Comments - Connect to Excel

10 years, 2 months ago Artur Pritzkau

Now i could create the table, but if i select the table then come the follwing error:

SQL Fehler (1296): Got error 174 '[Microsoft][ODBC-Treiber für Excel] Das Microsoft Access-Datenbankmodul konnte das Objekt 'Sheet1' nicht finden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Objekt vorhanden ist und dass die Namens- und Pfadang' from CONNECT

In the Excel sheet exist a table with the name Sheet1. What's wrong?

10 years, 1 month ago Olivier Bertrand

Difficult to answer without more details about the Excel file and the way your table was created. If this is possible, send me the Excel file and the create table specification to:

[email protected]

I shall look at it to see what is the problem.

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