to this task. One way to do it is to specify a table for which the authors are no more an expanded array. Supposing we want to add an author to the “XML en Action” book. We will do it on a table containing just the author(s) of that book, which is the second book of the table.

create table jauthor (
FIRSTNAME char(64),
LASTNAME char(64))
engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON File_name='biblio3.json' option_list='Object=[2]:AUTHOR';

The command:

select * from jauthor;


William J.Pardi

It is a standard JSON table that is an array of objects in which we can freely insert or delete rows.

insert into jauthor values('Charles','Dickens');

We can check that this was done correctly by:

select * from jsampex;

This will display:

9782212090819Construire une application XMLJean-ChristopheBernadac1999
9782212090819Construire une application XMLJohnKnab1999
9782840825685XML en ActionWilliam J.Pardi1999
9782840825685XML en ActionCharlesDickens1999

Note: If this table were a big table with many books, it would be difficult to know what the order of a specific book is in the table. This can be found by adding a special ROWID column in the table.

However, an alternate way to do it is by using direct JSON column representation as in the JSAMPLE2 table. This can be done by:

update jsample2 set json_Author =
'[{"FIRSTNAME":"William J.","LASTNAME":"Pardi"},
where isbn = '9782840825685';

Here, we didn't have to find the index of the sub array to modify. However, this is not quite satisfying because we had to manually write the whole JSON value to set to the json_Author column.

This is why we need specific functions to do so. They are introduced now.

JSON User Defined Functions

Although such functions written by other parties do exist,[2] CONNECT provides its own UDF’s that are specifically adapted to the JSON table type and easily available because, being inside the CONNECT library or DLL, they require no additional module to be loaded. In some cases, it is possible that these other functions can alternatively be used even though this was not tested.

Here is a first list of the CONNECT functions; more will be added when required.

jbin_arrayFunctionSTRING*Make a JSON array containing its arguments.MariaDB 10.1.9
jbin_array_addFunctionSTRING*Adds to its first array argument its second arguments.MariaDB 10.1.9
jbin_array_deleteFunctionSTRING*Deletes the nth element of its first array argument.MariaDB 10.1.9
jbin_objectFunctionSTRING*Make a JSON object containing its arguments.MariaDB 10.1.9
jbin_object_nonullFunctionSTRING*Make a JSON object containing its not null arguments.MariaDB 10.1.9
jbin_object_addFunctionSTRING*Adds to its first object argument its second argument.MariaDB 10.1.9
jbin_object_deleteFunctionSTRING*Deletes the nth element of its first object argument.MariaDB 10.1.9
jbin_object_listFunctionSTRING*Returns the list of object keys as an array.MariaDB 10.1.9
jbin_item_mergeFunctionSTRING*Merges two arrays or two objects.MariaDB 10.1.9
jbin_get_itemFunctionSTRING*Access and returns a json item by a JPATH key.MariaDB 10.1.9
jbin_fileFunctionSTRING*Returns of a (json) file contain.MariaDB 10.1.9
jfile_makeFunctionSTRINGMake a json file from its json item first argument.MariaDB 10.1.9
json_arrayFunctionSTRINGMake a JSON array containing its arguments.MariaDB 10.0.17
json_array_addFunctionSTRINGAdds to its first array argument its second arguments (before MariaDB 10.1.9, all following arguments).MariaDB 10.0.17
json_array_add_valuesFunctionSTRINGAdds to its first array argument all following arguments.MariaDB 10.1.9
json_array_deleteFunctionSTRINGDeletes the nth element of its first array argument.MariaDB 10.0.18
json_array_grpAggregateSTRINGMakes JSON arrays from coming argument.MariaDB 10.0.17
json_fileFunctionSTRINGReturns the contains of (json) file.MariaDB 10.1.9
json_get_itemFunctionSTRINGAccess and returns a json item by a JPATH key.MariaDB 10.1.9
json_item_mergeFunctionSTRINGMerges two arrays or two objects.MariaDB 10.1.9
json_locate_allFunctionSTRINGReturns the JPATH’s of all occurrences of an element.MariaDB 10.1.9
json_objectFunctionSTRINGMake a JSON object containing its arguments.MariaDB 10.0.17
json_object_deleteFunctionSTRINGDeletes the nth element of its first object argument.MariaDB 10.1.9
json_object_grpAggregateSTRINGMakes JSON objects from coming arguments.MariaDB 10.0.17
json_object_listFunctionSTRINGReturns the list of object keys as an array.MariaDB 10.1.9
json_object_nonullFunctionSTRINGMake a JSON object containing its not null arguments.MariaDB 10.0.18
json_serializeFunctionSTRINGSerializes the return of a “Jbin” function.MariaDB 10.1.9
json_valueFunctionSTRINGMake a JSON value from its unique argument.MariaDB 10.0.17
jsonget_stringFunctionSTRINGAccess and returns a string element by a JPATH key.MariaDB 10.1.9
jsonget_intFunctionINTEGERAccess and returns an integer element by a JPATH key.MariaDB 10.1.9
jsonget_realFunctionREALAccess and returns a real element by a JPATH key.MariaDB 10.1.9
jsonlocateFunctionSTRINGReturns the JPATH to access one element.MariaDB 10.1.9

String values are mapped to JSON strings. These strings are automatically escaped to conform to the JSON syntax. The automatic escaping is bypassed when the value has an alias beginning with ‘json_’. This is automatically the case when a JSON UDF argument is another JSON UDF whose name begins with “json_” (not case sensitive). This is why all functions that do not return a Json item are not prefixed by “json_”.

Numeric values are (big) integers, double floating point values or decimal values. Decimal values are character strings containing a numeric representation and are treated as strings. Floating point values contain a decimal point and/or an exponent. Integers are written without decimal points.

To install these functions execute the following commands :[3]

Note: Json function names are often written on this page with leading upper case letters for clarity. It is possible to do so in queries because function names are case insensitive. However, when creating or dropping them, their names must match the case they are in the library module (lower case from MariaDB 10.1.9).

On Unix, before MariaDB 10.1.9:

create function Json_Array returns string soname '';
create function Json_Array_Add returns string soname '';
create function Json_Array_Delete returns string soname '';
create function Json_Object returns string soname '';
create function Json_Object_Nonull returns string soname '';
create function Json_Value returns string soname '';
create aggregate function Json_Array_Grp returns string soname '';
create aggregate function Json_Object_Grp returns string soname '';

On Unix, from MariaDB 10.1.9:

create function json_array_add_values returns string soname '';
create function json_object_add returns string soname '';
create function json_object_delete returns string soname '';
create function json_object_list returns string soname '';
create function jsonlocate returns string soname '';
create function json_locate_all returns string soname '';
create function json_item_merge returns real soname '';
create function json_get_item returns real soname '';
create function jsongetstring returns string soname '';
create function jsongetint returns integer soname '';
create function jsongetreal returns real soname '';
create function json_file returns string soname '';
create function jfile_make returns string soname '';
create function json_serialize returns string soname '';
create function jbin_array returns string soname '';
create function jbin_array_add_values returns string soname '';
create function jbin_array_add returns string soname '';
create function jbin_array_delete returns string soname '';
create function jbin_object returns string soname '';
create function jbin_object_nonull returns string soname '';
create function jbin_object_add returns string soname '';
create function jbin_object_delete returns string soname '';
create function jbin_object_list returns string soname '';
create function jbin_item_merge returns string soname '';
create function jbin_get_item returns string soname '';
create function jbin_file returns string soname '';

On WIndows:

create function json_array returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function json_array_add returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function json_array_delete returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function json_object returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function json_object_nonull returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function jsonvalue returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create aggregate function json_array_grp returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create aggregate function json_object_grp returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function json_array_add_values returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function json_object_add returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function json_object_delete returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function json_object_list returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function jsonlocate returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function json_locate_all returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function json_item_merge returns real soname 'ha_connect';
create function json_get_item returns real soname 'ha_connect';
create function jsongetstring returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function jsongetint returns integer soname 'ha_connect';
create function jsongetreal returns real soname 'ha_connect';
create function json_file returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function jfile_make returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function json_serialize returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function jbin_array returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function jbin_array_add_values returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function jbin_array_add returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function jbin_array_delete returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function jbin_object returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function jbin_object_nonull returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function jbin_object_add returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function jbin_object_delete returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function jbin_object_list returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function jbin_item_merge returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function jbin_get_item returns string soname 'ha_connect';
create function jbin_file returns string soname 'ha_connect';


Json_Value (arg)

Returns a JSON value as a string, for instance:

select Json_Value(3.1416);


Json_Array(arg1, …, argn)

This function returns a string denoting a JSON array with all its arguments as members. For example:

select Json_Array(56, 3.1416, 'My name is "Foo"', NULL);
Json_Array(56, 3.1416, 'My name is "Foo"',N ULL)
[56,3.141600,"My name is \"Foo\"",null]

Note: The argument list can be void. If so a void array is returned.


Json_Object(arg1, …, argn)

Return a string denoting a JSON object. For instance:

select Json_Object(56, 3.1416, 'machin', NULL);

The object is filled with pairs corresponding to the given arguments. The key of each pair is made by default from the argument value.

Json_Object(56, 3.1416, 'machin', NULL)

When needed, it is possible to specify the keys by giving an alias to the arguments:

select Json_Object(56 qty, 3.1416 price, 'machin' truc, NULL garanty);
Json_Object(56 qty,3.1416 price,'machin' truc, NULL garanty)

If the alias is prefixed by ‘json_’ (to prevent escaping) the key name is stripped from that prefix.

When entering values retrieved from a table, the key is by default the column name:

select Json_Object(matricule, nom, titre, salaire) from connect.employe where nom = 'PANTIER';
Json_Object(matricule, nom, titre, salaire)


Json_Object_Nonull(arg1, …, argn)

This function works like Json_Object but “null” arguments are ignored and not inserted in the object. Arguments are regarded as “null” if they are JSON null values, void arrays or objects, or arrays or objects containing only null members.

It is mainly used to avoid constructing useless null items when converting tables (see later).


Json_Array_Add(arg1, arg2, [arg3][, arg4][, ...])

Note: In CONNECT version 1.3 (before MariaDB 10.1.9), this function behaved like the new Json_Array_Add_Values function. The following describes this function for CONNECT version 1.4(from MariaDB 10.1.9) only. The first argument must be a JSON array. The second argument is added as member of this array. For example:

select Json_Array_Add(Json_Array(56,3.1416,'machin',NULL),
'One more') Array;
[56,3.141600,"machin",null,"One more"]

Note: The first array is not escaped, its (alias) name beginning with ‘json_’.

Now we can see how adding an author to the JSAMPLE2 table can alternatively be done:

update jsample2 set 
  json_author = json_array_add(json_author, json_object('Charles' FIRSTNAME, 'Dickens' LASTNAME)) 
  where isbn = '9782840825685';

Note: Calling a column returning JSON a name prefixed by json_ (like json_author here) is good practice and removes the need to give it an alias to prevent escaping when used as an argument.

Additional arguments: If a third integer argument is given, it specifies the position (zero based) of the added value:

select Json_Array_Add('[5,3,8,7,9]' json_, 4, 2) Array;

If a string argument is added, it specifies the Json path to the array to be modified. For instance:

select Json_Array_Add('{"a":1,"b":2,"c":[3,4]}' json_, 5, 1, 'c');
Json_Array_Add('{"a":1,"b":2,"c":[3, 4]}' json_, 5, 1, 'c')


MariaDB starting with 10.0.18

Json_Array_Delete was introduced in MariaDB 10.0.18.

Json_Array_Delete(arg1, arg2 [,arg3] [...])

The first argument should be a JSON array. The second argument is an integer indicating the rank (0 based conforming to general json usage) of the element to delete. For example:

select Json_Array_Delete(Json_Array(56,3.1416,'foo',NULL),1) Array;

Now we can see how to delete the second author from the JSAMPLE2 table:

update jsample2 set json_author = json_array_delete(json_author, 1) 
  where isbn = '9782840825685';

A Json path can be specified as a third string argument



This is an aggregate function that makes an array filled from values coming from the rows retrieved by a query. Let us suppose we have the pet table:


The query:

select name, json_array_grp(race) from pet group by name;

will return:


One problem with the JSON aggregate functions is that they construct their result in memory and cannot know the needed amount of storage, not knowing the number of rows of the used table.

This is why the number of values for each group is limited. This limit is the value of the connect_json_grp_size session variable and is equal to 10 by default. Nevertheless, working on a larger table is possible, but only after setting connect_json_grp_size to the ceiling of the number of rows per group for the table. Try not to set it to a very large value to avoid memory exhaustion.



This function works like Json_Array_Grp. It makes a JSON object filled with values passed from its first argument. Values passed from the second argument will be the keys associated with the values.

This can be seen with the query:

select name, json_object_grp(number,race) from pet group by name;

This query returns:



MariaDB starting with 10.1.9

Json_Array_Add_Values added in CONNECT 1.4 replaces the function Json_Array_Add of CONNECT version 1.3 (before MariaDB 10.1.9).

Json_Array_Add_Values(arg, arglist)

The first argument must be a JSON array string. Then all other arguments are added as members of this array. For example:

select Json_Array_Add_Values
  (Json_Array(56, 3.1416, 'machin', NULL), 'One more', 'Two more') Array;
[56,3.141600,"machin",null,"One more","Two more"]


MariaDB starting with 10.1.9

Json_Object_Add was added in CONNECT 1.4 (from MariaDB 10.1.9).

Json_Object_Add(arg1, arg2, [arg3] …)

The first argument must be a JSON object. The second argument is added as a pair to this object. For example:

select Json_Object_Add
  ('{"item":"T-shirt","qty":27,"price":24.99}' json_old,'blue' color) newobj;

Note: If the specified key already exists in the object, its value is replaced by the new one.

The third string argument is a Json path to the target object.


MariaDB starting with 10.1.9

Json_Object_Delete was added in CONNECT 1.4 (from MariaDB 10.1.9).

Json_Object_Delete(arg1, arg2, [arg3] …):

The first argument must be a JSON object. The second argument is the key of the pair to delete. For example:

select Json_Object_Delete('{"item":"T-shirt","qty":27,"price":24.99}' json_old, 'qty') newobj;

The third string argument is a Json path to the object to be the target of deletion.


MariaDB starting with 10.1.9

Json_Object_List was added in CONNECT 1.4 (from MariaDB 10.1.9).

Json_Object_List(arg1, …):

The first argument must be a JSON object. This function returns an array containing the list of all keys existing in the object. For example:

select Json_Object_List(Json_Object(56 qty,3.1416 price,'machin' truc, NULL garanty)) "Key List";
Key List


MariaDB starting with 10.1.9

Json_Object_Locate was added in CONNECT 1.4 (from MariaDB 10.1.9).

JsonLocate(arg1, arg2, [arg3], …):

The first argument must be a JSON tree. The second argument is the item to be located. The item to be located can be a constant or a json item. Constant values must be equal in type and value to be found. This is "shallow equality" – strings, integers and doubles won't match.

This function returns the json path to the located item or null if it is not found. For example:

select JsonLocate('{"AUTHORS":[{"FN":"Jules", "LN":"Verne"}, {"FN":"Jack", "LN":"London"}]}' json_, 'Jack') Path;

This query returns:


The path syntax is the same used in JSON CONNECT tables.

By default, the path of the first occurrence of the item is returned. The third parameter can be used to specify the occurrence whose path is to be returned. For instance:

JsonLocate('[45,28,[36,45],89]',45) first,
JsonLocate('[45,28,[36,45],89]',45,2) second,
JsonLocate('[45,28,[36,45],89]',45.0) `wrong type`,
JsonLocate('[45,28,[36,45],89]','[36,45]' json_) json;
firstsecondwrong typejson

For string items, the comparison is case sensitive by default. However, it is possible to specify a string to be compared case insensitively by giving it an alias beginning by “ci”:

select JsonLocate('{"AUTHORS":[{"FN":"Jules", "LN":"Verne"}, {"FN":"Jack", "LN":"London"}]}' json_, 'VERNE' ci) Path;

Converting Tables to JSON

The JSON UDF’s and the direct Jpath “*” facility are powerful tools to convert table and files to the JSON format. For instance, the file biblio3.json we used previously can be obtained by converting the xsample.xml file. This can be done like this:

create table xj1 (row varchar(500) field_format='*') 
 engine=connect table_type=JSON file_name='biblio3.json' option_list='jmode=2';

And then :

insert into xj1
  select json_object_nonull(ISBN, language LANG, SUBJECT, 
    json_array_grp(json_object(authorfn FIRSTNAME, authorln LASTNAME)) json_AUTHOR, TITLE,
    json_object(translated PREFIX, json_object(tranfn FIRSTNAME, tranln LASTNAME) json_TRANSLATOR) 
    json_TRANSLATED, json_object(publisher NAME, location PLACE) json_PUBLISHER, date DATEPUB) 
from xsampall2 group by isbn;

The xj1 table rows will directly receive the Json object made by the select statement used in the insert statement and the table file will be made as shown (xj1 is pretty=2 by default) Its mode is Jmode=2 because the values inserted are strings even if they denote json objects.

Another way to do this is to create a table describing the file format we want before the biblio3.json file existed:

create table jsampall3 (
ISBN char(15),
LANGUAGE char(2) field_format='LANG',
SUBJECT char(32),
AUTHORFN char(128) field_format='AUTHOR:[X]:FIRSTNAME',
AUTHORLN char(128) field_format='AUTHOR:[X]:LASTNAME',
TITLE char(32),
TRANSLATED char(32) field_format='TRANSLATOR:PREFIX',
PUBLISHER char(20) field_format='PUBLISHER:NAME',
LOCATION char(20) field_format='PUBLISHER:PLACE',
DATE int(4) field_format='DATEPUB')
engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON file_name='biblio3.json';

and to populate it by:

insert into jsampall3 select * from xsampall;

This is a simpler method. However, the issue is that this method cannot handle the multiple column values. This is why we inserted from xsampall not from xsampall2. How can we add the missing multiple authors in this table? Here again we must create a utility table able to handle JSON strings.

create table xj2 (ISBN char(15), author varchar(150) field_format='AUTHOR:*') 
  engine=connect table_type=JSON file_name='biblio3.json' option_list='jmode=1';

update xj2 set author =
(select json_array_grp(json_object(authorfn FIRSTNAME, authorln LASTNAME)) 
  from xsampall2 where isbn = xj2.isbn);

Voilà !

Specifying a JSON table Encoding

An important feature of JSON is that strings should in UNICODE. As a matter of facts, all examples we have found on the Internet seemed to be just ASCII. This because UNICODE is generally encoded in JSON files using UTF8 or UTF16 or UTF32.

To specify the required encoding, just use the data_charset CONNECT option.


  1. The value n can be 0 based or 1 based depending on the base table option. The default is 0 to match what is the current usage in the Json world but it can be set to 1 for tables created in old versions.
  2. See for instance: and
  3. This will not work when CONNECT is compiled embedded


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